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Page 539 - A Debt Repaid
Syrian peeks around a corner, trying to spy on Azull. She grins and stifles a giggle, covering her mouth with her hand. "I can hear you, Syrian," he says, turning around. She frowns a moment before bounding up to him. "So, um, did you need me for-" She stops speaking as Azull scowls a bit. Syrian clears her throat before starting again, "I mean, was there anything else you required of me, my king?" Azull shakes his head. "Run along. Play, if you must." Syrian races across the Necrovion landscape before pausing. "Stupid adults and their stupid proto callings or whatever! Why can't they ever just have fun?" Within a moment, there is nothing but a cloud of dust where she stood as she's off to make mischief. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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