The Seekers of Enlightenment (Marind Bell)
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the Emerald Srcolls
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Emerald Arcanix Seeker of Self Who am I?
My name is Emerald Arcanix. I was born is this real some
good days ago, empty and confused. Fearing the world around me like a new born
fears the world that awaits him out of his mother womb. Feeling fear and
saking, for i did not know, i did not understand this new and facinating world.
Fearing the unknown.
I found myself alone and naked, empty of all, even devoid of
soul. For what is an empty soul? Just a raw material that aways to be shaped by
our actions and decisions. How cruel and maddeing this new world is to new
spirits born here. To be pitted agains the unknow and to learn fear and dread
stading face to face with something terrible and yet beeing unable to not feel
a certain beauty about this moving clouds of darkness, even if is the beauty of
a well executed killing blow.
battlefield I shall be
find myself, to find me
And so i wondered the plains and cities of this new chaotic
world, trying to learn as i moved from place to place, trying to understand.
Hoping, to find what i desired most. To find that wich can feel the emptyness
of my soul, to my myself. How cruel the irony of fate even here, to be alble to
ask and learn about all others and all the secrets of the world, yet to not be
able to learn who i am. I was asked why my name is so. I do not know, i came to
me as natural as it was to speak or fight in this realm. But can a name define
who i am, what i am? I can drop a sand of light in the darkness yes, yet all i
can show are shadows, so many shadows, so many unanswered questions. Fear,
doubt, confusion, the crushing force of my own impotence swirling in a vortex
of maddness, tearing my soul apart.
can choose what you shall be
darkness spoke to me
Will my own actions in this realm shape me? Will my decision
tell me who i am? Can those who i will befriend paint my soul? Can i beat fate
and find myself?
wanderer in darkness and despair i must be
find that witch defines me.
What am I? we all have a choice
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Some of my creatures
the Emerald Srcolls
Lord Byron
She Walks In Beauty She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impair'd the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent!
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Marind Bell Poem
Bell's the Capitol, With open arms it welcomes all, Willow's Walk and Angien Hall, Home of raucous Carnival, Come see!
Struck by grandeur, bathed in light, Moved to laugh or moved to fight, Clothed in metal, wielding might, Enjoying Life with great delight, You'll be!
We are the gate to the MDA, Champions fight or come to play, Seat of mystery, some would say, We'll hold the blight of shades at bay, You'll see!
But do not think us all a Saint For even Angiens have a taint Paradise for sure this ain't And rosey view I would not paint For Thee!
Now peace is fleeting like the frost By wars this land we did exhaust And murder foul came with high cost For Marind's soul now wanders lost Poor she!
And ruined does the city lie Perhaps to rise yet by and by, Now truth it is so hard to spy But don't despair and do not sigh, I plea!
We guardians of a lost city Find strength in our diversity Marind's Folk in league, you see, Champions of adversity We'll be.
The Winderwild on graceful wing, And Scout of Air, both news will bring, While many Birds of cheer all sing, Of winged tower and noble King, From tree!
Heretic Archers by our side Speak truth to all and never lied For truth to show and never hide Is what you'll seek if here abide With me!
Angiens flare beside the shrine And Elementals form a line Here by a lake of tears of brine This is the home that I'd call mine With thee!
poem made by Fyrd Argentus
Seekers of Enlightenment poem
The Seekers of Enlightenment Find wisdom in experiment Or in historic document With old and wrinkled page.
But dusty shelves are not our lot We seek what's happened on the spot Stay-at-homes, you see, we're not How else can truth we gauge?
We climb the Champion's Challenge stair By contemplative willows fair Or raucous carnival we dare For knowledge of the sage,
Brilliant light of Angien Or silent glide of Knator's run Clever wit or Joker's fun All wonders of our age.
We seek the meaning in a look Or cryptic footnote in a book Spy bloody footprint in a brook To learn's our highest wage.
No limits to our hunt accept No stone unturned, no secret kept To dizzy heights our minds have leapt For thought observes no cage.
In sealed dome or dusty cave Mountain top or temple's nave Until we lie in dusty grave Against the dark we'll rage.
poem made by Fyrd Argentus
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
Chapter I
The Pilgrim's Path
Marind Bell is a pilgrimage, a journey. A journey that we must all take, we must all challenge the stairs of our self so that in the end we emerge better then how we were at the first step. We all start blind and helpless, inside a small cube and every step we take on the marble dales makes us move inside a bit greater cube then the last one. The trials we shall face inside Marind Bell will give us more then knowledge, will give us understanding. We move from the state of blindness to enlightenment. But knowledge is like fire, sometimes it can burn our very souls.
land of angiens, land of beauty
land of horrors, land of taint
a land of stairs and etch stair is a trial
what stairs shall you climb?
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What stair was my choise? Marind's Marble Stairs. A place serene and full of beauty when first i've seen it. But what can a blind man see? Above the twin majestic pillars Light and Shadow stand watching, ready to tear my soul apart at the first step i took toward redemption. But it is redemption what i shall find? None can see what awaits at the end of the stair. Like a warning the stairs reach ever higher behind the eyes of my tormented soul. What shall i find at the end, redemption or damnation? A blind man i was before i took the first step, the first stair, and pain opened my eyes.
The twisted and contorted bodies of my thoughts screamed in agony. Bleeding memories were drowning in liquefied pain cursing throw my soul. From the deep recesses of my mind horrors poured unto my being. I've seen my body on a field of battle, the warm blood of my enemies fill my senses with extasy. At my feet looking up stood a mutilated reflection of....myself. Everybody on the field of battle, ally and enemy alike wore my face.
Chapter II
The Stair of Madness
They say every pilgrimage begins with a single step, every
war begins with a single fired bullet, a great cathedral with a single stone
trown into the fundation. If everything begins so easy, how did madnes was born into
me. What action defined its shape, what thought was his cradle, what memory his
seed. My mind became an uterus and the abys is growing inside it. I should run
away, I should hide and cry for help, I should fight. I am filled with thoughts
that look at me with blood infused eyes, poised to strike, howling, fangs and
claws tearing at my sanity. I should feel fear. I plunge into my abys. The
strings of sanitygive way one by one. I
can see deep inside the worms devouring my self, a festering self. The graves
are open and demons rise.
Darkenss covers me, its filling me inside, a black
night devoures all. I should feel fear, I should cry for help. The embrace of
the darkness its like the embrace of a lover, its worn and comforting, makes
pleasure cusing throw my veins. Come to me my demons, came to me my darkness,
came to me my lover. I am yours. The sweet blood of madnes virginity is
covering my inner self. It filles my senses, burns my skin, I hear its
promising wispers of pleasure, its smell is intoxicating and blood never looks
better then now, on my skin and lips. How can soo my pleasure be called madnes?
How can you try and take it away from me? I have seen then my self, my other
self, remnants of a past life trying to fight its way to my lover and take her
away from me. I put him cains to see me make love with madnes, maybe he will
understabd but he did not. i look deep into his eyes, my eyes, as I plunged the
sword of madnes into his heart, my heart. Blood poored forth, sweet, exciting
blood. Madnes is my lover and blood is our afrodisiac. The next pleasure
Chapter III Stair of longing
nights, nights of lonlynes and desire…desire to feel the soft skin under my
fingeres, the intoxicating andfull of
promises smell of a woman, the soft hair with its own symphony of flavors…the
sweet taste of a woman, soft and warm…a soft breath on my skin, te sensation of
her warm body on my skin to tell me goodnight, or a wisper born on the waves of
her skin on her pilgrimage to my lips promising a night full of stars.
like this came to leave a tributeto my tortured soul…every thought like an iron
reded in fire to make a new stigma, every thought brings a new sweet and
alluring torture, the night is cold and naked, no stars, no blink of hope. The
bed is a big empty island in a sea of loneliness and the blankets are just waves
crashing upon me…she, warm and silken just beyond my reach…just beyond the horizont.
When did I lose myself in her? Something
so small as a Lady Bug has became my blessing and my curse.
Page 344 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
Confused, but curious, No One stands and looks around. The sky appears to have been painted with jewels. The moon appears large, emitting a soft, iridescent light that illuminates the whole of the surrounding land. No One is in awe at the scene unfolding before him. As he looks of into the distance, he sees another, strange light. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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