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Player ID: 199317
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 11
Energetic immunity : 13
Trade sense : -1
Briskness : 26
Initiative : 22
Defence : 30
Attack : 38
Power : 13
Luck : 2
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 40
Principle of Enthropy = 56
Time Principle = 26
Darkness Principle = 41
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Battle stats
Won: 144 | Lost: 196
Honor: 4998
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Born by the two clashing forces of the world, Epic Win and Epic Fail, Epic was the twenty-seventh chosen one who kept equality between the forces of Win and Fail. Reuniting to create Epic, Epic Win and Fail both knew that if they didn't create something that would stop one force from becoming too powerful, they would destroy all of existence. Given skills that could take life and skills that could give life, Epic made a fantastic array of monsters, including Aramors, Scouts, Trees and Knators. Forced to hold this position of eternal watchman, Epic rebelled against this massive responsibility and gathered an army of creatures that he had made. He and his army marched unto the forces of his parents, and with it, started a war that would last for centuries. Troops fell, time passed and generations died, until only Epic, Epic Win and Epic Fail were left standing. Together, they sealed Epic away into a large ball of elements, fire coated the inside while earth and water compressed and trapped him.

Inside the elemental jail, Epic's power was taken away. The flames never went out, and Epic was continuously burnt. With every regeneration, Epic was healed, but within seconds, he was burnt again. Years that felt like moments passed, before finally Epic found a minute crack in the fiery walls. At every regeneration, Epic clawed at the crack, right before he was burnt.   Within many years, Epic had widened the crack enough so that he could fight through. Away from the flames, Epic easily dug himself out of his earth surroundings. He soon had arrived at a great expanse of water, and after a long swim, he made his way out of that, too. As Epic broke out of the water, he touched an electric field surrounding the jail. Knocking him out, the high voltage also scarred his left arm, leaving a large cut.

Epic awoke to find himself inside a paper cabin. Instructions were given to him on a long scroll on the floor of the cabin. Reading the instructions, he followed the road to an Aramory, where he recruited a few creatures. On his way back to the paper cabin, Epic encountered a shade. Attacking it, the shade was quickly dispatched.

Epic noticed a hidden road leading away from the paper cabin. Intrigued, he followed it. Soon enough, he arrived at the Marble Dale Park. Two armored guardians denied him entrance to Willow's shop. Angered, Epic attacked the guardians, easily defeating the first one. The second one, though, was too strong. She defeated all of Epic's creatures and left him dazed.
Vowing to return, Epic moved on and found a shop that sold more creatures. Recruiting them, Epic entered Wind's Sanctuary and found an armor shop. Buying all that he could, he returned to the second guardian and attacked her. After a tough battle, Epic defeated her and gained entry to Willow's shop.

Leaving Marble Dale Park, Epic arrived at two tree guardians, that appeared to be hallucinations. Overhearing someone say that you had to complete the Berserker's Puzzle before entering, Epic traveled back to the paper cabin for instructions.

At the paper cabin, Epic found two scrolls about hallucinations and Pi. They told him to go to the Willow's Shop after solving a puzzle. Reading them thoroughly, Epic searched around for a contraption detailed in the Pi scroll. Eventually, Epic found it. Hours later, Epic finally understood how it went and solved it. A scream was heard somewhere at the park.

Moving quickly to the park, Epic noticed that a pathway led deep down below the ground. Cautiously entering, Epic followed the tunnel to find a plant hanging off the cavern wall. It was nightshade. Grabbing some, Epic returned back up to the park. Searching around for the person who screamed, Epic found some water. Giving up, Epic went into Willow's Shop and found a vile clearly meant to mix the nightshade and water together. The potion created was one that allowed you to finally attack the tree guardians.

As Epic readied his creatures, he noticed that a few people were on the same map, all attempting to defeat the guardians. Attacking them, Epic used his strongest creatures. Despite this, Epic failed, and lost. Asking around, Fyrd Argentus told him that the guardians strength were also their weakness.
Fyrd also asked Epic if he wanted to become his adept. XD
Epic agreed. :)

Returning to his task at hand, Epic finally realized what Fyrd had meant. Attacking them again, he defeated them, and gained entry to Loreroot.


Some of my creatures

Epic hates nothing.

Page 45 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.
"Ignorant creatures, i shall kill them all!!!". With his soul shattered by his frustration simplyzero focuses and recalls his creatures invoking each one within a deadly ritual. With the energy of all his creatures combined he launches a storm of devastating attacks in the blackness of Necrovion fighting his imaginary enemies. For a man blinded by a fake purpose, anything can take the shape of his enemies. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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