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Player ID: 200350
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 36
Energetic immunity : 56
Trade sense : 21
Briskness : 47
Initiative : 19
Defence : 58
Attack : 130
Power : 19
Luck : 9
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Balance = 61
Principle of Syntropy = 88
Transposition Principle = 35
Element Principle = 35
Principle of Cyclicity = 34
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 685 | Lost: 809
Honor: -102
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Quest Workings

Working on newbies quest but got stuck at the Gazebo of Equilibrium, not tried much yet as no prizes 11/10/10

Working on the Shadow Army Quest - first one killed 11/10/10

Working on the Lost Path Quests but not doing very well yet ......... none solved as of 13/09/10 or 11/10/10.

Aramour Quest

Found him, got his message but can't work out the anagram - 1 try so far post the aramour bit

Potted Plant Quest

Found the plant, and the next bit, stuck in the kitchen - 3 attempts so far

Small Stone Quest

Found stone, got incantation, went to right place, now stuck - 1 attempt

Wishing Well Quest

Started it and then promptly forgot where the well was *rolling eyes* - 1 attempt

Small Plant Quest

Still not found the plant - 2 attempts

Plant now found and spoken to, *scratches head* what to make of the text that ensues? - 3rd attempt

Fountain with Beetle  Quest

Still not found - 1 attempt

Cricket Quest

Found the cricket, threw the coins, headed east and gave the names of the 34 fish mentioned elsewhere - no luck *cries* - 1st attempt

Dark Shadow Quest

Found the place, unsure what to make of what was said - 1 attempt

Many thanks to Fyrd for the challenges.

Please note that I am NOT asking for help, nor will give any, that's the fun of it!

And for anyone wondering ..... I name myself after the cute, but rare, British dormouse, not the one in the film so please do NOT ask me if I've met the Mad Hatter - have you met Alice?! *giggles*




Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III Knator War Master Majestic Winderwild Elemental V Master Lorerootian Archer Walking Tree Chaos Archer Unholy Priest II Dark Archer III Hollow Warrior

None - life's too short!

DM likes to help others when she can - but not give away clues to puzzles and quests if she knows them.  She's quietly scurrying around MD trying to learn as much as she can and wants to know all about the different lands before deciding on which one to make her home - somewhere with some nice healthy trees preferably!

11th October 2010

I became a proud citizen of Loreroot and waking up in my new home covered in lots of autumnal foliage was a delight - I felt at home straight away!

3rd November 2010

Transition to MP5 begins (Day 64)

MP5s who attack in Marble Dale Park without asking:

Agis Asticles


November 21st 2010 - Finished the story for the last time, day 83.

15th December 2010

Wonders why Marble Dale Park isn't used as a sparring ground for MP5s like it is for MP3s and MP4s *scratches head*

22nd December 2010

Struggling a bit with MP5 and hitting negative honour in the name of increasing stats.  Wonders how to start using magic and longs for her home in Loreroot. *looks whistfully*

29th December 2010

Now finding MP5s who can give me positive honour

Mighty Pirate





Rendril Revant



13th January 2011

Day 129 Joined the Guardians of the Root alliance *smiles*

Page 536 - A Debt Repaid
Princ Rhaegar quickens his step across the cobblestone path of Marind's Bell. He is nervous, wary of shadows and sudden movement, knowing a reaper is after him. There is only so much he can do to keep himself protected, and his options are running out. Exhaustion is only a matter of time, and Rheagar knows that's when his enemies will strike. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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