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Lady Amethyst
Liliana Vess
Blacksmith Brock
Jack Diavolo
Otik Songweaver
Iyre Oni
Mister Jack
Mano del dio
Ghost Of Baggins
Ischelon Kane
silverhand granitus
Wizard Commander
Yoshimo Hanada
Jap Jum
Kianna Stoneheart
Silver Dragon
Shenna Rae




Player ID: 7251
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : -1508
Luck : -256
Energetic immunity : -2341
Trade sense : -1431
Briskness : -1179
Initiative : -787
Defence : 1699
Attack : 951
Power : -365
Finesse : 17
Volition : 111
Cartography : 31
Mining : 0
Waterhandling : 0
Sun God Armour
Royal Guard
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 1000
Time Principle = 1000
Principle of Imagination = 440
Principle of Enthropy = 133
Principle of Balance = 1
He has spent many days within the realm, searching for knowledge, truth and justice. Knowing what he now does, he seeks to impart this upon others. He is head LHO, and Lord over The Paper Cabin.
\r\nTrust Points 10/10.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1524 | Lost: 1593
Honor: 214
MindPower: 5

MR's Fraternity
(Golemus Golemicarum)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %

A Concise History

Everybody knows that history is written by the victors, and as I am a victor of my own role in this world I can write my own account of it, which may or may not be wholly accurate, or necessarily in the correct order.

I have been here a while, some of you may know me, others perhaps not, though it is likely we may have passed each other from time to time as we were each going about our journeys in this place, be it with good intention or ill. To explain why my tale will be in such a format is easy to state, it is simple, I was cursed, but that I will talk more about later, for it is a story before this tale, and it will help you to know me as I became when I got here, so that your opinion of me, should you not have met me yet, is not slanted by the acts the were committed by me and mine before I was, lets say, changed...
Some of my creatures
MRMadhorn Water Daimon III Elemental V Unholy Pope Bashful Elemental V Master of Puppets Ragnarok Reindrach Grumpy Master Siena Majestic Winderwild Chaos Archer
A challenge is before you

Any quests I am running are listed along the left in the tabs. If you have a quest, but no backing, please speak to me and I will look over it and if I think it works well, I will back it for you. I do this, in part, because I have little time to construct quests myself, so I'm more than happy to sponsor others.

Those who can't hear the music, think the dancer is mad.

Hate is for those with darkness tainting their soul.
I do not hate, for that tainting would destroy me.

Think of what a better world it would be if we all the whole world had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap.

Be sure to dance to the invisible music

Page 222 - A Freezing Firestarter
Oh no! The drachorns have left the area...phrog watches in horror as the flames fight to stay lit, but they cannot keep warm. Freezing once more, phrog drops immediately back into a deep sleeplike state with no flames to comfort him. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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