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Gibbon Monk
Player ID: 163531
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 3
Luck : 0
Energetic immunity : 3
Trade sense : 0
Briskness : 5
Initiative : 1
Defence : 2
Attack : 3
Power : 1
Principle of Cyclicity = 12
Principle of Enthropy = 10
Principle of Imagination = 10
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Battle stats
Won: 19 | Lost: 10
Honor: 317
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I am born under two Signs:

The Sign of the Scientist and the Sign of the Dreamer...guess it, very contradictorily...

..Theres no rest in my mind...its a nervending struggle between emotion and thought, emphatizing and anlaysing, acting and observing...
...should i give the beggar a coin?

Yes, says the dreamer, look how he is suffering, you can imagine and feel his sorrows, give him the coin, make him happy for the moment, because the moment counts, not the outer time calles future and past!

No, says the Scientist, would a coin end his poverty, would his life become better? No, seek out for the origins of poverty, if you really want to help, change life, change structures and for this, observe, gather informations, become wiser...a coin will change nothing!

...so, what will I do?

...you see, struggle is the origin of development, the seed of progress, it has always been like this...<br /><br />And so here i am, wandering these plains, searching for both, wisdom and enlightment, never resting, ever developing, with but one aim: Perfection of myself.
Some of my creatures

Page 423 - Tales of The Cube
"They tried to do what was thought as impossible: to create a cube... They thought that if they gathered the power of all 4 elements they could create a...... well, they failed." "WHAT ..what did they try to create with that cube?!" shouts Liberty. "Ah, an abomination; An error of magic: a Golem, a false being with an artificial soul." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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