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Lady Magdalena
Wujek Szajber




Player ID: 32974
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 54
Energetic immunity : 76
Trade sense : 35
Briskness : 49
Initiative : 33
Defence : 187
Attack : 279
Power : 101
Luck : 22
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 864
Transposition Principle = 1992
Darkness Principle = 50
Element Principle = 866
Principle of Syntropy = 61
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Battle stats
Won: 1073 | Lost: 1791
Honor: 4266
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The Collector

Some of my creatures
Pimped Grasan Chaos Archer Great Elemental Imperial Assasin Majestic Winderwild Greater Daimon Knator War Master Treefolk Hollow Warrior Master Lorerootian Archer BloodPact DarkArcher

Page 157 - The Shade Ballance - Nel.
Lady NelyaSetesh’s mind is racing, worrying about the Commander. While relaxing at Ravens Peace, staring at the water Nelya sees a silhouette rising up from the below the surface. “I am an ancient nymph, i know what happend with the Knator Commander”. “Without your leader you’re too weak to defend this land. We never interfere, but can bestow a gift” Placing its hands on Nelya’s head. She feels an new energy stirring within her. Unnerved by the experience, she rushes to talk to her alliance. Returning through the forest, she notices a wounded animal. Sensing the animals pain, deeper than ever before, she places her hand on the animal’s wound. A warm light appears beneath her palm, and Nelya is shocked to see the blood slowly abate. As the creature runs into the woodland, Nelya stands up and smiles….”so this is my gift..”. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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