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Player ID: 252640
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 7
Trade sense : 7
Briskness : 7
Initiative : -1
Defence : 2
Attack : 7
Power : 1
Volition : 5
Luck : 0
Cartography : 4
Principle of Imagination = 17
Darkness Principle = 17
Principle of Balance = 11
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 28 | Lost: 22
Honor: 574
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The Forest Faerie!
I woke up one day in a strange land  of paper and ink,
My thoughts rushed rampant and my cheeks not pink,
A group of shades rushed me, they did!
Getting past them I ran without wit,
It took no time but I had to sit,
Not for a second, a minute or two, it took a while for me to be fit,
Even though I am a Faerie, Now sit.

I have very few possessions. Nowt but a shell, some bones and a pouch.

Ah.. I forgot to tell you... My pouch is magical. It contains a variety of different herbs and powders I draw at will.
My fingers normally find stuff like food spice or flowers but on occasion I draw more.. interesting things...

Fire is my enemy, it burns all in its path, leaving nothing but ashes behind...
Rain is nice, it would cool me as I ran in my forests..
A gentle breeze would push me on my wings but ground was hard to traverse.
Lots of the time I spent in my forest was learning about magic and herbs.
Under the leaves of the forest I spent my days learning and my nights thinking of the day and sleeping.
Now I am in this strange land, hoping i can get back to my forest...

Enough poems.. I am bad at them and they take too long.

Let me tell you about myself. I am a Faerie, not the things of fairy tales and old witch stories but the things of beauty and grace.

I am small, my wings thin and green with sparkly green decorations. I can grow and shrink as I will.
I am normally warm to strangers and.. comfortable with friends.

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Some of my creatures

The Torments of The Forest Faerie
Being a frog!

Page 270 - The Shade Ballance - Others, dst, NoO. Th. Ve
"We id our job.. now its their business to understand our actions, or not. Call the men back, send assassins to kill dst and no one.." The master spy stops for a second "Wait, we might still need them afterall, i don't think they told us all their secrets yet. But TORTURE The Messenger, find out where he got his info from...now GO!". Satisfied by the results of the mission, the secret and newly created spy alliance does not realise the social implications of their actions yet. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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