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ubel non
Renalt Tellas
Luc The Second
Gandalf the Goblin
Umbra Anima
Grey Rainhawk




Faith and Mercy
Player ID: 203887
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 73
Energetic immunity : 35
Trade sense : 20
Briskness : 70
Initiative : 16
Defence : 149
Attack : 226
Power : 41
Luck : 14
Volition : 0
Cartography : 1
Royal Guard
Principle of Imagination = 104
Principle of Light = 172
Time Principle = 11
Principle of Balance = 47
Element Principle = 1
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 611 | Lost: 956
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A small voice, calling out somewhere near. You turn to look where it came from, but your eyes cant grasp it.
you know its there. youre looking at it. But its not there... You can touch it. but it fades away the moment after.
You feel my presence, and your constantly aware of it while im near.. you know who i am. you know many who are alike me, who are different from me. There is many of us. There is... Just like there is many of your kind. Yet we speak and understand each other. are you my friend, where is your stance? or will you close your heart to my presence. The spirit is gentle, and can not force unto a man, what he does not allow. One of the spirit kind is what i am.
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Unholy Priest II Master Lorerootian Archer Hollow Warrior Majestic Winderwild Chaos Archer Knator War Master Water Daimon II Walking Tree Elite Knator Angien

I found something today.  I walked up to the Gates of Ages. I stood there. I wanted to pass the bridge.
I asked them to let me in, but no one answered. So i just stood there. - After a while, i looked around a second time.
And there he was.. standing next to me. He said, come with me, or let me in and i will show you more. My heart ignited, my eyes filled with curiosity. I let him in,, He's name is Exploration. He's of the same origin as I am. We united,
i dont know for how long> i cherish him and he likes to dwell in me.  That day, we stood together starring at the sun.

Page 78 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
It seems that they have noticed he wants to leave and they are planning o stop him. On the view of the angry mob and thinking of the poor devoured dragon, SmartAlekRJ shows a stupid smile and heads back to the library. The crowd disipates but some still keep an eye on him. "I wonder what happened to the ex 'Bunny Master' "..he thinks ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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