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My name is Falen. It is pronounced as F AL EN, stress on the F then AL and then EN . I am an Angel, a Divine Warrior of a God. I came to Magic Duel a long time ago to learn what Darkness was and I learned it well as one of the three wives of Khalazdad. I still don't believe I learned everything. Too many grey areas.
Day 298 Year 6
Seems I just woke up from a deep, long slumber only to find myself returned to Magic Duel within the walls of Winds Sanctuary. It pleased me to find Windy still has the Wind & Rain Pub and I renewed my friendship with Gremlin.
Day 113 Year 8
Again I awaken to find myself in MagicDuel at Fortunes Fountain. Two years have gone by. Now I am at Howling Gate and I cannot enter what once was Home. Have things changed so much?
I have met lashtal, a Death Guard of Necrovion, who has been so kind as to give me pass so that I enter past the Gates. All is as it should be, yet isn't. Viscosity is Murder to get out of Trial of Agony. Mur del Muratus came as lashtal and I were speaking and said He would be dealing with that. So He said, so He did! However, I still was not able to leave so lashtal sent me to the Gazebo of Chaos.
I have renewed my kinship with my Step-daughter, Peace. It's only a matter of time before we meet in person. Perhaps she can fill me in on what is going on in this realm and let me know if I might have a role in it.