I be Gox.I am a Goxzian otherwise known as a giant spider of enoumous size(for a spider anyways)
I stand at 6 feet tall with silk stronger then steel also i stand at a full heigt of 8 feet, down elow is a picture of me.Of corse i have another from .Down below the pic is additanl info.
no copy right intended
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Normaly my kind foes not vocalize.instead we commincate throw color and actions,and rarely sounds.We also pack quite a dose of venom like most spiders.I came from a desert regien so juming is one of my best attributes.I also have sevral abilites which you may or may not find out
This is my scarier and more humaoid form.Changing to this form is well unpleasent to say the least.But as a night hunter it was neassary to learn how to change to our true form,also it dosnt acttaly hurt,we only think it does becuase we not used to it.Fyi night hunters are also consider protecter or warriors of the nest.Other wsie take a word from me.True forms are consider you strogest form.As for my kind we consider both our forms true,but for the sake of understanding I am just calling this one true
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I came from a place called The Shifting Sands.It would rise and fall,change colors and shape.This is the place in which i grew up in.So much like the sand my kind was always changing,shifting,moveing.The sand seemed to be more then sand,it hard to explain
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