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Player ID: 183588
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Regeneration : 15
Energetic immunity : 19
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 20
Initiative : 7
Defence : 22
Attack : 54
Power : 6
Luck : 2
Royal Guard
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 121
Principle of Cyclicity = 142
Principle of Balance = 141
Principle of Syntropy = 92
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Battle stats
Won: 463 | Lost: 468
Honor: 4978
MindPower: 4
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The Loyal Adept

 The Beating

Lost in a unfamiliar world of magic, Elochai struggles to stay alive.

Alone and scared he wanders through the forest, trying to find a decent meal for once.

But the forest reaks of terrible creatures, with the same goal as him!

Elochai comes over a dead tree, as he tries to break off a branch to use for fishing.
The tree suddently slapps him across the face with one of the branches!
Confused and scared Elochai steps back as he take another look at the tree and notices, it has a face!
Elochai thinks; "What twisted force could've done this?!"
Elochai is curious, but before he can go for a third look..
The tree uproots and chase him into a marsh!
He manages to escape the chase with his life, tired and hungry he sits down on a tree trunk to rest.
He turns around to check the envirement, and spots a funny looking figure.
It looks like an egg with some sort of person with wings in it..
Elochai grunts and thinks to himself; "HAH! Is this how angels are born? In eggs?!"
He picks up a branch and steps forward to poke the egg.
As the branch touch the egg, you see you've made a crack in it.
He bends down and puts his finger in the crack.
But before he knew what hit him the creature inside the egg hatches out and beats him senseless!

The Enlightenment

Elochai lies on the ground taking a neverending pounding from the angel.
He's thinking; "Shit, I'm going to die! ='( ".
Then all of a sudden *MasterB comes riding on anther angel!
*MasterB jumps down from his angel and pounds the angel attacking me with his staff,
and yells; "Bad Angien, Bad Angien!"
Elochai goes unconsious...But wake up as he feel an allmighty blow to the head..!
Yea...It's the staff of *MasterB!
Elochai sits up, and bows before *MasterB..
*MasterB waves his staff around and cast a healing spell of some sort..
The spell was called "something, something, enlightenment!
That spell raised Elchai's IQ to the mortal limit.
"I'll be forever in your dept Master! Make me your puny adept!"
*MasterB recognises his mistake and pound Elochai in the head with his staff,
making him just as dumb as Elochai ever was!

The Master pets Elochai on the back, and Elochai purrs like a cat!

And from that day, Elochai has been bouncing around *MasterB..
Asking all kinds of stupid and rediculous questions as he does idiotic things that
any dude with an IQ over 25 would never have done!
But *MasterB is as always very forgiving and answers every question.
But Elochai knows what the Master is capable of,
and shivers with every movement of te Master's staff!

 Now you know the tale, tell it and become an adept of *MasterB!
Then he might enlighten YOU aswell! :P

Some of my creatures
Knator War Master Elemental V Walking Tree Water Daimon III Dark Archer III Full-grown Winderwild Grasan Huvourer Hollow Warrior Angien Egg


Page 109 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
"My dear foolish Akasha. I sent you on your quest knowing that there is nothing there to find for you, i think its a small thing to do comparing to your intend to kill me. If you read this letter it means i am allready dead or the shades got me, but it also means that you returned, and i don't know wich ones story is more interesting to hear, yours or mine. If i managed to end my experiments then there is one more chance against the shades, go talk to Wodin. If i failed then you should return to the pyramid where i sent you for the Book of Principles and look for your death, because that might be the only thing to save you from the upcomming rage of the Shades. I saw great potention in you, even if you were sent against me, i do not think you have a dark soul, so even if you don't know it maybe, your path is towards light. Keep my words close as you might need them soon." Akasha takes the letter and leaves the deserted place, there is nothing else she can do there now. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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