This account belonged to a very esteemed member of our community that passed away. In his honor this account remains as it is, but will be restricted from login due to security reasons. Fyrd Argentus Pickle Meister -

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Fyrd Argentus
Player ID: 187066
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 1637
Luck : 603
Energetic immunity : 1220
Trade sense : 879
Briskness : 1084
Initiative : 983
Defence : 3037
Attack : 2047
Power : 739
Waterhandling : 89
Volition : 1089
Cartography : 99
Mining : 72
Herbalism : 75
Woodcutting : 69
Finesse : 78
*excavation : 64
Gardening : 76
Filtering : 71
*maxap : 66
Experimentalism : 78
*defense : 0
*trade sense : 101
*energetic immunity : 100
*fusioning : 0
*taming : 1
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Principle of Syntropy = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1574 | Lost: 1574
Honor: 1545
MindPower: 5

Legend Speakers
(MagicDuel Archives)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %

Fyrd Argentus - silver spearman.

Personal Wish:  That we can create one or more revive items, or other useful tools to help the dead, in the form of the 4 musical instruments mentioned in the story below.  All four are made; 3 are not yet enchantable.  The bodhran drum is used to survey the realm through the eyes of the spirit world.


You ask how it is that one such as myself has the power to summon and bind spirits into this Realm.  For that, I will have to tell you my story.


The Story of Fyrd Argentus – in the old tounge, the "Silver Spearman"

            My mother named me for the peasant militia, torn from their homes to fight in the wars.  She must have had a touch of the Sight.  The silver represents our dreams and visions, and she made sure I learned my lessons, growing up on my parent's farm.  I was young enough not to imagine that they did not own their own land.  I always remember her singing.

            The most interesting character on the farm was Gnarl, the oldest Knator I have ever seen, even unto this day.  He had a great hand with the (other?) animals, but that was not what attracted me to him.  He lived in a little hut of his own and he was often working hard on something secret, so I tried to spy on him.  He had a chest of the most beautiful and exotic wood imaginable, with a big lock on it.  He told me never to try to see inside because it held a Medusa's head, which would turn me to stone if I looked at it. 

            Instead he taught me to fold origami animals.  He would say, "Make a goat!" and I would do my best to make something recognizable.  He would show me how to do it better, then would make exotic creatures from his homeland for me to guess at.  This is how I first heard of the MagicDuel realm.

            As I grew older and more nimble of hand, he let me help him work on his projects – he built musical instruments.  But not just any musical instruments – they were magical.  He said that if you crafted an instrument from the remains of a friend or enemy, their spirit lived on in the music you could make.  With skill, you could join their spirit and travel to far distant lands.  Each spirit took on the primary elemental characteristic of their life, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.  One who could master one instrument of each of the elements would become a powerful sorcerer.

            The main instrument we worked on together was the mithril body of an autoharp.  He said that in his younger days he was a mighty warrior, and this silvery metal was the heart he ripped from the body of a fire demon.  We tried many different strings on the instrument, but none were strong enough to vibrate the sound box made of this mighty metal.

            One day, he showed me his true love – most literally.  During his last days in the magic realm, he fell asleep under a willow tree, and a Water Being came to him.  They fell in love and spent every waking moment together.  But a fiery unicorn, which had once been his lover's best friend, was jealous.  Gnarl would not speak of the events in which the unicorn showed his rage, but he escaped into exile only with his life, and the chest with his magic collection, and the cold stiff body of his lost love.

            He showed me her bones – once supple cartilage like a shark's bones, now preserved by crystallizing into glass.  And her skin, strangely soft and rubbery.  He had lovingly fashioned from her remains an amazing bagpipe that could wail like some leviathan from the deep.  I have seen this screeching set of pipes stun birds in flight, and crack rock.

            One day I was alone in the woods, perhaps I was hunting, I don't recall, when suddenly a firey shadow loomed from the trees and pinned the back of my jacket to a tree with it's silver horn.  It was a unicorn. 

            The very unicorn Gnarl told me of, I quickly learned.  "You smell like a Knator, boy!" it snarled, "where is he?".

            "Gnarl is my friend!" I cried, "Leave us alone!"

            He snorted in laughter, spotted my tracks, and galloped back along them, leaving smoldering hoof prints in the autumn leaves.  I followed as best I could, dreading what I would find when I got home.

            I came to Gnarl's hut first.  The poor old Knator had been trampled and impaled.  His marvelous wooden chest lay broken and empty beside him, though his prized instruments lay untouched on the work bench.

            With horror I followed the tracks to the farm house and found that Gnarl had spoken truth about the Medusa's head.  My parents were frozen to stone as they had emerged in astonishment from the house.

            The tracks lead into a barbed wire fence, which was now torn and mangled.  But I found there bloody strands of the unicorn's hair, caught on the wire.  The tracks lead away into the woods, then vanished.

            I stayed for many years on the farm, but I was alone and my heart was not in it.  I found that the unicorn hair made excellent strings for the mithril autoharp.  From Gnarl's remains I made a hollow bone flute (the winderwild's feathers were added later).  From his hide and wood from his chest, I made the Bodhran.

            But the farm fell into decay.  The landlord (surprise!) was not pleased, and I was evicted. 

            I took my four elemental musical instruments, wandered into the woods, and began to play.  And found myself – here!

            ... and became a Protector of the Realm after 221 days here, on day 276 of Year 5 of the realm.
            ... and am still trying to find my path, as my spirit summoning is getting me into trouble here....

           Then finally, in a fit of drunken depression (which is another story), I faded into another dimension.  It took me 8 years to find my way back, and rebuild my alliance.

Some of my creatures
Black Walnut Tree Lt Whitey The Palmist Contralto Unicorn^s Fury Golden Claws Purple People Eater Robbing Hood Palm Tree Mother
Entertainments from Fyrd Argentus



Here is what you can do to win my gratitude in the form of magical wishes or spicy pickles to combat the build-up of viscous slime.

I am truely "in a pickle".  I "put my foot in it", and I need your help clearing up the mess I made.

It started with my exploration of the Lost Path, looking for old spirits of the realm.  I found what I thought was the remnant of an old Imperial army, guarding an ancient lost artifact of Marind Bell.

As my helpers and I performed the painstaking task of recovering what turned out to be the Crown Jewels, we sparked a response from the Shadow Army, which marched on the realm to try and stop us.

As we struggled to hunt these marching ghosts, assemble the Crown Jewels, and drive them back to their point of origin, by attacking them at the Primordial Source, I discovered a terrible truth.  These were not spirits native to this land at all, but spirits from resonant dimensions that I had given access to the realm.  Their home was like yet unlike this realm, and so were able to cross over.  I found this out when the spirit of my arch nemesis, Queen Esmerelda, and her daughter the Princess, took up residence on the balcony outside Marind's Bedroom, and began plotting to take over the realm.  What a fiasco!

The only hope is to recruit the help of spirits that are truely indiginous to the realm.  To find these, I made the increasingly arduous journey to the lands east of the Tribunal and set up contacts so that my helpers could recover a powerful artifact that will serve to fight these evil ones.  If I were even a little more paranoid, I would think the Queen created viscous slime to hamper our efforts to recover the weapon.... and maybe she did.

If you will help me, you can do these things, IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
1. Hunt the ghost army marching on the land to buy us time.
2. Assemble the Crown Jewels (originals would be best, but copies will serve)
3. Attack the Shadow Army at its point of origin, the Primordial Source.
4. Go to the Far East and recover the weapon to use against the evil ones.
5. Put an end to the Evil Ones.

To begin the Lost Path Adventure, visit my workshop in the Pickle Hut on No Man's Land, between the MDA and Wind's Sanctuary.  Because the evil ones are attacking and degrading my spells, you will need to use the incantation "Look" to see the ethreal recordings of my various pleas for help, along with all the details you will need .

Once you start at the hut, you'll need to check some info once held in the fountain of the Lost Path which used to be accessible north of the MDA but is now accessible only as an ethreal recording at the hut.  You will see a vision of the marching Shadow Army, as well as the spirit tools you've assembled to combat it.  You also see visions in the fountain which lead you to the crown jewels.  These also require the incantation "Look".

I have also filed various research notes in four spots in the MDA Study Room, under the heading "FyrdsWords".  These should be helpful in finding the original Crown Jewels.

Inside Willow's shop, "Talk" (incantation) to the shopkeeper (view the notices first) to select a special experimental weapon.  You then go to the Clash of Ages and "Hunt" (incantation) for the monster of your choice.  The Shadow Army parade starts fresh every 30 minutes and you must jump out to attack at the right minute mark on the clock, with the matching weapon, to take out your targeted monster.

Pickles Explained==============================

I will reward any who help me, depending on degree, with anything from pickles to wishes.  Contact me for what is currently available, with details of your adventures.

But now, something unwholsome has been spotted on Marind's Balcony... by the prickling in my thumbs, something wicked this way comes....


Here are some puzzling problems I need help with:

Rainbow Leotards (for a pickle)
One of many fateful episodes that caused Queen Esmerelda to be upset with me.  She had these tropical parrots which I could magically convert to colored outfits (Leotard/Tunic/Etc.).  Thing is they would pop out randomly one of the seven colors of the rainbow.  She wanted me to outfit her entire family - which was 7 at the time.  Her current not-yet-late husband the I-guess King, two girls, and three boys.  She wanted 7 new colorful costumes, but wanted a logical grouping of colors.  She and the King could be same or different color.  She and the girls could be same or different.  The King and the boys could be same or different.  And so forth.  And I couldn't match up the King and the girls, for instance.  And all the boys had to be either all the same, or all different, to be fair.  If you put people in the same color, you must justify that grouping.  Not thinking clearly (and because I couldn't stand her ear-splitting voice the morning after - um - never mind) I just asked for 7 parrots.   Seven random magical outfits the same would have been okay.  Seven all different would have been okay.  The queen one color and all the rest the same would be okay.  And so forth.  But wouldn't you know it, I got the only color distribution that was impossible to make work.  Question - what was the random color distribution I got, and how many parrots did I need to get for a second round, to be sure to have enough?

Order in the Sort-ing (for a pickle)
Innocence was, as usual, struggling to bring order to the chaos of the Archives.  The Archivist had a particularly tricky piece of work – a book on Chaos Theory with unnumbered pages that had a tendency to shuffle about from time to time.  Numbering the pages with ink and quill was the obvious thing to try first, but that did not even smudge the magical pages.  So, our intrepid protagonist summoned a fire elemental and had it burn page numbers onto each page.  Chaos being what it was, each time an elemental burned a digit onto a page, the backlash un-summoned the elemental.  A new elemental had to be summoned for each digit as they went along!  As a page number that had three zeros was burned in, Innocence really began to question the value of this work, but there was nothing to do but carry on.  After the four elementals had burned in the final digits on the last page, Innocence stopped and considered the finished work.  What a great surprise it was to discover that Order had emerged from Chaos.  Innocence had ended up needing exactly three times as many elementals as there were pages.  How many pages were in this book?

A-Mazing Choices (for a pickle)
I was wandering (not lost. Honestly!) in the Labyrinth the other day, when a funny little fellow popped out of the bushes and gave me a sly wink.  He said I was the 1 millionth visitor to the labyrinth so I "may have won" a prize.  The trick was, there were three paths ahead and the treasure chest was hidden along one of them.  If I started down the wrong path, the treasure chest would dissappear.  So, I picked a path - it happened to be the left hand one.  He laughed and showed me a vision down one of the other paths which was empty - it happeed to be the center one.  Anyway, he revealed one of the wrong choices, then asked me, "There are two choices left, the one you picked originally and the one remaining path.  Do you want to change your choice?"  So here is the question - how would I change my odds of winning if I switch to the third path as opposed to sticking with my original choice? 
[Note: I want a precise mathematical answer as to how changing my choice would change my chances of winning, for better or worse, if at all.  Try as many times as you like, but I will NOT argue about the many wrong answers I expect to hear.]

To Chain a Moping Drach (for a pickle, one guess only - drachs are not forgiving).

I got into a great deal of trouble back when I was court magician for Queen Esmerelda.

But it wasn't my fault. 


Take for example, the case of "To Chain a Moping Drach".

I had some mithril left over from the making of my autoharp (the heart of the fire demon my mentor Gnarl had vanquished).

And I was playing around with it, and had made some round C-rings from it, that you could form into a chain.

I was sitting in a local tavern playing with them in my boredom (halfway hoping some local thug would try to rob me – I was that bored).

Anyway, this big hairy Viking type came up to me.

You couldn't tell where his beard stopped and his fox furs started, and the smell –

Let me just say I sure hoped that wasn't what the cook was preparing back in the kitchens.

Anyway, he wanted to know why I was making such a silly little silver chain.

He said it didn't look strong enough to tame a wild beast, and it was way too big for jewelry (to tame the wild women of Queen E's court).

I informed the lout that this was made of mithril, which had power over magical creatures.

That seemed to really catch his attention.

He told me that he had come across a Drach that was "moping down by the…. well, never mind," he said.

All he wanted to know was, whether or not he could tame the Drach if he were to put a mithril chain around its neck.

I assured him that he could, but the trick was knowing how big a chain was needed to go all the way around.

He smiled and said that he had that covered.

He pulled out the smoking remains of a broken leather rope he had used to try to catch it the first time – which explained the horrid smell.

We measured it, and it was exactly 144 inches long.

"What a gross Drach," I jested, but he just looked at me askance.

"A gross?  A dozen dozen? 144?"  I had to remind myself he was a Viking and got back to business.

"Okay, each ring is 1 inch in diameter so you need…" but the Viking cut me off.

"Give me 144 rings then," he insisted.  "Don't you try and sell me any more than I need!"

What could I do?  I let him have 144 rings and slipped back into the kitchens to watch for his all-too-quick return.

The nasty smell of burning fox fur was only exceeded by the smell of burning Viking beard.

"It only went three quarters of the way around!" he shouted as he barged into the tavern.

"Where is that scrawny little wizard?" he roared.

Well, I was bored, but not stupid.

I slipped out the back door to the kitchen, and it wasn't long before I left the realm.

I could have told him it would only go three quarters of the way around, if he had only listened.

Now the question –

How many rings does it actually take  -- To Chain a Moping Drach?

BALLROOM TILES (for a pickle!)
When I was court magician for Queen Esmerelda, she commissioned me to pave her ballroom floor with giant slabs of magically conjured stones.  She said she wanted at least 100 squares, and would pay me 1 silver each.

Imagine how I wept when I discovered the room was irregular, being a third again as long (133.3%) as it was wide, and worked out how many incantations I would have to do.  Then I realized she had said squares, not tiles, so I could count squares that were formed by more than one tile.  Happily I worked out the minimum it would take to finish the job, since frankly I was being underpaid.


Queen Esmerelda was not pleased, insisting that she had wanted at least 100 TILES and seemed to be in a head-chopping mood.  Talking quickly, I pointed out that I had conjured not just any stone, but gigantic gemstones to excite the eye.  The rubies and emeralds made Christmas colors while the emeralds, amethyst, and opals made Mardi Gras come to life.  The opals and tiger's eye shifted and danced among the rubies like fire as the guests moved about, but this heat was balanced by the cool blue of the sapphires that called to mind mountain streams, and the intense indigo of the lapis lazuli that called to mind the evening sky just as the summer stars came out.  It was a thing of true beauty.


Let us just say that I kept my head, but that I'm here now, and not there.  She did pay me, but only for the number of tiles it should have taken in her simple-minded view, not counting squares made of multiple tiles.


So the question: how many slabs did I have to conjure, how much silver did I ask for, and how much silver did I get?


Later, Addy showed me there was an even better solution, in terms of the number of tiles conjured to get the minimum 100 squares.  His point was - I didn't have to conjure only square tiles all the same size.  For all the pride I had in my creativity, I was still wearing mental blinders at the time of my little argument with the Queen.  Get me that solution, and it's worth a second pickle!


LORE GUARDS - AGAIN! (for a pickle, but one try only!)

One day you walked to lost loves' grave, along the path no one did pave, in loreroot green your soul to save, you stepped along with song so brave, and spied by trail a darkened cave.


You know now that you were a fool, no lesson learned when back in school, you stuck your head in cave so cool, and saw therein all clad in wool, a beast who over woods did rule, who seeing you began to drool.


You started then for life to run, I tell you now it was not fun, just when you thought your breath was done, and chance you thought that you had none, you found a glade out in the sun.


And in this glade a scary sight, there stood two guards of wooden might, by two dark paths to left and right, between them was a sign in light, that spoke thereon of travelers plight, "You see here guards – one knave, one knight, who do but watch – they do not fight, one leads to wrong one leads to right."


"One path is safe, one path you'd rue, one guard speaks false, the other true, but which guards which? You know not who."


You have no time for you can feel, the knator's breath on your bare heel, a single question in your zeal, off top of head you must quick reel -- you must choose fast your fate to seal, to not end up as knator's meal.


And as branches wave both to and fro, in gentle wind the leaves do blow, a simple answer is all you know, that trees can answer – they are so slow, so make them answer just yes or no.


So now what words come out of you, to not go down the path of rue?  You have to ask words fast and true, or else the beast will munch on you, a single try or in the stew.  I cannot help or give a clue, send off a note to me from you, what words come like a bolt from blue, if from deaths grasp you find you flew.

ELEMENTAL IN THE MDA! (for a pickle!)
A mischievious Elemental escaped from control and found it's way to the Archives.  It placed a fire maggot on page one of the first volume of a standard set of encyclopedias, and it burned straight through to the last page of the thirteenth volume before the Archivists caught and extinguished it.  Each volume contained 100 pages of priceless information, and they were arranged in the standard way on the shelves.  How many pages (ignoring covers) were ruined?  Don't bother PM'ing if you think the answer is 1300 -- that's wrong.

STARS (for a pickle -- two have gotten this, so no more instant silver.)
Queen Esmerelda wanted a robe fit for a sorceress queen, but asked me how many points should be on the stars that would decorate it.  A star of course has points that stick out, not spikes like a cross, but true dagger-like points, and not just a traced perimeter.  I tried to convince her that there was only one special number of points on a star such that it can't be drawn free-hand as commoners do with 5-point stars, and that number was SIX which is therefore very special and should be used on her robes.  My explanation took 300 words and while I won't say it got me banished, Esmerelda was not impressed (read, couldn't follow it). She keeps saying, "How do we know whether or not you can draw a 17-point star, or a 124-point star, or whatever, until you show me?"  She doesn't get my explanation, and has ignored my advice, and will continue to do so until I bring a more concise proof. A pickle to any person who can provide me a concise mathematical explanation of fewer than 300 words. You must prove mathematically that six points are on the ONLY star that can't be drawn freehand in the normal way (point to point with straight lines, returning to the starting point), and that it is therefore special and unique.
PLEASE NOTE: No "tricks" on this one.  I'm looking for a legitimate, formal mathematical proof of the proposition.  This is tough.

=====Formally "Retired" puzzles now back on the list ==============

I was sitting in the Wind and Rain Pub and three hotshot newbies came in and wanted to rent a room from Windy.  She wasn't there so I quoted them the single rate, 10sc each for the time period they wanted.  I collected the coins for Windy, put them in the till, and sent her a PM.  She replied, saying that I had charged the private room rate and that since they were sharing a room, I should give them back 5sc.  Well, five coins doesn't go evenly three ways, and I was getting tired of being an errand boy, so I gave them each back 1sc and pocketed the other two.  I then went back to sleep at my table, only to wake up with a cold sweat.  Each of the noobs had paid 9sc, times three is 27, and I got two coins.  What happened to the 30th coin?

DIS DRACH DEAD (for a pickle!)
Two Drachs spy each other from mountain tops 20 leagues (by human measure) apart.  They give bellows of rage and fly towards each other, each covering 5 leagues per regen cycle.  A wise Little Bird (named Bill by Pazur, our first winner) happens to be passing by the nose of one Drach just as they launch towards each other.  The Little Bird sees an opportunity to sacrifice itself for greater glory and begins flying back and forth between the Drachs' noses, at a speed of 15 leagues per cycle.  The first touch is after exactly one regen cycle, after the Little Bird had flown 15 leagues.  It then flies back to the first Drach's nose, touching it in one more half a cycle, and so forth.  The Drachs become somewhat confused by this back-and-forth fluttering and fail to pull up in time, crashing together in midair, crushing the Little Bird between them, then falling dead to the earth below.  Question - what total distance (path length) did the Little Bird fly until its final martyrdom?

I will no longer keep a....

No more complaints!  Live life to the fullest, as it is dealt to you!  Instead, here is... 
Fyrd Argentus's Song Book:

“Let Me Brew Ya” by Fyrd Argentus, (to the tune of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”)

Now you’d heard there was a secret rite,
To balance wins – it was just right,

But you don’t really care for combat, do ya?

It goes like this, a priest a tree,
An Imp or two – oh make it three,
But stronger players keep on blasting through ya.

(chorus)          Let me brew ya, and give right to ya,
                        Some aged wiyya, it’s good to see-ee-ee ya.

Well maybe combat’s not for you
But I have learned a thing or two:
That it’s really not a shame that Miq outdrew ya.

And there’s no crime in love and war,
Don’t throw MD right out the door,
And play whatever dumb game Santa threw ya.

(chorus)          Let me brew ya, and give right to ya,
                       Some aged wiyya, it’s good to see-ee-ee ya.

Your rite was strong but you needed loss,
At night you only turn and toss.
You wonder how it was that Ledah slew ya.

Your balance now it slips and slides,
Your VE drops and your knator hides,
You think MD is only out to fool ya.

(chorus)          Let me brew ya, and give right to ya,
                        Some aged wiyya, it’s good to see-ee-ee ya.

You don’t think you’ll ever get it right,
Cause Mur will change it in the night,
Once the pattern of how it works comes to ya.

But when you’re down Fyrd comes along,
He smiles at you, he sings a song,
He gets out Bushie wine and gives it to ya.

(chorus)          Let me brew ya, and give right to ya,
                        Some aged wiyya, it’s good to see-ee-ee ya.

Now I’ve done my best, I know it wasn’t much,
You can’t feel in the realm and you can’t touch,
But I’ve told the truth, I didn’t go MP6 just to fool ya.

And even though it all went wrong,
I’ll stand right here with this MD song,
With nothing to do but give this ale here to ya.

(chorus)          Let me brew ya, and give right to ya,
                        Some aged wiyya, it’s good to see-ee-ee ya.

Put bushies hee-yah, add some wiyya,
Brew some bee-yah, and give it too-oo-oo ya.

(chorus)          Let me brew ya, and give right to ya,
                        Some aged wiyya, it’s good to see-ee-ee ya.


There once was a ghost from Necrovion
Whose armor was the skin of an onion
It halted no blade
But froze every Knave
With the stench of a fermenting Grassion.


Bright Windy doth run a clean Pub

Of the realm, you might call it the hub

You can get a cold beer

Or a smooch or a cheer 

If Windy the right way you rub.



Dragual and Katt will soon Wed

But where in the realm will they Bed?

For to sleep in a bar

Near an old pickle jar

Would be stinky, or so it is said.


Passant has joined MDA

Because he wanted to say

Things of the realm

With me at the helm

Cause he wanted more than just pay

(I do hope he writes us some good articles)


Nad has a smelly old pit

Where he ground his foes faces a bit

But he found a new gig

For water to dig

To sell it all now he must sit


Fyrd Argentus: Shall I serenade you?

*Madalina Fitzro.: *blinks a few times and looks around the place* alone??really??
 : Fyrd Argentus clears his throat and begins in a sing-song...
Fyrd Argentus: There once was a lady with asterisks
Fyrd Argentus: Who knew some fabulous spoon tricks
Fyrd Argentus: She could tickle a guy
Fyrd Argentus: Till his head hit the sky
*Madalina Fitzro.: *raises her eyebrows* ok your fricking me out
Fyrd Argentus: But to forks she just always said "nix"
Fyrd Argentus: You poked me with the spoon first.
Fyrd Argentus: I'm just responding in kind.
*Madalina Fitzro.: yes but singing?
*Madalina Fitzro.: i poke everyone with a spoon or something
Fyrd Argentus: So I sing at people.


====================This story is true, if not totally consistent with the facts.

====================This story is true, if not totally consistent with the facts.

The Lay of the GGG

by Fyrd Argentus


The Golden Globe Gazebo is, the subject of this song,

And how the GGG did rise, and how it did go wrong,

Why some found life there in a win, and others sought to end,

What they saw as a mortal sin, so sought our wills to bend.


When MD Realm was new and all, first sought to find their way,

The elder players were on top, the younger they did slay.

The agony was fresh and new, no end they saw in sight

But some young men their plight did rue, they said this is not right.


A Brotherhood of Dark was formed, in need of a physician

In secret places they conspired, to better their position

No more would they be kicked and beat, no longer they would heed

They would not serve as Veteran's meat, they would no longer bleed.



The Brothers found their secrets dark, of war and of technique

That would their fighting spirit spark, and change their status bleak

They learned it fast and had to grin, as veterans came to fall

But all downtrodden wished to win, so sought to learn it all.


All who came to GGG, the Brothers did protect

The place of ritual pretend, and battles to elect

And so the beaten and the broke, came to the GGG

For they were safe, 'till "burst" they spoke, no further need to flee.


But then the Brotherhood did yearn, to seek a higher place,

Their lofty status they did earn, they pushed a higher pace,

So left they then the GGG, the others for to run

For better still they sought to be, and share their secrets, none.


New Warriors now had their own chance, to teach their creatures well,

In GGG they could advance, their numbers then did swell,

For without GGG their life, was toil without hope,

The Veterans gave them only strife, and hung them on a rope.


And then the Children even came, to grow up straight and nice

They never sought to play the game, of fighting cats and mice.

You see they sought a life of ease, their creatures won them praise

To garden grasans if you please, and winderwilds to raise.


One among the Veteran crew, saw trouble on this road

So many players lived and grew, but never grief had toed

They did not understand the lore, the Brotherhood had taught

Their fighting skills it seems were poor, their power served them not


So up a step he offered all, a place to learn to fight

Puzzle wars and ritual, to tackle and hit right

He said the GGG was bad, to fight the phony way

The GGG would drive all mad, to grind away all day.


But not all sought to raise them up, for loved they their position

They did not care to see young pup, advance in their ambition

So each tore down the GGG, for different stated reason

And sought to make the warriors flee, and said the place was treason.


The cat was first, she loved a fight, to make all others hate her.

To hold her back from any fight, was opposite her nature.

And Chaos brought in all the jerks, who crashed through GGG

Scattering all the careful works, hitting all that they could see.


But arrogance then came to town, the daddy of all boasts

Who bluntly said he'd shut it down, and murder all the hosts.

He said he'd teach them better forms, at willow's shop, you see,

If you'd crawl to him like baby worms, and sit on daddy's knee.


Now Mur above was silent still, he took no vocal stand

He said no word, to show his will, as lord of all the land

But note that all the children are, still safe from veterans' wraith

And all are taught to gently spar, by teacher in a bath


So now those who most need to learn, to stand up in a fight

Continue to their power earn, with ritual "not right".

And no more Warriors can be found, in GGG or Park

They do not bleed in no-mans-land, instead they work in dark.


Like Brothers then of old they toil, their practice they pursue

For Veterans make their blood to boil, the thought of them they rue

They grind their weapons and work as one, and wait for their big chance.

When tables turn and Veterans run, their day of sweet vengeance.
Handy Pockets: But really Poppi. I did not mean to end up in the same room as your bath.
Handy Pockets: *keeps her eyes covered, trying not to look between her fingers* .
Handy Pockets: I will go to the Paper Cabin. I hope to see you again Poppi. But with a coat to match that hat maybe.
: Handy Pockets laughs
Handy Pockets: *waves* . see you later

: Poppi Chulloz smiles and waves back

Fyrd Argentus: Rub a dub dub, three men in a tub....
Fyrd Argentus: What's there for our eyes to see?
Fyrd Argentus: A hat and some ashes and a cloth for to rub
Fyrd Argentus: What better place could they be?















A Bard's Poem
I love to roam
On venture bold.
Life is a tome
Which you unfold.

Beneath the oak

In morning bright,

My spirit woke,

My step is light.


My lute I hold

I love to sing,

My story told

Before the King.


I broke a string.

I got no gold.

No glory bring,

I'm feeling old.


For I did choke

In fading light.

My shoes are broke,

My hair's a sight.


Now I am cold

I'll go back home.

My story's told,

We end the poem.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the torch,
We have toppled GG's towers, we have singed cold Loreroot's earth
We are marching to Necrovion to flambee their cold dead King
With torch-es marching on.....

============ Windy's Song (apologies to Mary Travers' Jet Plane) ===============

Oh the Pub is packed, they're out the door,

King Lifeline's here, he's on the floor,

Already Windy's brew has done its job…..


See the glasses breaking, amidst jokes so low,

The music's loud, but the dancing's slow,

And through it all, Aaron's playing Hob…..



*** So smooch me and smile for me

*** Beds available for a fee

*** No reason to be lonesome at the Pub


*** Because Windy's -- pub is open

*** Don't know when I'll be back again

*** Windy's -- pub is open

*** Don't know when I'll be back again

*** But soon – I'm sure – to go ----


Oh the Wind and Rain is what we call it

Grab a table and chair to sit

Just duck you head when food begins to fly...


Don't say "Booth" or "Snicker-snack"

Unless you want to join the pack

In fun and games and gossip of the times




Oh Windy sometimes leaves the bar,

To go and see where her friends are

But always there's a welcome by the fire…


For everyone from time to time

Finds themselves here queued in line

To get some of -- Windy's liquid cheer…..




===========Sagewoman (apologies to "The Lion King")===========

A limb away, a limb away, a limb away, a limb away (continues….)


In the forest, the Loreroot forest,

The Sage Woman rules the night.

In the forest, the Loreroot forest

She rules the stage with fright.


O-oooh-wo-oh, the guardians bow to her.

O-oooh-wo-oh, the gifts she has from Mur.


And when she's feeling, that special feeling,

She puts red on her lips.

When she's feeling, that special feeling,

She marks us with those lips.


O-oooh-wo-oh, the trees all march in line.

O-oooh-wo-oh, she makes us feel so fine.


But when she's hungry, so very hungry

You better watch your back.

When she's hungry, so very hungry

She'll surely eat your Drach.


O-oooh-wo-oh, the Knator runs in fright.

O-oooh-wo-oh, she'll eat you in a bite.

A limb away, a limb away, a limb away, a limb away (fades….)


The Ents go marching one by one hurrah, hurray!, the Ents go marching one by one hurrah, hurray!
The Ents go marching one by one, the little one stopped to play cutler's fun
And they all went marching down, underground, to get out, of the game....

========= Ballad of Marind's Bell - Judge's Choice Award ===========

Marind's Bell's the Capitol,

With open arms it welcomes all,

Willow's Walk and Angien Hall,

Home of raucous Carnival,

Come see!


Struck by grandeur, bathed in light,

Moved to laugh or moved to fight,

Clothed in metal, wielding might,

Enjoying Life with great delight,

You'll be!


We are the gate to the MDA,

Champions fight or come to play,

Seat of mystery, some would say,

We'll hold the blight of shades at bay,

You'll see!


But do not think us all a Saint

For even Angiens have a taint

Paradise for sure this ain't

And rosey view I would not paint

For Thee!


Now peace is fleeting like the frost

By wars this land we did exhaust

And murder foul came with high cost

For Marind's soul now wanders lost

Poor she!


And ruined does the city lie

Perhaps to rise yet by and by,

Now truth it is so hard to spy

But don't despair and do not sigh,

I plea!


We guardians of a lost city

Find strength in our diversity

Marind's Folk in league, you see,

Champions of adversity

We'll be.


The Winderwild on graceful wing,

And Scout of Air, both news will bring,

While many Birds of cheer all sing,

Of winged tower and noble King,

From tree!


Heretic Archers by our side

Speak truth to all and never lied

For truth to show and never hide

Is what you'll seek if here abide

With me!


Angiens flare beside the shrine

And Elementals form a line

Here by a lake of tears of brine

This is the home that I'd call mine

With thee!


==========Seekers of Enlightenment Ballad==========

The Seekers of Enlightenment
Find wisdom in experiment
Or in historic document
With old and wrinkled page.

But dusty shelves are not our lot
We seek what's happened on the spot
Stay-at-homes, you see, we're not
How else can truth we gauge?

We climb the Champion's Challenge stair
By contemplative willows fair
Or raucous carnival we dare
For knowledge of the sage,

Brilliant light of Angien
Or silent glide of Knator's run
Clever wit or Joker's fun
All wonders of our age.

We seek the meaning in a look
Or cryptic footnote in a book
Spy bloody footprint in a brook
To learn's our highest wage.

No limits to our hunt accept
No stone unturned, no secret kept
To dizzy heights our minds have leapt
For thought observes no cage.

In sealed dome or dusty cave
Mountain top or temple's nave
Until we lie in dusty grave
Against the dark we'll rage.

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
Necrovian decay!

Da-da-da-da! Stoop, hunch,
Da-da-da-da! Snap, crunch,
Da-da-da-da, Da-da-da-da, Da-da-da-da, Bite, munch!


: Fyrd Argentus dumps a collection of musical instruments, props, and devices of mysterious function on a table.
: Fyrd Argentus strikes a chord on his unicorn-haired mithril autoharp and begins a song.

So Lifeline did once become King
"Oh Joy!" his subjects did sing
In Marind's great Bell
We find him quite swell
For peace to the land he will bring

Windy a pub she does own

And everyone asks for a loan

To buy us some beer

And to spread all good cheer

Though the flavor is often unknown


: The Black Rose walks in

Fyrd Argentus: Roses are evidently not red

Fyrd Argentus: And violets are not for you

Fyrd Argentus: For when all is done and said

: The Black Rose raises an eyebrow

Fyrd Argentus: Mundane flowers you escew.

The Black Rose sighs and walks over to the bar

The Black Rose: poetry is an art try not to ruin it
: Fyrd Argentus begins to attempt to tune said autoharp - that was awful.


Oh Nylah was such a great sister

It says on the list of what pissed her

She's finding a way

So that she can say

To the ghosts that she earned every blister

(That's the ghosts of those that had kissed her)


My Master is really quite swell
And throws a coin in the well
A wish for to make
On the path he does take
To Loreroot on his way back from Hell.

========= The End of the Songbook (for now) ==============

Fyrd Argentus's RP Musical Instruments:
I have always delighted in the manufacture of new and unusual devices and muscial instruments.  Wind powered fountains that make music with their water wheels are my ultimate conception, still in design, but my slide flute, chromatic close-end copper pan pipes, bellows-driven crumb-horn, and upright bowed tin-head banjo are legendary (as are the students I helped to win first in State with these marvelous devices).  With these incredibly lucrative RL career victories under my belt (sarcasm), I've been able to afford to travel to mystic lands like MagicDuel.  See details of my story in the [=] document.

[Fire] Unicorn-haired, mithril-bodied autoharp.
[Air] Hollowed-out Knator-bone flute, with decorative witherwind feathers.
[Earth] Bodhran made with loreroot oakwood body and Knator-hide drumheads.
[Water] Bagpipes made from some strange rubbery hide and glassy pipes.
I also carry an endless supply of colorful paper for musical notes and origami .

Sorry in advance for the sound of tuning -- autoharps are normally quite difficult, but this unicorn-haired mithril job is a piece of work.  The unicorn hair is tough yet flexible, and constantly changes tension in the humid fogs that roll in from the Angien Shrine.  The mithril body is of course immutable and unforgiving, and amplifies every change in the silvery hairs it is strung with.

People of Marind's Bell that I need to get to know better as MDA Envoy, so I can satirize them :)
AqlBeast (gone?)
Unbelievable Power (gone?)
Jtz Champion -- All I know is, loves Drachs.
Laz / Unknown Entity
Emerald Arcanix -- Fascinating Feline Fixation Fetish
*Observer* / Lightsage -- Sends us random numbers and pretends it's a puzzle.
Poppi Chulloz -- The scariest avatar, and went 3 months without attacking...?
Orlando Gardiner
Handy Pockets -- So what sort of profession needs so many pockets?  Tinkerer? Watch calibrator? Money changer?  Artist? 
North Equilibrium
Redd -- Did everything except what he was accused of.
Chewett -- Achieved the impossible.

Fyrd Argentus's Guide for Adepts

-- Always remember that this is just a game, and that there are real people with real feelings on the other side of the internet.

-- Grow in the game, with the game, and contribute positively to the culture of Magic Duel itself.

-- Follow your heart, and don't forget to have fun.

-- Remember that in MD, even Death is just another adventure.

Basic Combat for Beginners

You can't attack a player directly - this is done by having your creatures attack another player's creatures.  Stronger and stranger creatures give you stronger and more magical attacks.  The basic mundane soldier is the Aramor (empty suit of armor).  The basic battlefield medic, or healer, is the Barren Soul.

When you choose to attack, you must select a collection of creatures, or ritual, from your list.  If you have none yet, you must create a new one by selecting up to 6 creatures.  Their combined vital energy (VE) must be at least 301, or the computer will randomize your ritual.  When creating a ritual, you may also click a box that says to use that ritual in defense (most recently defined one first, off the bottom of your list).  You can also adjust the "slider" which tells how much of your personal VE you are going to risk in the combat.  At 0% there is no risk, but no support for your creatures.  At 100% your personal statistics are added to those of your creatures.

Upon selecting a ritual to attack with, you have one last chance to adjust the slider before you CHARGE!  The combat results give the attacker's % loss first, then the defender's.  Whoever lost less PERCENTAGE of their creature's VE gets credited with a win, their opponent a loss and the amount of damage you did determines how many heat scars (experience) you and your creatures get.  However, all this gets more complicated as you advance in the game.  Read the details of the combat reports to learn more about how combat works.

In order to advance, you and your creatures will need to collect wins and losses.  Ideally you should seek "balance" or equal numbers of wins and losses.  If you attack players with higher win/loss ratios, you gain honor - if you attack less successful players you lose honor.  Honor is important for purchasing and recruiting.  At later stages of the game, being far out of balance has progressively worse effects.

To achieve balance, ideally, you should attack strong and put up weak defenses for your training partners.  Speaking of which....


This is a game more about relationships and roleplay, than it is about combat; you will enjoy this game much more if you work to develop a social network.  You will stay engaged and happy.

Peers – Find players you can trust and grow alongside.  Share with them and support them.

Rivals – Find other players you can compete against without loathing them.  Make it a race.  Learn who is slightly below you (good targets) slightly above you (challenges) and way beyond you (don't annoy them).  Study their tactics.

Mentors – Not just MP6's, most advanced players will help anybody who shows a desire to learn and do well.


-- When the real-world clock hits the top of the hour, all your edit sessions of papers or PM are flushed.  Save your work on your own computer, and watch the clock.


Fyrd Argentus

It has been 8 long years since I was a protector, nay, even anchored to this realm.  I shall not return to MP6 status unless there is a call for me to be a Protector, from enough adepts to make this possible.  I will however, always try to help all those in need who ask.

Best of Luck to all!

Fyrd Argentus

p.s. Thanks to my active adepts!

Eagle Eye
Kaya Salta

Demonic God
Fang Archbane
Clair de Lune

Page 74 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
As the masacration continues, SmartAlekrj looks terrified at the horrible show. Several hours pass untill the tiny people completly desintegrate the massive beast, and as nothing happend moments ago, they resume their daily rutine. A small group comes to clean the remaining bones that form a huge scheletton where not long ago a mighty dragon stood. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it

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