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Player ID: 208824
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Regeneration : 16
Luck : 4
Energetic immunity : 20
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 37
Initiative : 11
Defence : 44
Attack : 84
Power : 9
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 86
Principle of Enthropy = 74
Principle of Balance = 70
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Battle stats
Won: 259 | Lost: 369
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
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The Once and Future King or Chevalier Mal Fet
GoGoroth has little remarkable about him upon first glace.  Being slightly below average height, oftimes causes others to overlook him, usually to their peril. He wears a warriors close cropped hair.  It is light brown to blonde depending upon the season and his eyes are brown.  Again seemingly ordinary.  A great part of his drive stems from the bruised ego, of this ill made hero.  He has a pink complexion.  He is heavily muscled, though of ancient noble blood, his humble background, as a woodsman, gives him a robust nature.  A wide scar above his right eyebrow speaks to his willingness to meet confrontation head on.  Sometimes literally.  The ancient nobility in his blood bears with it a curse.  Luck is rarely on his side.  Anything that can go wrong, will, and at the least opportune time.  This has left him cynical and prone to the occasionally dark rage.  It has also led to his caustic wit and wry sense of humor.  When everything is out to get you, you also become adaptable.  In the familiar face of adversity he is calm and collected.  He stoically faces and overcomes each situation.  He sees the world in ideals, black and white, though when pragmatism demands it, he can traverse the grey.  This tendancy towards the ideal has left him with a profound sense of justice.  He is righteous and will never back down from a cause he deems worthy.  Once his loyalty is gained, it is unwavering.

made it through the labyrinth by Pure spite...

Received a choice creature...the potential of which is still shrouded...
Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer Elite Knator Majestic Winderwild Animated Tree III Elite Lorerootian Archer

no enemies as per yet

Page 585 - The Hunt for Red Presents
Aia, while initially surprised, welcomed the elf as befitting a Queen and offered them help with their predicament. The elf was upset and directly questioned whether Aia had come to further set his home alight.

After the initial grumpiness, Aia spent some time learning why the elf had not replied. The elf and their friends had went away to commiserate the loss of their friend Fyrd. This was why there was no replies, and someone with a tricky sense of humour decided to continue to pile the letters up in the office. They continued to discuss the letter situation and Aia admitted that on her request the letters were sent. While the elf refused to admit it, Aia got the distinct impression that the elf had not read them.

As the discussion continued, they migrated to the Defensive Tower Balcony where tea and biscuits were offered. Aia explained the concern about Confused Santa, his elf, and the presents and the archive elf mentioned that he would be able to help. However this was contingent on whether the problems with the archives could be solved since that was their first priority.

After the elf left, Aia realised that the elf did not realise she was the Queen, after them making several comments about the scary Queen. That shall be a surprise if the elf later realises! The elf has promised to send the Queen or Aia, whom is much less scary than the queen, a list of requests to help restore the archives. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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