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Falen Angel
Player ID: 108535
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Regeneration : 76
Energetic immunity : 76
Trade sense : 47
Briskness : 63
Initiative : 23
Defence : 442
Attack : 749
Power : 235
Luck : 33
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Balance = 4000
Element Principle = 2471
Time Principle = 2331
Transposition Principle = 821
Principle of Imagination = 1602
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Battle stats
Won: 672 | Lost: 1348
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
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 My name is Falen. It is pronounced as F AL EN, stress on the F then AL and then EN . I am an Angel, a Divine Warrior of a God. I came to Magic Duel a long time ago to learn what Darkness was and I learned it well as one of the three wives of Khalazdad. I still don't believe I learned everything. Too many grey areas.

Day 298 Year 6

Seems I just woke up from a deep, long slumber only to find myself returned to Magic Duel within the walls of Winds Sanctuary. It pleased me to find Windy still has the Wind & Rain Pub and I renewed my friendship with Gremlin.

Day 113 Year 8

Again I awaken to find myself in MagicDuel at Fortunes Fountain. Two years have gone by. Now I am at Howling Gate and I cannot enter what once was Home. Have things changed so much?

I have met lashtal, a Death Guard of Necrovion, who has been so kind as to give me pass so that I enter past the Gates. All is as it should be, yet isn't. Viscosity is Murder to get out of Trial of Agony. Mur del Muratus came as lashtal and I were speaking and said He would be dealing with that. So He said, so He did! However, I still was not able to leave so lashtal sent me to the Gazebo of Chaos.

I have renewed my kinship with my Step-daughter, Peace. It's only a matter of time before we meet in person. Perhaps she can fill me in on what is going on in this realm and let me know if I might have a role in it.
Some of my creatures
Walking Tree Aqua Lilly Water Daimon II Elder Root

Observations and Notations

Page 165 - The Shade Ballance - Kh. Mor.
Life is becoming very difficult for Khalazdad. His paranoia causes him to threaten an ally upon whom he is relying, friends desert him; Morgana Le Fey has branded him a traitor, and an agent of the shades warns him of assassins on his trail, but cannot provide him with any specifics with which to plan an attack. The Dark Lord has all but disappeared from this frail and tainted old man. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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