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Golgothar Skull
Player ID: 146931
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 7
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 6
Initiative : -1
Defence : 7
Attack : 11
Power : 0
Luck : 1
Principle of Enthropy = 18
Principle of Light = 20
Darkness Principle = 22
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Battle stats
Won: 156 | Lost: 44
Honor: 194
MindPower: 3
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The Perfect Shadow

Long ago, in the beginning of our existance, God called for light and made the universe. With this light came an opposing force; a darkness. This darkness, so pure and innocent in nature took on a will of its own. It has been called many things in its time due to his relationship with the creation of Satan; King Fear, Lord Mayhem, Perfect Shadow, and its self-chosen name Shadzu.

As God continued creating his universe, Shadzu had learned how to think, how to create, how to controll the essence of this "perfect shadow" of which he was constructed. He grew, like an unknown demi-god in slumber he grew and learned.

After God finished making his world, he made man. Not far after, Shadzu awoke from his medatative cycle of growth and learning onlly to realize that he was rapdly loosing power. He was distraught and wondered why he was weakening, dying. He looked to God and saw that his power came from the praise he gained from his creations. Shadzu decided that he should try his hand at creation and in turn gain thier favor and survive. However, when he spawned his creatures of dark upon the earth, they mingled with man and, like two magnetic forces, were atracted to God's man. The two consumed one another and started to swell together, creating not one of God's gracefull men or Shadzu's innocent shades, but some form of consuming, evil spirit. It was later know as Satan and was imprisoned in a pit of flame and torment. Satan's anger and rage at God's act tainted God's man with inbred temptation and evil.

After God cleared the mess of Satan, Shadzu thought about what went wrong. He saw that he gave man the power of both the light and dark of creation, resulting in an overage of power to a mortal being. Shadzu went to god and explained his theory and the dilema of shotage of power that Shadzu faced. God told him that instead of simply giving man the power of this perfect shadow to be added to their natural God-given light, he should convert willing mortals to beings of shadow. Shadzu was highly greatful at God's generosity and assured that he would take discretion in the amount of God's men he took.

Shadzu went to earth and consulted men on the idea of trading their lives under god to become a disciple under Shadzu. Many kindly turned down the idea (seeing how rewarding God could be), but many liked the idea. These men that agreed went through a painstaking ritual that turned them into shades, creatures that thought and appeared as men, but were constructed of the pure shadow of Shadzu. This shadow gave them the ability to have sensitivity to an arcane force in which they sparingly utilized for religious ceremonies, healings, and, of course, for their studies of knowledge and enlightenment.

From this Shadzu's force of being increased tenfold, and his crisis of existence was expelled for eternities to come. He decided to become active with his followers in teaching them a balance in the principles of life, of the light and shadow, of God's nature and Shadzu's arcane. Shadzu taught his diciples that a balance in all elemental and behavioral principles was the way to become most powerful and wise and controlled. He taught that power of any kind is evil unless it is wielded by a being equally as wise. From then forth, these disciples, The Disciples of Balance as they were known, passed down their teachings of balance, continually feeding Shadzu's being.

Later in time, God made Jesus to reestablish his link to man and to wash them of their sin, to protect them from Satan. Shadzu realized that a few of his diciples had also been infulenced by Satan. So Shadzu decided to make a being of pure shadow (like his original shades that created Satan) but with the assistance and careful construction of his mortal decendent, assuring that it would be wise and stable to create and teach to Shadzu's will to The Disciples. From this sprang forth the mightiest of the shade mortals; Golgothar Skull.

And so is the beginning of the balance of light and dark, to fend off the evil made through ignorance, for it is not the darkness that is evil, but the unworthy will that wields it vast power vainly. The Darkness is but a tool, and evil will that taints it.

Some of my creatures
Big Boy Promethius

True Hatred

Myself.  Or at least my worser tendencies, that is.


No Breathing being has the ability to know another person well enough to truly hate them.  One can only hate the more corrupt part of the self, for one can only know oneself well enough to hate them. 

This is a hate that can be controlled, manipulated, and rid of if one strives hard enough to better, and therefor expell, the tendencies and atributes within that are hated.

Page 347 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
In the direction of Marind Bell, there is another light. It seems odd and surrounds the land. Before No One has a chance to analyze what he sees, the moon fades, the stars disappear, and the sky lightens again. He then hears an odd thumping. Looking at the source, he sees the puppy ramming against the bubble. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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