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Player ID: 187697
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 5
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 7
Initiative : 1
Defence : 4
Attack : 8
Power : 1
Luck : 1
Principle of Enthropy = 43
Principle of Cyclicity = 42
Principle of Balance = 45
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Battle stats
Won: 53 | Lost: 50
Honor: 949
MindPower: 3
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My Name Is Dariea

Born Day 143 Year 5 at 05:39:45 at RavensHold in the Astral Plain in the home of Phantasm and Sagewoman.

Mommy adopted aranna2008 so he's my big brother!

Day 150 Year 5 Develops a black mist when angry and levitates. Eyes become like Light.

Day 173 Year 5

I keep finding rocks in my shoe. I found a shiny black one first at the broken gate with a mask, then one at the Gazebo near Bob, then one at the Fish Fountain, then one at the park. All of them in my shoe! Now I found a white stone in my shoe when I stopped at the tree called Bob. Don't know why. I'm gonna give them to my Daddy.

 Day 191 Year 5  I did it! I defeated that second guard at Jack Willows Shop! I didn't have enough vp to get the chakra dagger though.

Found another black stone in my shoe at Aunty Windy's Pub! I think my shoes must be magical or something.

Day 263 Year 5 I gave the necklace of black and white stones to King Firsanthalas. I made it for daddy but I can't never find him!

After giving the King the necklace, I found a shiny red stone in my shoe! We were at the entrance to Loreroot where those stubborn guards are. I did beat that Shade Gel at the fork in the road though!

Day 273 Year 5 Found another red stone in my shoe today. This one has a green speck of glass in the middle! Pretty! I found it at the Path of Lonliness where that tree named Bob lives. I made a choker and gave it to that pretty dead lady named Peace.

Day 283 Year 5 Found a pretty green stone in my shoe in front of Gates of Ages. Some man named Miq was there.

Day 299 Year 5 The Hidden Exit is open! This lady was talking at the Gates that Howl about it and was taking this boy to show him. I wonder if that King First..something knows?

Day 297 year 6

I just woke up and found I have been asleep way too long. My dress was so short and tight and my shoes hurt my feet something awful! I went to Marind Bell Park and suddenly this lady was talking to me in my head and it wasn't my Mom! Wow! I have a Grandmother and her name is Earth Mother! Why didn't Mom tell me? Anyways, it appears I grew in body and time while I was asleep. I am 9 yrs old! Grandma Earth taught me that I have the power to summon living organisms and  before I knew it, grass and vines crawls over me, torn what was left of my dress, and now I got some neat leggings and a top! No shoes. Hurray! I think I need a new photo now. The one below is the 5 yr old me. Now...time to train!

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Some of my creatures

 Assumptions of who I am and what I will do.

Know It Alls


Pebbles in my shoes

Empty stomach

Page 248 - The Shade Ballance - Ren., Sm.
Renavoid pauses in his writings to look up when the conspirators begin passing through his office from the private balcony out into the rest of the Archives. SmartAlekRJ pauses next to the Master Archivist. "It is time. We ride now. I trust your pen shall account the events?" A smirk, "I trust your drachorns won't fail to make the events accountable?" RJ snorts and runs from the room. "CHAARRGGE!" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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