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Player ID: 221109
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Regeneration : 22
Energetic immunity : 32
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 34
Initiative : 15
Defence : 61
Attack : 76
Power : 10
Luck : 7
Herbalism : 2
Volition : 26
Cartography : 3
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Element Principle = 43
Principle of Imagination = 109
Transposition Principle = 79
Principle of Balance = 13
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Battle stats
Won: 330 | Lost: 474
Honor: 3374
MindPower: 4
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Dolomich, reality explorer

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Dolomich is a very calm person. He's also discrete and observant, but he is very open to speak and that even with people he don't agree with. He got a strong critical spirit and always try to reconsider himself. He like to drink and have fun, and he always see the half-full glass.

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Dolomich was a common man, living a boring life with nothing unusual at all. Even if he aspired to something more exciting, the flow of his life was nothing than a wide and peacefull river. This, until the find that changed his life. Wandering in some abandoned warehouse to take pictures, he found, under the remains of some kind of flea market, a crushed top hat. The young man decided to keep it, but what he didn't know was that this hat was cursed : all those wear it will slowly loose their mind without even noticing it. His view of life totally changed until this day, and everything became an inspiring source of reflexion.The hat almost never leaved his head.Going deeper and deeper in his philosophical reasoning, one idea began to emerge and fascinate him.


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 He was convinced that multiples realities spheres exists together at the same time and space. One can't belong to several simultaneously, but he theorically can change as much as he want. More and more fascinated by this idea, Dolomich decided to change his own reality, whatever the cost. With all his will and fertile imagination, and the yearning of knowledge, he focused for days and night on his new purpose. Nothing happened. Nothing seemed to change. But his determination was so strong that he continued, pushed by his blurred spirit, refusing the mental statement which said it was impossible : after all, this statement was based on what he knew so far, on the exact physical rules that he was trying to escape from : all his knowledge was based on his actual reality, and to manage to change it, you must free your mind from this knowledge... and accept something new. Then, starving and out of strenght, he slowly lost awareness. When he got up, he was in a warm and welcoming cabin, full of scrolls of all size...
Some of my creatures
Full-grown Winderwild Elite Knator Elite Lorerootian Archer Water Daimon I Grasan II Animated Tree III Unholy Priest II

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Hate is a thing I don't want to feel, because hating someone is giving more energy and so reality to the part of him that you dislike.

Love strengthen the reality of the part of people that you like.  

Our thoughts shape the world 


Each can choose to love or to love and hate, and change his part of the universe.
Or he can avoid the question to don't have to question himself...

Page 192 - A Freezing Firestarter
A passing herd of Young Ones happen to trample the sticks Phrog was trying to ignite, and he begins to wander with a log in hand, seeking a place of peace. A towering, broken windmill looms just ahead of him, though he does not notice it. His eyes are lost, searching for the inner spark to drive his flames. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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