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Eva De Vil
Player ID: 221871
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 0
Briskness : 6
Initiative : 27
Defence : 53
Attack : 56
Power : 1
Luck : 25
Principle of Imagination = 12
Principle of Balance = 11
Principle of Syntropy = 9
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Battle stats
Won: 38 | Lost: 47
Honor: 1191
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
It's all about me

She was born on a winter day and lived in a poor town on the outskirts of the forest. Normally should have died at birth because of her nature, but was miraculously saved by a warlock, after her parents have been killed. By the age of fifteen she didn’t really know what or who she was, or even if her parents or relatives were still alive. One day, while cleaning the attic she found a book with strange characters who attracted her attention from the first moment. When she opened it, a blinding light slammed her down. She spent a few days asleep, with the warlock at her head, until she was finally awoken by a mosquito. A few days later, she discovered something quite strange: her senses got sharper. For the first time, she didn’t tell the medicine man about this change, but then, after she killed an animal, the warlock figured out what had happened; he discovered the truth, but only a part of it. Finally she confessed that she was a dhampire, half human, half vampire. So she began training everyday with swords and knives given to her by the warlock, and after two years, she is almost a master in handling of weapons similar to some miniature spears.

At the age of eighteen, when she woke up, she realized that the warlock had disappeared. So…she expected him to return, but she realized that he will never return. She was alone in the middle of a forest so she started feeding on various kinds of creatures to survive. She continue to train until she discovered after a painting, a letter from the warlock, before he disappeared. The letter was written some pretty strange characters, but awfully similar to those in the book that she had found long time ago. In that day she opened that book for the second time, but this time nothing had happened. Spending few hours to read that book, she discovered what the message actually was. A warning. The warlock was still alive, that was certain, but she needed help to find him...in that letter, he told her of a way to bring him back, but for that, she need to contact one person...and yes, she WILL find him…



Some of my creatures


Page 6 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
SmartAlekRJ decides to continue to search for his dragon and enters the dark lair. He sees a mighty dragon but he is bound by tiny humans, they are trying to tame him. Far behind he can see some small entrances , they look like tunnels, he decides to go unobserved by the dragon and the people surrounding him and go into the tunnel network, maybe his dragon is encaged somewhere around. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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