Regeneration : |
3 |
Energetic immunity : |
0 |
Trade sense : |
-1 |
Briskness : |
4 |
Initiative : |
-1 |
Defence : |
1 |
Attack : |
2 |
Power : |
0 |
Luck : |
0 |
Time Principle |
= 36 |
Darkness Principle |
= 9 |
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Medusa\'s amulet quest |
How to enter into Loreroot ? I don\'t know, there are always two guards who prevent me to enter and i am too afraid to ask them something or affront them !!
But yesterday i saw a curious event with these guards. It seems they allow person to go into Loreroot only if they give them the right answer to their question...
One shade sitting, hidden, near these guards was also here to see what\'s happening.
At one moment, Nelya is in front of these guards when they ask her: \"six\", and Nelya answer them \"Three\". The guards open the door and Nelya enter in Loreroot! Immediatly after appears Savelfuser and the guards ask: \"Twelve\". Savelfuser, very afraid, answer \"Six\" and enter also in Loreroot! The Shade, by hearing this, decided to forward, sure of the answer! The Gurads ask at the Shade: \"Fourteen\" and he answers \"seven\" but he was very unluky...the Guards killed him!
I dont know why, i will answer the same thing as the shade, perhaps u can help me and tell me what was supposed to answer the Shade to enter into Loreroot !!
Thanks for your help !
Send me the answer by pm.... U have only 2 tries ;) Good luck
P.S. If you will give me the right answer, .Eden. will give you the inner doc as reward!
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Some of my creatures |
Page 468 - The Traveler |
The orb starts to move eastward, deeper into the dark land. Several humans follow it, some can see it, others can see just a disturbance in the air, but even so they follow it. It is as if their minds are cleared, they feel no panic, no fear, but also they are not very calm. Alerted by a sorrowful feeling, the current leader of the Necrovion army, Peace, hastes to see it. ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |