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Player ID: 199198
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 5
Luck : 1
Energetic immunity : 13
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 17
Initiative : 5
Defence : 8
Attack : 27
Power : 14
Principle of Imagination = 24
Principle of Syntropy = 27
Principle of Light = 36
Darkness Principle = 10
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 166 | Lost: 160
Honor: 2102
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I am nothing but a void in time and space. I am here to recreate. Follow me on my journey of adventure and peace. Be wary of what's around you. Evil is abroad and growing in numbers each day. Be strong young warrior. Be strong...


Some of my creatures
Grasan II Aramor Assassin Forge

Hate list
How can there be peace without war? Creatures across the land battle everyday for what they believe in. We as a race cannot coincide with one another which eventually leads to hate...Hate...A strong word indeed.

Page 558 - One Man, Many voices
Aia was brought into Necrovion under the guide of the loyal protector Lashtal. While talking to the old man his manner softened, until finally the glow in his eyes subsided and he pulled Aia into the circle. Suddenly they were in the dream world and the old man seemed scared. He spoke quickly to her, begging her to help him, explaining that the shades could not hear him here, but that they would suspect if they were too long. After the short discussion the old man banished her from the land. He hoped that the human would be able to help his pain. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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