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Player ID: 119637
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 96
Luck : 57
Energetic immunity : 100
Trade sense : 64
Briskness : 123
Initiative : 103
Defence : 479
Attack : 563
Power : 157
Volition : 2
Cartography : 3
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 1232
Principle of Imagination = 2762
Principle of Syntropy = 1387
Darkness Principle = 1035
Principle of Cyclicity = 256
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1007 | Lost: 1271
Honor: 3376
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

(After much procrastination) Here it is: My Cheesy Introduction!

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The Marble Dale Park bustles with life. As you continue on to your destination, you catch the outline of a small, solitary figure in the trees in the corner of your vision.

A few quiet steps later; the shadow’s head reveals a mass of fair hair, with patches of it glistening against the sunlight. From below, you recognize the shape of a short, slim child, greedily gorging himself on a half-peeled banana. He swallows it whole, and his eyes dart around the area warily, and you quickly dart behind a tree trunk to avert his gaze. Certain that no one is watching, he covers his mouth with his hand to stifle his irrepressible giggling, and flicks the banana skin onto the corner of the pavement.

He then squeezes his way through the jumble of branches and leaves in his slippers, a routine apparently practiced countless times before. Curious, you decide to follow him, desperately trying to catch up as he disappears.

Rounding the cracked Pillars of Harmony, your ears pick up a faint *whump* far behind you, and the cacophonous cursing arrives a while later. You climb up the flight of stairs, and chuckle to yourself when you think of his latest victim.

As expected, you find him sitting along the edge of the fountain, transfixed at the clear water, slowly twanging a rubber band stretched across his fingers. You camouflage yourself in the tall grass, parting it slightly to prevent it from obscuring your sight.

He springs up and skips to the top of the fountain, flicking a shock of hair away from his eyes at the same time. He leans on the fish and whispers delicately, “Hey, wake up. It’s morning already.”

You glimpse at the fish briefly, and you gawk as the fish’s eyes flutter ever so slightly. Rubbing your own in disbelief, you mentally dismiss the thought.

“No, it’s just a trick of the light, a part of my imagination.”

Eventually, the confusion clears. You look up, and what you see is completely riveting.

The dull, inanimate fish is no more. A stunning, resplendent angelfish has taken its place. A baby-blue hue fills its body; with azure stripes blazing across, and thin layers of magenta line its fins. Simple beauty, far beyond what words can describe.

While you are captivated by this sudden change, the boy nonchalantly looks in the distance. The angelfish lithely glides in circles through the air as if it were water, before gracefully stopping near his lap.

Out of the blue, the angelfish orients its head towards you. Sudden panic overtakes you, and you instinctively push back the grass in front of you, shielding yourself its mersmerising gaze. For no reason, your heart races, the irregular pounding fills your ears.

Finally, the unexplainable sensation subsides. Wiping the beads of sweat from your face, you muster the energy to peep again. Carefully, apprehensively, you peer over the grass once more.

The last of the colour drains away from the fish, and it’s returned to it’s seemingly former self. You follow the crossed arms wrapped around his head upwards, and are soon greeted with a displeased frown. His eyes carefully scrutinise you, disturbed by this unvitied guest.

Anxiously, you mutter a soft apology. A bemused smile gradually appears on his face, in a gesture of acceptance. As he searches in his pockets, you hurriedly leave, stumbling down the stairs.

The crowd comes into view again as you make your way back to the park. Billowing clouds partially cover the scorching afternoon sun. Trees sway gently with the gentle zephyr blowing. The leaves rustle --- *Twang*

A sharp sting prickles your back. A tiny paper pellet drops into your open palm. Annoyed, you rub the spot on your back to soothe it.

And, watching your classic reaction from above...

Poisson, tu glisses entre mes mains

Poisson, et j'y serais encore demain
s'il me fallait t'attraper encore, là
Poisson, tu ne perdras rien pour attendre
je saurais un jour te surprendre
pour te plonger dans l'eau bleue de mon bain

Poisson, je te compterai les écailles
je n'oublierai aucun détail
de tes yeux jusqu'à ta... de poisson
Poisson, nous serons les plus grands amis
alors tu peux quitter ton lit
pour visiter mon bassin dès demain

Entre deux eaux
sur le dos sur le ventre
tu seras tout à moi
Entre deux eaux
sur le dos sur le ventre
tu seras rien qu'à moi

---Poisson by Françoise Hardy


My personal representatives in this world:

Say hello to my pet Ashley!

He's kind of shy, so please pardon his unresponsiveness if you try to call him.

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OH, don't be fooled by his innocent appearance! His favourite pastime is to stand on a fountain and spit water at unsuspecting passers-by.

À la fontaine retirée
où le seul poisson s'ennuyait
il chante les chansons d’un ami dévoué
ce que personne n’entendrait
personne n’apprécierait
l'ignorance, la solitude, s'étiolér
ce sont les chagrins les plus mauvais

Il s’oubliait, peu à peu
pendant qu’il vit dans un profound sommeil
je sais qu’il vaut mieux
que je le réveille
alors j'ouvrais mes yeux,
mon cœur, mes oreilles

Sous la surface de l’eau
je le regardais longuement
oh, écoutez là-bas!
mon poisson va rester à côté de moi!

les nageoires longues
les écailles bleues
Quel animal merveilleux,
qui nageait dans l’air si bellement!

Mais derrière ses yeux mystérieux
ils possèdent mon esprit à present...

---Original Poem

lol Yes, I know that sucked, but it's only my first time doing this, so gimme a break, okay? :X

A simple, sketchy self portrait:

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

So many years have passed.
I haven't aged a day,
Despite the bitter, relentless years.


Some of my creatures
Angien Sentinel Master of Puppets Elemental of Flame Water Daimon II Sagacious Knator Dark Soulweaver Blood Archer III Enlightened Archer Unholy Pope Vampire Pimped Grasan

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I am Tara the Demon-Princess and I was chosen to be the Heir to the Trone
of Hell by my uncle. Because of the fact that Hell creatures have no home
place I made this Faction.
It is now still a small faction but in time it will grow.

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picture of home the Plains of Hell

When invited by me ore a factionmember you can be a member of this faction
and we are picky *chuckles*
You must be evil ore a wanabee evil being.

The rules of joining the Faction Plains of Hell:

* Obay my comands and do take my (Tara/Ladytwin) advice when given.
* Help other Hell Creatures.
* Work on making Tara Town real in the mind of others and your self.
* Make evil plans and have fun. (but plans involving others run
   them by me to be sure they are ok)

* We demons love to have fun so have fun like I do *winks*
* Copy this page in your pages somewhere.

Optional (just for the fun of it *winks*)

* Add me (Tara/Ladytwin) to your friend list.
* Be my (Ladytwin) adept.

Follow these rules as much as your own nature allows.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
When given this will be our flag some day

All Hell Creatures are welcome to live in Tara Town (GoC)

Plains of Hell Members:


Two Sides
Robin Mea
Cloud Elite
Jack Begemot

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Your Clue
I know it looks a lot like a keyblade, but the song is NOT Kingdom Hearts

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And featuring...my favourite video on Youtube! ^_^

Freeze's Mini-bout of Randomness

This is open for MP3s and MP4s only!
 Certain people are excluded from this, at my own discretion (too bad :P)

Choose one of the following tasks below. You can only attempt 1 task at a time.

  1. Read my comments on self paper, then PM me for further instructions
  2. PM a trade using silver coins
  3. Chat, be funny,be good and true f friends :)
  4. Give me some good suggestions for my papers
PM me the task you've selected (send under the correct heading!!) and we'll get started.and we'll get started.
When you're done with your task, you will have to confirm your attempt with me via PM. Once that's done, you'll get your egg, and once you receive it, you can't participate again.

Take note that you'll always get an egg, but how well you do will determines its type. *winks*

Have fun ^_^

People who have completed:
Indyra Sirenias
wisdom wins

Bonus question:

Answering this correctly will greatly increase your reward! (You still have to complete 1 task above to collect it)
Only 1 answer is allowed, and if you get it wrong , you can't try again!

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
A particular person preens, and studies horse-pitarerity steel. What is this person's name, full story (in your own words), and catch phrase?

You can PM me and I will give you a hint, to a maximum of 3 hints. Incomplete answers will be counted as wrong.
People who spoil the answer will feel very sorry, remorseful, and


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Page 146 - The Shade Ballance - Ren.
The Archivist stays sad near the window. "Master, anything wrong?" .. .Renavoid. does not answer. After a few moments he turns away from the window and walks towards the door. "Prepare the books, we have no choice now". "Master are you sure? there must be an other way!". "You heard me, there is no time left, not for us at least." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

IMAGE COPYRIGHT NOTE: If you hold the exclusive rights to any of the images used above and do not wish for them to appear on our sites, please contact us with the information proving your ownership and they will be removed immediately.
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