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Lord Chad




Player ID: 57019
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Regeneration : 52
Energetic immunity : 57
Trade sense : 31
Briskness : 50
Initiative : 39
Defence : 190
Attack : 296
Power : 67
Luck : 15
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Balance = 355
Principle of Light = 469
Darkness Principle = 29
Principle of Imagination = 335
Element Principle = 62
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 620 | Lost: 609
Honor: 2315
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Things I have experienced...

Things I have experienced... 

-Teleported with .SimplyZero. to a location and having him steal my Vital Energy

-*Raven47* cast a spell on me to speak in animal tongue

-Learned a magic spell to which has come in handy once and a while.

-I have seen the lands of Loreroot, Marind Bell, No Man's Land, Golemus Golemicarum, and Necrovion.

-Found/won some spell docs.

-The loss of a good friend to the dark side.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Master of Puppets Water Daimon III Majestic Winderwild Bad Ass Claus Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer Knator War Master Master Lorerootian Archer Walking Tree

Odds and Ends...

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).




I was born in a distant land very far from Magic Duel. If one could relate it to anything, I would say it looks like the lands of Loreroot but the forests were smaller there and spread out in bunches. No humans or other races lived in this area. I lived with my family there until my teenage years when a foul plague was brought upon us. A group of unknown Riders sweeped through our town using magic that I\'ve never seen before. I stood there in awe and dismay watching the world I grew up in burn to the ground. A group of us were escorted into the inner chambers of the Library of Magic, which was normally restricted. Eledorne, our town Librarian and Magic Keeper was frantically flipping through pages as the Riders were breaking down the door to the Library. Eledorne casted a massive teleportation spell in attempts to get a group of us into another alley town in hopes to alarm them. An arrow found it\'s way through the door and hit our Magic Keeper, piercing his arm in mid-cast. The next thing I saw was a searing bright light followed by vague outlines of what looked to be a small interior cabin made of...paper?....what? . In my last moments before I passed out, at that point I knew only one thing...the spell went horribly wrong...


I awoke from a dream, or at least that is what I thought. I opened my eyes after rubbing them to find that I was still living it.



My spellbook has many magical things about it...

-It floats behind me visible or invisible.

-You not only need a physical key to open it but the book senses its master and knows who to open for.

-The book has an ability to shield its master when attacked. ==========================================================

You must always attack from behind! ;)

Page 162 - The Shade Ballance - Ren. Kn.
A big powerfull creature storms Renavoid's office door. The power of the creature can be observed both by its body but also by its eyes. "Oh, its you, next time please knock, look what you've done, now i need a new door!" Ren goes upset back to his desk, picks some papers and gives them back to the huge creature. "Here there are, please return them to Loreroot command, this is all i can do for you, now leave. ... and please try not to ruin the building on your way out!" ... With a furious look the creature replies "You are lucky my mission is not to kill insolent humans". "Come one, don't forget who i am, try to controll your beastly insincts, please, now leave." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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