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DragoonWarrior Isaac
Player ID: 62625
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 9
Energetic immunity : 8
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 10
Initiative : 4
Defence : 8
Attack : 12
Luck : 0
Power : 9
Element Principle = 35
Principle of Light = 36
Darkness Principle = 27
Principle of Imagination = 28
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Battle stats
Won: 123 | Lost: 123
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
True to the sword, loyal only to the field of battle. Enemies beware for my sword will strike true, my arrow will fly straight, and my shield will not break. Pray you never cross me for the reaper will come knocking.
Some of my creatures

Beware of the lies and the falsehoods of others! Any man willing to lie to benefit himself is unworthy of life. Therefore a warning to all the liars, betrayers, and deceivers should i find out that you have lied to me, know that the dead will welcome you.

Page 420 - Tales of The Cube
Time stays still at Willow Shop. Mumbling in a low voice, an old man starts to talk about some intresting things. "I will tell you a story of a cube, a cube that you all see but few know of it ". .Junior. comes closer to the man, trying to see if its madness or something else. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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