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Player ID: 43775
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Regeneration : 50
Energetic immunity : 56
Trade sense : 32
Briskness : 41
Initiative : 26
Defence : 228
Attack : 325
Power : 88
Luck : 34
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 1544
Darkness Principle = 86
Principle of Enthropy = 305
Principle of Cyclicity = 425
Principle of Balance = 869
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 467 | Lost: 477
Honor: 2312
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A Not so secret Secret >.<

  I was born a Furry Siberian Tiger (tiger humanoid, read your anime for more details). I try to keep it a secret, since kids pulled my tail and my ears. But, I can be quite agile and quick when the need calls for it. I pursonally trained myself so that I can deal powerful blows when I am in a fight, making me even more lethal in battle, but I prefer to render the foe harmless by disabling them.

  Before entering the Realm of Magic Duel, I can only remember I was a powerful Spellsword for hire. Unlike most of my "companions", I was very passionate and emotional on and off the battlefield. I cannot remember much more, probably due to being hit on the head upon entering the realm. If I committed sins before entering here, then I'm doing all I can to redeem myself. Therefore, I try my best to keep myself in check before letting something out of my mouth.

I have found out about my past, thanks to the help of Sagewoman. It's not a pretty one, as my emotions overwhelmed me and therefore, I slew the only family I had, the other Spellswords. I had to run to escape from the wrath of the leaders of the mercenaries. I suppose along my escape, I came across the entrance to this realm by accident and fell through. However, because of my slaying my brethren, I am now burdened with the guilt. I'm just glad that it was just one demon instead of many.

 Given to me by Lady Dawn

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Some of my creatures
Medusa Mister J Bird of Doom Scouting Hawk Unholy Priest II Angien

My Pics


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This is me when I'm Astral Projecting.

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This is me in my Furry form.... at least there's a cloth covering me!!!

Page 28 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
Wow, well trained Drakhorns can actualy do 300 or more base damage to all enemy creatures ... SmartAlekRJ keeps reading and starts to have a slightly different image of his little cute baby dragon. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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