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Flere Imsaho




Player ID: 65165
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 18
Energetic immunity : 22
Trade sense : 15
Briskness : 20
Initiative : 6
Defence : 42
Attack : 44
Luck : 8
Power : 21
Royal Guard
Principle of Cyclicity = 52
Principle of Light = 85
Principle of Balance = 60
Time Principle = 72
Darkness Principle = 45
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 189 | Lost: 179
Honor: 1519
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The magic of ME:
Personal Motto:

Don\'t ask for it; go win it on your own. Do that and you\'ll succeed.

 Dovie\'andi se tovya sagain

 About Grebsie:

He will always do what is right, even at a sacrifice to himself. He puts all others before his own needs. With the greater good in mind, he will always protect the innocent.

He loves riddles and quests. He will do whatever it takes to complete a task given to him. Failure is not an option, although he does realize failure is sometimes needed in order learn and proceed through life.

Although it doesn\'t control him he loves symmetry and numbers. He may not realize he does it, but he analyzes everything, looking for patterns.

Not everything for him is straight forward. He enjoys having fun with his friends or even strangers. Although he is serious when the time calls, he will do anything to have fun.
Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Elemental V Grasan Huvourer Hollow Warrior Aramor Assassin Elite Lorerootian Archer

Why can\'t we all just be friends?
I dont hate anybody... but i DO hate running out of Action Points while moving about...

Page 393 - The Inner Sun - Ren., Am.
Taking a deep breath, Renavoid sits on the bed in the room. "I have to say: I believe it is a very important thing to understand. Though, many in the realm will not understand it." Amoran watches the Archivist intently, not sure if she should be comforting him or if he was trying to tell her something deeper with this dream of his. Perhaps I am one of those in the realm who does not understand? ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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