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Mr Mystery
Kalon Ordona II
Hawk Eyes
Kall Sundash




Player ID: 189181
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 120
Energetic immunity : 114
Trade sense : 22
Briskness : 162
Initiative : 94
Defence : 613
Attack : 785
Power : 114
Luck : 47
Herbalism : 0
Volition : 4
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 840
Darkness Principle = 448
Element Principle = 299
Principle of Light = 1094
Time Principle = 1119
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Battle stats
Won: 311 | Lost: 429
Honor: -699
MindPower: 5
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My name is Fate

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I have lived many centuries, I know this now as I spend my nights atop this new found refuge known as the paper cabin, and deep in the underground beside the abandoned Chaos Gazebo. My thoughts swirl in my mind more clearly then anywhere else. In my solitude images from my many years of life come flooding back in vague images. Who or What am I? Here is a short list of the things I am certain of myself since landing in this strange new realm.  

1. I look up at the skies and feel as if they are where I truly belong but also i see the flowing waters and imagine myself at home striding along there.

2. I know that I was alive at some point during the middle ages of the previous realm i inhabited but i took a much different form I remember scales and fire and darkness.

3. My name is Darigan. My name is Fate as it is in my hands that life itself has placed the burden of discovering the futures of this new realm. My choices effect everything around me in most interesting ways.   

Since coming to this realm I've made many friends and discover many secrets also discovering more about myself... The journey ahead is a long and bumpy road but I walk it without fear or regret. Day 90 Year 

5: My 18th day here in this realm and so much has already happened I must catch up I have found love! I met the most amazing woman, an empath named Mya Celestia and she is more amazing then any gift a man or dragon could ask for. She is beautiful graceful, and simply divine. She has taken my heart and become my desire. Though there is darkness in her eyes from past suffering, I have given her a ring and a promise that I will never abandon her. I wish to have her by my side and in my arms and a future together.

At the end of the last month a competition began which I had not heard of in any of my memories. The Heads Contest is a 2-3 day quest to gain heads defeating others and bagging their heads as your own. note that at first i was not at all interested in this competition as I saw myself as still too young to compete. With that being said during the late hours of the end of the first day of the contest I came upon an idling warrior with well over 200 heads and easily defeated him propelling myself on to the leader board and quickly gaining a top spot, and this is where my newset adventure began. As I battled through 3 grueling days to stay above the fray and keep my position I was finally granted with the prize I'd fought so hard for 4th place in the HC at my skill level, and while 4th place may not seem much to some I was only 10 days old at the time of winning.

I have completed the trials before me and after much study and days of training have defeated the mighty guardian trees of Loreroot and gained entrance into the land that is now my homeland where I will lay my own roots and a life full of promise with the woman I love.

I have Proposed to Mya and shes accepted!

We were married in a grand wedding at the top of Ravenhold. Firsanthalas presided and many of our friends attended the ceremony including an appearance from the long gone Calyx of Isis.

However the day after our beautiful wedding Mya was murdered by an assassin and her soul floated above her lifeless body at the Gazebo of Equilibrium. Time passed as I and others struggled to find the answers to the ever growing puzzle of who murdered my wife and why.

It was soon discovered that a devious Necrovion named Ivorak had been sent to kill Mya on the orders of the sour grapefruit Pamplemousse as revenge for a lack good judgment on my part. Mya's body was returned to loreroot and the strength of the living forest rejuvenated her life as the light of the torches burned around the great tree of Ravenhold. 

Soon the battle lines were drawn and as the two sides gathered their forces a battlefield was chosen and the fight was had in the end the forces of justice prevailed vanquishing the murderer and his supporters in defeat.

Now I wish to move on and enjoy my life with my renewed wife...but all is not well as it seems death has had some adverse aftereffects on her being. Woe to the day that life shall return to normal. 


A picture of Mya and I

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Some of my creatures
Elemental V BloodPact Dark Archer III BloodPact Dark Archer II Day Dreamer Rustgold Combat Drachorn Anarchy Angien Master Lorerootian Archer Majestic Winderwild Master Sharptear Count Drago

People I've eaten...and the results

SwordMasterTrey- The first to be eaten for testing the word of a dragon, tasted delightful yet I was forced to release him as a request from Mya

Kyphis the Bard- Done as a dare at the Inn, tasted fine but the flavor was fleeting as he teleported from my stomach soon after....poor guy

SilverBlades- Third to be eaten during t&d at the Inn...wasn't done as a dare just felt hungry, He tasted awful and cut his way from my stomach soon afterwards....must remember to chew but bleh.....

Flamewarrior- Oblivious to the obvious wished to test my nerves, tasted like spicy chicken...with fur.....needed salt, also cut himself a hole in my stomach to escape....seriously must remember to chew next time

Zalabar- Tested my patience smacking me around til i ate him and chewed him to pieces as he went down...sadly another meal that didn't last long charged electricity inside the stomach of a water dragon is not a good combination.

The Great Pashweetie-Had too much to drink and got a tad out of hand. Next time perhaps he'll hold his tongue.

Seigheart-He poked me....and I was hungry

Yala Sviseusen-At some point I could have sworn I'd never eat women nor one of my own alliance, but I suppose in the end when your pushed and pushed to the point of annoyance there's only so much that can be said..,she ppunched me in the nose during a dispute so I ate her...then was subject to the wonder 3 days of gag reflex.

DARK DEMON-His large mouth finally got the best of him, and my nerves, so far the only one to stay down for an extended period of time, 5 minutes before finding his sword  and cutting through my stomach.



CrazyMike (1189k)
*dst* (854k)
Shemhazaj (595k)
nadrolski (485k)
No one (167k)
Nera (118.5k)
Metal Bunny (71k)
Miq (57.5k)
adiomino (56k)
AeonWolfX (48k)
apophys (38.5k)
rylailina (32k)
Redd (26.75k)
Nylah Raynen (23.5k)
WhiteReaper (20k)
Sephirah Caelum (16k)
Luinir (14.25k)
Sharazhad (14k)
KongSan (13.5k)
Kon Von Graves (12.25k)
Witch Wannabe (11k)
Lozober (10.75k)
Tipu (8.25k)
nukerextreme (7.75k)
Eviljimbo (7.25k)
Kyphis (7k)
XinHun (5k)
Mysteria Blue (3k)
Knox (2.5k)
Darkfire1735 (2.5k)
MuunLeit (2k)
sound (1.75k)
Undercover Joe (0.5k)
Adam Icepheonix (0k)
Windy (0k)
taylorfox (0k)
Aeoshattr (0k)
*Sagewoman* (0k)
Nimrodel (0k)
Epi Quizon (0k)
Emerald Arcanix (0k)
Hara Rei (0k)
junejune (0k)
Brad Wilk (0k)


Join my adepts and worshipers. I gladly serve them with aid and am around quite often.

Morath de Kracanamon
Mr Mystery
Falen Angel
Ben Kaughtstealin
Magnus VOX
Lady Tygara
Hawk Eyes
Mysteria Blue
Arion Ibruson
Shadow Mystic
Sephirah Caelum
Brad Wilk
Eagle Eye
Fyrd Argentus
Kall Sundash
Sadron NaiThar

Page 247 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Khalazdad feels what he seeks drawing closer. "I can still do this. I must find the woman, and bring her with me.." Feeling a new energy, he swiftly sends word for the woman, and walks toward the House of Liquid Dust to meet his fate head on. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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