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Player ID: 248088
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 210
Energetic immunity : 237
Trade sense : 169
Briskness : 197
Initiative : 174
Defence : 429
Attack : 523
Power : 115
Luck : 53
Volition : 748
Finesse : 13
Cartography : 31
Mining : 9
Herbalism : 9
Waterhandling : 11
Gardening : 6
Woodcutting : 9
*excavation : 12
Experimentalism : 0
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 2980
Principle of Enthropy = 1000
Principle of Syntropy = 2989
Principle of Balance = 1530
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1950 | Lost: 2079
Honor: 4997
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I am hemi the alchemy. I like games and lots of chocolate cakes. :D
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Drvorad 3 Zmajorlo 1 Glupi klovn BloodPact Chaos Archer Selene Vamp Lord Smaug 1 Imperial Aramor Assassin Unholy Pope Master Lorerootian Archer

Aia del mana, if i stay idle its for people to train, not giving me -450000vp which i need days to recover in normal way. 

Page 484 - The Traveler
The fog around the hypercube starts to split in two, one darker and one almost transparent part, revealing a now slowly rotating cube. A humanoid shape starts to form from the transparent fog and becomes more and more dificult to see with normal eyes "That, my friend, was what i was seeking for ..." . The traveler walks away heading east to its homeland ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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