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The Prophet
Eternal Thought
Tas the Great




Player ID: 49281
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Regeneration : 20
Energetic immunity : 28
Trade sense : 19
Briskness : 22
Initiative : 6
Defence : 29
Attack : 56
Power : 15
Luck : 8
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Transposition Principle = 43
Darkness Principle = 34
Principle of Imagination = 40
Principle of Cyclicity = 42
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Battle stats
Won: 550 | Lost: 822
Honor: 4905
MindPower: 4
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-Most men complacently accept ‘knowledge’ as ‘truth.’ They are sheep, ruled by fear. But you are different. Always calm, detached. A smooth flow of thought into action. Indeed…It is almost as if…As if you had no soul. How do you do it? Body and soul are one…yet; yours are separated, like a child from the knight in his storybook. -Warping the minds of men and shepherding the masses has always been your church\'s domain. You lure sheep with empty miracles and a dead god. -Yet mark your savior well, for he is one of the demons that you so fear. -In my dreams, I see an evil tyrant’s hands, which would choke the world. And he is the only one blind to his own folly. -You have seen demons walk the city streets, heard the cries of the dead and damned. You deny these things? Are they illusions? -A tyrant always dies alone, Guildenstern. Surrounded by silver-tongued leeches, he is utterly alone. He sows sorrow and reaps death. -The body is but a vessel for the soul, a puppet which bends to the soul\'s tyranny. And lo, the body is not eternal, for it must feed on the flesh of others, lest it return to the dust from whence it came. Therefore must the soul deceive, despise and murder men.
Some of my creatures
BloodPact Dark Archer III Elemental V Chaos Archer Majestic Winderwild Pimped Grasan Elite Lorerootian Archer Water Daimon I Aramor Assassin Elite Knator

An ancient riddle tells of three wise men from three different empires who showed up one day at the gate to a peaceful kingdom. Each had come to seek asylum from the horrible three-way war that had brought their empires to ruin.

The queen of the peaceful kingdom arrested the three wise men and brought them in chains before an assembly of her people. With all the citizens present, she asked the three wise men why, if they were so wise, they had not been able to prevent their kingdoms from destryoing each other.

"The people of each empire, against the advice of their wise men and their emperors, willed that the other empires be destroyed; the emperors had no choice but to comply." said the first wise man.

"The emperors of each empire, against the advice of their wise men and their people, willed that the other empires be destroyed; the people had no choice but to comply," said the second.

"The wise men of each empire convinced the emperors and the people, against their better judgment, willed that the other empires must be destroyed; the emperors and the people lacked the wisdom not to comply," said the third.

The queen spoke: "No one shall be a wise man in my kingdom who does not know why kingdoms collapse. So I ask you three wise men, former enemies, to confer among yourselves and decide which answer is correct. If you cannot reach agreement on that, none of you is fit to be a wise man in my kingdom."

The three wise men conferred for several minutes. Then one of them said, "All three answers are correct, your highness."

"You are wise indeed," said the Queen, "but I have no place in my kingdom for three clever enemies who might destroy my people the way you have destroyed your own.
Only one of you can stay."

She continued, "The rules are simple. I will ask you to solve a riddle that none of my subjects has been able to solve. The one who solves it first will be allowed to stay and will live as the wisest man in my peaceful kingdom."

The Queen then blindfolded the three wise men, and she painted a dot on the forehead of each. She asked her citizens to take note of the color of each dot, but to keep silent about it. The citizens could see that the color of each dot was red.

The Queen then took off the blindfolds and had the three wise men face each other. "I have painted either a green dot or a red dot on your foreheads," she said. "Raise your right hand if you see a red dot on at least one of the foreheads facing you."

Each wise man raised his hand.

"Now," ordered the Queen, "without talking, and using only information provided, you must figure out the color of the dot on your own forehead. The first to do this will be allowed to stay in my peaceful kingdom."

The first wise man thought, "The other two have raised their hands. Therefore, each of them sees a red dot. I can see that they both have red dots on their own foreheads. But they would both raise their hand whether the dot on my forehead was red or green. So there is no way for me to know whether the dot on my forehead is red or green."

The second wise man thought, "This riddle is unsolvable. If the dot on my forehead is green, I would see what I am now seeing: the other two with their hands raised, and me with my hand raised. If the dot on my forehead is red, I would also see what I am now seeing: the other two with their hands raised, and me with my hand raised. Because the only information I have to go on is the observation that all three hands are raised, and all three hands would be raised whether the dot on my own forehead is red or green, I have no way of determining whether my dot is red or green."

Ten minutes passed. Suddenly, the third wise man exalimed, "The dot on my forehead is red!"

How did he know?


Page 169 - The Shade Ballance - Br.
Br. wanders with purpose, through the MD lands searching for the final ingredient he requires. Desperate to please his fearsome leader he looks in every far reaching corner of the map and reads every scroll he can find, in the hope of finding a clue to lead him to its whereabouts. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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