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anders celsius
Jamey Roberts




Player ID: 198736
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 281
Energetic immunity : 333
Trade sense : 231
Briskness : 239
Initiative : 258
Defence : 405
Attack : 525
Power : 122
Luck : 117
Volition : 153
Cartography : 68
Mining : 57
Waterhandling : 57
Finesse : 57
Herbalism : 57
Woodcutting : 57
*excavation : 54
Filtering : 0
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Darkness Principle = 55
Time Principle = 118
Principle of Enthropy = 57
Principle of Imagination = 97
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1176 | Lost: 1176
Honor: 2638
MindPower: 5

Children of the Eclipse
The oneness of your housing is at 2 %

Stranger Than Truth

(Forgive the writing. I was quite young when I wrote this and it hasn't been updated.)



I was once what you may call a… Prince, on a world called Tarthras. My father was king my mother was queen, there was only one problem: we were all demons. The world of Tarthras was a demons world, fire, lava, monsters, and even little beasts with horns we called junders. A demons paradise that’s what it was, all my clan could ever want, we were the clan of fire, the head demon clan. I was to become its leader… until I ran away.


 The slaughter


          Once there was a tribe of goblins on our world, I hate to say what my people did to them but I suppose I must. My father was a ruthless leader, he hated those goblins but he wanted an excuse to kill them. One day there was a caravan of these goblins traveling in the neutral territory. My father got word of this and decided to attack. I was told that I would be under the command of a general named MajinBuu since I was still far too young to lead a raid. And this would be my first. I was so exited to be on a raid… until I saw what we did… as we approached the caravan the goblins were startled since this was on neutral ground and therefore they had permission to travel there… in five minutes it was all over. Goblin bodies lay still bleeding on the ground. I was horrified, so I decided to leave.

The Desert

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One day I decided id have enough, enough of my father telling me that I had to become more evil, for I was not your normal demon, I did not want to harm I only wanted to protect those in need, but I was to become king of the DEMONS, how could I be good if I was a demon? So… I decided to run away!


I left that night. It was a cold night with a breeze blowing in from the west. I took the few belongings I had, and left headed towards the desert of lost souls.

        I walked for a day and a night through the desert, trying to get out of the sweltering heat, eventually I came to the middle of the desert, of course I did not know where I was at the time but now I do, I sat down trying to access the demon magic that would allow me to stay hydrated, but I was so tired that I couldn’t. I sat there for a while and eventually I started going mad with the heat. Suddenly a swarm of lost souls appeared and started circling me. As they were circling they swooped in one at a time and attacked me, I was too tired and thirsty to defend myself so eventually it became too much and I lost consciousness.



The Room

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When I awoke I was in a room lying on the floor, the only thing in this room was a stool in the middle. Since it wasn’t very comfortable on the floor I got up and sat on the stool. The instant I did an image appeared in front of me, it was me… in black armor drawing a sword made of shadow out of its sheath, in the image I saw myself raise the sword and the cabin disappeared to be replaced by a battlefield on one side was me with undead crawling up out of the ground behind me and on the other was a half elf, for some reason I new that he was me if I chose to be him, in that instant I made that choice and everything disappeared to be replaced by the cabin, except one thing was different: there was another stool in front of me and sitting on that stool was an elf. This elf eventually became my friend, as I trained with him I started to look like him, my ears grew pointy, my eyes turned from red to green, and my skin became pale. The elf told me that if I wanted to stay in this form then I had to be sealed, but the sealer must be a demon, also there was a time limit: if I did not find a sealer soon then my spirit would be released and I would become my true self bent to destroy all things living, so, days past and he trained me in the ways of nature, one day we were walking in the forest when I wasn’t looking and I hit a tree and lost consciousness.


The Paper Cabin

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I awoke in a cabin filled with scrolls and knowledge. I later learned this cabin was called “the paper cabin” because of its many scrolls. I do not know how I got to this world but I think it is a good one!

The General


          On the night that I left one person knew about it that I didn’t want to know, the general MajinBuu. He saw me leave and immediately reported it to my father. My father grew angry and told MajinBuu to follow me and bring me back… dead or alive. So Majin followed me, and is tracking me to this day. I do not know how he came to be in this world but perhaps he tracked me using my mind as a target, none the less he is here. He will track me down and bring me back at all costs.

This is what I look like:

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At least that is what I look like now, (check back often to see if there are any changes)
I have found a demon sealer! For now I am safe!
Current Sealer: Ladytwin
(Update Year 16 Day 115, the following information used to be a secret known only to a few, but due to current game mechanics it's important I put it here. Keep in mind it is difficult to find this out in character, due to reasons outlined below.)
I am incorporeal. The only part of me in this world is my soul, which was torn from my body in the desert of lost souls.
I am however, currently unaware of this fact. I am able to touch things and be touched because I believe I am able to touch and be touched. The same is true for any other physical interaction with the world. If one were to touch me without my knowledge, they would pass through me as if I were not there at all. This is also the same effect that causes my physical appearance to change based on my current mental perception of myself.
Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III Life Sapper Chaos Archer Master of Puppets Pimped Grasan Huvourer Zeus Rustgold Madhorn Reanimated Roots Pimped Grasan BloodPact Dark Archer III Skill Vampire

The Cake Eaters


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Page 108 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
After sarching the entire place, Akasha cant find any clue of where the Wizard might be. The deserted place and all the things left unattended indicate her that he left in a hurry or something even worth happened to him. While looking thru his stuff, she notices a envelope on the table , wtih HER name on it!. Inside the envelope she finds a letter, addressed to her... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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