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Daiablo JR




Player ID: 96809
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Regeneration : 6
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 11
Initiative : 1
Defence : 4
Attack : 11
Power : 2
Luck : 1
Principle of Light = 29
Darkness Principle = 27
Principle of Balance = 34
Time Principle = 19
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Battle stats
Won: 102 | Lost: 115
Honor: 5024
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I walk alone and ask myself what a devil is doing in a place like this. i look around i see people fighting one anothere for no reason at all. The powerfull people useing the weak as a tool and slave to thier own will. I CANT TAKE THIS NO MORE. why does one have to submitte to anothere. Why canrt we just be free as the air we breath. Why is there broder in the land of man. Werent we born free. Let unity and fight. letz take a stand and fight for one last time \"FOR FREEDOM.\" join me in our quest for freedom. i not telling you to stand behind me but to stand wid me and unity for one last fight *Charge together* FREEEEEDOM
Some of my creatures
Aramor Assassin Hammer of Daiablo Shield of Daiablo

Dont hate, apprecaiate, before itz to late :3 an gonna be the king

Page 434 - Tales of The Cube
Everybody looks shocked at the old man that prepares to walk away. "But but ... you wanted to know about all this; you started the story.." Junior looks confused. "And, I have heard all I wanted to know." The image gets blurry, and everybody looks at each other confused, trying to remember why they stood gathered there in circle. After a while, they all split up, still trying to remember what it was. Some mumble about an old man, but none can recall what happened exactly. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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