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Dawns Sage
Player ID: 109178
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Regeneration : 16
Luck : 12
Energetic immunity : 17
Trade sense : 9
Briskness : 15
Initiative : 12
Defence : 18
Attack : 24
Power : 14
Royal Guard
Transposition Principle = 35
Principle of Balance = 32
Principle of Light = 35
Element Principle = 39
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Battle stats
Won: 132 | Lost: 154
Honor: 1901
MindPower: 4
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Dawns Journey..
 I stood at the edge of the cliff watching the scene below me. Any other night the moons silver touch illuminating the waves as they hit the shore would have been a remarkable sight. Tonight however the scene before me was one of murder and ignorance. I watched as they set a small raft alight before pushing it out to sea. As if to crush me the wind carried the sounds of the jeering crowd and mothers screams to me. I looked down to the small child in my arms who buried herself into me as the cold tormented her pale skin. "How could one as small as you incite such hatred?"
Her newborn snores failed to answer my question but they did warm my rapidly freezing heart. As the flames died down I said goodbye to mother and condemned the villagers she had been sent to protect. For many decades mother had protected them, sent by the gods to keep the darkness away a role i was meant to inherit. A role i would now take elsewhere.
"snuff out the light of the ancients. Let darkness take its place Savagery will be rewarded to demons I leave your fate"
 As I started my journey Mothers last words to me tormented my mind. \"Take this child and run. Save her from them and herself."
 Chapter 1.
 It had been 16 years since that night. I never forgot how I had let my anger tempt me into condemning those people or how my actions awoke the demon half of me I never knew was there. The part of me that whispers in my head taunting my angel blood with its perversities and blood lust. The beast would have pushed me to insanity if it were not for young Cara (named after my mother). I long ago learned to keep the child close to me for her opal eyes strike fear into the demon keeping it quite, freeing me.
I had watched Cara grow into a beautiful young woman, Her auburn curls flowed to her tender waist catching the suns rays, as well as the attention of every young male that saw her. Though many discarded her when they saw her blindness. How could they know that while those eyes would never look upon the world the way we do, she could see so much more. At the tender age of five she told me I could not hide the dark mark she was born with or the future it painted from her. She explained how she could see inside and read people like picture books, seeing things that even they could not know.
I started to cry as she told about my lineage (beginnings mother had kept from me). My mother an angel raped by demons when she took the vow to protect that place, protected me by allowing the demons their pleasure to stop them from taking me and fulfilling the destiny the fates had written for me.
Some of my creatures
Hollow Warrior Grasan II Aramor Assassin

Page 494 - Seeds Of The East
A very familiar voice coming from everywhere welcomes them. "Here you are , as you wished. I don't know why you wanted to be here and risked so much for this trip, but its your choice." Liberty walks with his hands spread hoping to find the invisible Mur. "Stop behaving like a child, we have work to do! I will summon Handy Pockets, untill Awiiya is back, she is the best seeds expert we have. Now be silent or you will alert the shades!" Lib puts the hands down and looks like a guilty child to the ground. After a few moments his eyes pop out "SEEEEDS?? but ..but...what seeds?" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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