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Evil Herd
Player ID: 77516
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Regeneration : 31
Energetic immunity : 41
Trade sense : 16
Briskness : 30
Initiative : 17
Defence : 82
Attack : 107
Power : 20
Luck : 11
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 110
Transposition Principle = 501
Darkness Principle = 37
Time Principle = 25
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Battle stats
Won: 393 | Lost: 424
Honor: 3840
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

the legend:

When the Fire outraged Earth, i was conceived. I becamed nightmare for the Light has Child as foetus (with other three ones). When the child had grown, she had would like to left us, but she could not do it. At least she had found the one way; bore us. She became our stepmuther, but i arise from Fire and Earth. My muther hate me, but we are ONE. We will not meeting each other yet. Nowhen …
so ... i\'ll continue it


a szóbeszéd:

A Tüz meggyalázta a Földet, és megfogantam. Magzatként (három másikkal együtt) a fény gyermekének rémálmává váltam. Mikor a gyermek felnött, szeretett volna megszabadulni tölük, de nem tudott. Végül megtalálta az egyetlen megoldást; megszült minket. Igy a mostohaanyámmá vált, de én a Tüztöl és a Földtöl származom. Az anyám utál engem, bár EGYEK vagyunk. Már nem fogunk találkozni. Soha …
Some of my creatures
Vampire II Evil Troll Hawk Nice Angien War Troll Mad Archer Full-grown Winderwild Ent Hollow Warrior

hate list
i hate nothing just now

Page 584 - The Hunt for Red Presents
As Queen Aia approached the Archives building expecting her meeting with the Elf she noticed a little smoke drifting out of the roof. As she moved closer she could see that part of it was missing, with the smoke lazily drifting out. Turning to Jakubhi she requested more details, and learnt of the fire, storm, and the missing Elf.

While Queen Aia was able to mask her impatience at her subjects fiery handiwork, she did request that Lashtal bind both accomplices to themselves to keep them close. They then continued into the lobby.

While the fire was contained to a single room, the later storm flooded through the archive finding its way inward through the damaged roof. The lobby covered with a sheen of water caused the Queen to hike her dress up slightly.

Deciding it is best to attempt to meet with the Elf sooner than later, Aia and her party pressed onto the archivists office. Unfortunately they were unable to get to the Elf’s office due to debris blocking the door. An attempt was made to access the office from the roof however the Hall of the Inner Sun was much more deeply covered in water, and the maintenance door was closed and unable to be accessed. Aia, deciding that more damage would be unfortunate, decided not to break down the door at this time.

On returning to the archivists office Aia found a tiny figure coughing and spluttering, It was the missing Elf! ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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