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Player ID: 173793
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4439
Energetic immunity : 4662
Trade sense : 4228
Briskness : 4339
Initiative : 4071
Defence : 14127
Attack : 10428
Power : 2454
Luck : 653
Experimentalism : 4
Herbalism : 0
Waterhandling : 0
Filtering : 0
Volition : 3
Cartography : 1
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 4000
Element Principle = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 18461 | Lost: 18461
Honor: 4945
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
...about my purpose playng the game...and other things...

Since, Windy insisted so much, i will start building my personl paper. (thanks for the impulse you gave me)

It will take me a few days or weeks to complete those papers, but, in the end, i hope it will come out fine.

So, how should i start?

In my early days in the realm i manage to to do what everyone playng this game, do: resolve some puzzle...defeating Loreloot Guardians...enter Golemus (thank you Indyra for that)...
Then, my main purpose was to build an army, not for atack, but to defence myself  when  other players atack me.
 I'm still doing that. It is an dificult task since i never invest real money to buy credits that would allow me to have powerful and special creatures. It is an dificult task because i never had alt accounts to train with (there was a time when one could to that). It is an dificult task because i don't have an Protector (i don't even  want one)....but..stop complaining :)
I think that i am on the right way...and, in time, i will become an powerful player (i am talking about defence)....
...i hope that the Adm of the game will manage to bring more players...so training will be more easy.
The game is more that the fight we all perform, and i am on my way to learn  more about that...
...i'll stop now...i will continue later..

Some of my creatures
Unholy Pope Elemental V Water Daimon III Majestic Winderwild Imperial Aramor Assassin Revolted Skill Vampire Chaos Archer BloodPact Chaos Archer Master Sharptear Walking Tree Angien Sentinel IV

...about hate...

...hating someone it will make me lose energy, that i need to play my role in this life...
...so, i think, hate it's a waste of time...
...so...no hate list..."make love not war"...:):)

Page 315 - The Inner Sun - Iam.
While reading the creature book and looking at the nice detailed artworks everything seems to become alive. Bored feels completely emerged into the descriptions and for a moment he feels himself on the Golemus Island near the Drachorn Lair, enjoying the refreshing sea breeze ad forgetting about the dark corridors he is actualy in. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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