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Player ID: 28728
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 458
Energetic immunity : 634
Trade sense : 301
Briskness : 455
Initiative : 332
Defence : 2939
Attack : 4336
Power : 1072
Luck : 273
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Retired Supreme ruler of Loreroot.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 2525 | Lost: 2525
Honor: 2156
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Welcome Reader
Some of my creatures
Flame Dearg Isis Gabriel BloodPact Dark Archer III Draconis Mephiston Soul Reaver Master of Puppets Artemis Lemartes Bubo

Kindness Quest

I've decided to revive my kindness quest.
Basically I want people to nominate others for acts of kindness. I expect specific instances and examples. The more the merrier (and indeed, more likely to result in a reward).
An important thing to note here is altruism. 

Nominating someone who has given you something to butter you up for a favour, for instance, won't count. Rewards will vary. It depends on the quality really. Although wishpoints are unlikely, I won't rule them out. How to start: Contact me via PM. Choose 'Kindness Quest' option. Any incorrect PMs shall be ignored.

Firsanthalas' nature

Quest Ended, results to follow shortly.

This quest is a bit unusual.

You have to describe Firsanthalas as you see him. Draw a picture, write a description. The choice is yours really. You can even use an image you haven't drawn, but you must declare this and the original artist/source.

The important thing is that you must state why and give examples if possible.

The more information and detailed your submission is the more likely it is to win. Rewards will depend on quality, but Wishpoints are on the table.

Its open to anyone really, but you should really have some knowledge of Firsanthalas as its about him and your opinion of him.

Quest duration is two weeks  for now. I may extend it.

Contact me via PM. Choose 'Firsan's Nature' option.

Any incorrect PMs shall be ignored.

Winners: 1st place,Lady Dawn Runners up, Emerald Arcanix and Nimrodel.

1 WP for the winner and something else for the runners up (a creature most likely.)


Questmakers Quest ----- Closed

Ok, this quest is rather simple in a way.
It is open to anyone in lands without a king
Basically submit your plans for a quest, that you wish to have WP rewards for. I'll decide if any are worthwile and give WP rewards for those quests.

The catch: The quest must have at least 2 WP rewards and one of these must go to an LR person. If no LR players complete the quest it will go to the best placed one or returned to me.

Closing date: Day 48.

Winners: Cutler and Phantasm. Each will be sponsored 2 WPs for their quests


Kindness Quest - Closed

I have been asked about quests.

My first quest is simple and yet perhaps difficult at the same time.
It is a quest of kindness. Kindness should have its own rewards.
If you believe that their is a kind soul that is deserving of recognition for their actions, then sing their praises. Perhaps they will receive kindness in return.


Well I've looked through the nominations and considered the results.
Overall, it seems that most MD people are a selfish and uncaring lot. I received, what I consider to be quite a small amount of nominations. Some, people just said it wouldn't work and others that it was a stupid quest because there was no gain in it for themselves. I have suspicions of a few people and their motives for nominating people and even two people that in effect nominated themselves. I even had a person, that felt that they had been shown no kindness at all within the realm.

However, having said that, there were a fair few people that did take the time to nominate others. I even received two nominations in the form of poetry.

So, for being nominated and generally seeming to be deserving:

Mya Celestia

To you I bestow a Wish Point. May you use it to help brighten a dark day.

Blackwood Forest,

I felt that your nominations and general attitude were kind in of themselves.
To you I give the gift of a creature. Meet me and we can discuss the options available.

All, recipients must contact me directly to receive their prize.

To those, not named here, may you continue to show kindness where others are uncaring.

What I hate more than anything in this game is rits that are designed to cost the opposing player xp. I cannot stress how infuriating I find this.

Hmm, let me think about this for a while.

Crimes Against Beer:
Bud Light
Alcopops (ok, they aren\'t beer, but there on the list!)
Gaymers Cider ---- According to Gargant It tastes like feet
Fosters -----------------because it taste like metal (Lady A)

Crimes against Spirits:
Red Label Smirnoff (as requested by Z)
Crappy Whiskey

Crimes against Cocktails:
Anything with the word \'Virgin\' in it

Crimes against Wine:

If at first you don't succeed, go have a drink.

Laws of Loreroot

To defend the land in time of war and torch competition

(Currently I consider the TC to be badly broken and not fair by any means. There are discussions on the forums about this. Suffice it to say that at the moment the TC is not entered into officially by Loreroot. However I would hope that if it is improved this would change. Or, in short, you needn't worry about TC for now.)

To respect the king and the elders of the land; to obey the king, not as a person, but as the king, for the good of the land and the honour of the crown.

To engage honestly and fairly with other Lorerootians, keeping the culture alive and vibrant, and keeping relations between the alliances strong.

To aid fellow citizens, especially with regards to training and improving their martial skills.

To defend other Lorerootians by word and deed

To never do anything that could harm the forest, including provoking a conflict due to pride or arrogance.

To use one's imagination for the good of the land, be it from writing quest or poem, from holding events, or from instructing newcomers in the ways of battle, etiquette, and how to unravel the mysteries of MagicDuel for themselves.

To respect the forest itself and its bounty 
No resources in the forest should be reduced to below half its capacity. In times of need you may petition the king to have this rule stayed, but you should only take in this manner once clear permission is given.

To contribute to the land 
All significant groups in the land should contribute one fifth of their income to the land. This means any and all alliances and guilds as a group, not the individuals. (selling a creature or whatever does not mean you need to contribute a fifth of the profits. This refers to enterprises that generate wealth based on an activity conducted by a group.) For example, the Woodcutters may sell resources. The money obtained from this is subject to the one fifth rule. This may seem unfair to some, but the materials used are not belonging to the Woodcutters guild. They belong to Loreroot as a whole and do not cost the Woodcutters anything to obtain. I use the Woodcutters as they are the most obvious example, other guilds that may come would have the same rules apply. 
(Contributions will be payable monthly to the Treasurer and won't come into effect until there is a treasury.)

To respect and return the property of the land 
This means that any items or gifts you possess or receive that are for the land should be used with respect and not abused. They should also be returned if you leave your position or the land. Nobody should use their privileges to engage or treat other citizens unfairly or for self profiteering.

The king and ruling body of Loreroot have the right to refuse/reject or remove anyone joining any guild or alliance in Loreroot as well as citizenship in general.

Any group in Loreroot can seek official recognition and even a seat on the council. However, groups (or people seeking to create one) should approach the king and council about this. Nobody should just declare the existence of some new group with any use of the name Loreroot or any association to something within the land. This does not mean it will not be allowed, but you should check with the king and council first. The council decision is final.

(Note: This is not intended to stop RP or joviality. Creating a 'bakewell tart lovers' group is fine. Although expecting a seat on the council for such a group may be another matter)

To be an ambassador for the land 
Lorerootians are expected to apply these laws beyond Loreroot. While it may say treat Lorerootians fairly, you are expected to treat others fairly too. It is not acceptable to deal fairly with Lorerootians and rip everyone else off. You should not refuse to help people simply because they are of another land and should always return courtesy where it is shown to you.

Remember, entering an alliance or guild in Loreroot is an automatic acceptance of citizenship and an acknowledgement to obey the laws laid down. This applies even retroactively. You are agreeing to obey the laws of the land and the king, even ones that were not in place when you entered Loreroot.

The court of Loreroot 
The position of king is not all powerful and not a tyrant. The king is an elected position. If it is felt that the king is becoming a tyrant or not governing in a manner that has the best interest of the land and its people at heart, then the court may call for the king's removal. Any disgruntled citizens should go through the court and not merely start some form of rabble rousing or rebellion.

Page 402 - The Inner Sun - Am., Kal.
Kalamanira swings her sword with ease and precision. Amoran barely dodges the blows, desperate to avoid a fight. Yet she sees few options left. Voices echo in a torrent within Amoran’s head: words of advice and guidance. The cacophony seems to distract Kalamanira as well, and Amoran makes her move. ...
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