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Player ID: 193599
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 12611
Energetic immunity : 12967
Trade sense : 9155
Briskness : 9153
Initiative : 8690
Defence : 185294
Attack : 404952
Power : 3197
Luck : 1753
Volition : 1847
Cartography : 218
Woodcutting : 199
Mining : 220
Waterhandling : 199
*excavation : 210
Herbalism : 205
Finesse : 230
Filtering : 199
Gardening : 200
Experimentalism : 221
*taming : 198
*fusioning : 203
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Silver Set
Principle of Balance = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Syntropy = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Knows how to steer large quantities of heat and assume the consequences.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 3711 | Lost: 3711
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5

Legend Speakers
(MagicDuel Archives)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %

Some day in year 5 a young warrior was wandering around No Man's Land, when he saw a strange figure far away. He was quite curious about the figure, but at the same time, he didn’t feel he should get involved with it, so was going to continue his way when the figure greeted him.
The conversation went pretty interesting, soon enough the figure revealed herself, she was Pamplemousse Ribbit, who became the young warrior's first teacher and mentor. She taught him about the mysterious world they were in and how to survive in it. Eventually she gave him a citizenship for Necrovion at his request and with that a house.
The days passed and the young warrior went to sleep, waking up in Necrovion only to discover that he was trapped. He searched for an exit, wondering how he got there. After a while he was escorted out by the Death Patrol with just a warning for trespassing. The young warrior noticed that 10 years had passed and his teacher was absent, and so was his citizenship.
Months passed while the warrior was polishing his skills and on day 118 Year 16, Fyrd Argentus offered him a new job with a new role within the MDA - to strengthen the reopening of the alliance “Legend Speakers” and with that a new home. The young warrior became the Bailiff of his alliance, tasked with the protection of his fellow allies members. Now always impartial and neutral, he imposes order within the Archives, forcing transgressors to behave…

Some of my creatures
Pure Elemental Tamed Reindrach Water Daimon III Angien Sentinel IV Madhorn Rustgold Madhorn Insurrect Shade Tainted Angien IV Chaos Archer BloodPact Chaos Archer Angien Sentinel II

Black List:

1. Ledah

2. Granos

3. Eon



Page 151 - The Shade Ballance - Ren. Mur.
"Master, here they are, the Books, as you requested ... ". "Good, now leave ...i have to think". Renavoid takes the first book and blows the dust from it "Wind ward, 1 level", then the next one "Circle of Flames, 5 levels". and the next , and the next ..... "Good, you are all here...". With his face full of sadness and concern, Ren takes his quill and beginns to write. Suddenly the door opens "Oh , one more thing, sir Mur asked me to tell you the books should not leave the Archives." Renavoid raises from the table "LEAVE!! DO NOT DISTURB ME!!!" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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