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Gort Hedera
Player ID: 211203
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : -1
Energetic immunity : -19
Trade sense : -41
Briskness : 29
Initiative : 30
Defence : 229
Attack : 222
Power : 92
Luck : 31
Herbalism : 4
Experimentalism : 2
Filtering : 2
Finesse : 9
*fusioning : 4
Volition : 41
Cartography : 9
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Element Principle = 980
Principle of Imagination = 114
Darkness Principle = 79
Transposition Principle = 2178
Principle of Syntropy = 23
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1689 | Lost: 2608
Honor: 4996
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Gort Hedera - journal cover and other info.
(wishlist? Nah, just WishPoints, or an Elu)

 Me, simple, silent, and smiling.

(Hedera helix)

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
A younger woman with honey-brown eyes and dark brown hair, which is often streaked with drying algae or grassy bits.  Generally speaking, she tends to wear a strand of algae or river-weed draped across her brow like a tiara.
She speaks very little, and when she does smile, it's apparent that her tongue is almost missing, too small to enunciate properly.

She wears a necklace with a glittering icy snowflake charm around her neck, and a bracelet of woven grass with three coloured wooden beads threaded in.  

Her outfit is a simple cotton top embroidered with the letters RDFA over one breast, and a breezy skirt of natural silk, which is splotched with a few mud and grass stains.  Her bare feet, seen through the dried mud on them, have toenails painted in a myriad of colours, depending on her mood at the time.

At her side, she carries a little satchel full of all sorts of knick-knacks, toys, and trinkets, a light blue PocketScarf, and always, always a bundle of fresh grass to braid into bracelets and such... plus an ever-present leather-bound journal/notebook.

(PS: Image drawn by the awesome 'Duke of Malfi', specifically for me.  It's awesome! <3)
Some of my creatures

Why Hate?

Tis far nobler to have loved and lost, then ne'er to have loved at all.



While I started my dueling with the usual collections of Aramors, Grasans, and Barren Souls,  I have since traded and sacrificed all I had bound, for an army of  less destructive creatures.

Seeds, a pretty bird, some spooky priests, and such, complete my forces.   Yet I do not always lose.

I pledge to continue the traditions of RDFA, and helping others to revive their own forces, as best I can.   I'm no pacifist, but I don't plan on aggressively grinding my way to the top either.

The view may be nice up there, but you make a much more interesting target down below, among the masses.   :)






Combo Fighter Achievement - earned Apr 22, 2011

Page 58 - Golemus Wizard quest - Om.
"What is he doing...?", Om slowly approuches the wizards place trying to go unobserved. A strange glowing light can be seen from inside the house. Om. decides to wait and see what is going on, he never killed a wizard before so he must be carefull. "He looks so old, his strength its defenetly not physical, but so many failed to defeat him, i better observe him for a while" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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