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hsiboon soirogerg
The Comedian
SAS the Ultimate
Crevex the Cursed




Player ID: 111197
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 37
Luck : 14
Energetic immunity : 48
Trade sense : 41
Briskness : 33
Initiative : 11
Defence : 182
Attack : 314
Power : 26
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Cyclicity = 345
Principle of Balance = 360
Principle of Syntropy = 574
Principle of Imagination = 355
Transposition Principle = 423
Apprentice to .Calyx of Isis. and second in command of the dojo. All staffing decisions are made by or reviewed by him.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 868 | Lost: 1487
Honor: 4925
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance


I am suddenly a new man. The love of a good woman and the birth of my son have shown me a new outlook on the world. I am more peaceful lately. May I be at peace for the rest of my days. If you come with Ill intent I will revert back to my old ways quickly. Mya Celestia, My wife and Arion Ibruson are my life. Harm them at the peril of your own.

“Kill one and you are a murderer.  Kill ten thousand and you are a conqueror.  Kill all and you are a God.”

In my time here I have met great people and accomplished many things. I have become engrossed in this realm and have tried to embed myself into it and I am trying to help others to find the same enjoyment that I have taken from it. I hope through my guidance I have helped some enjoy this realm more. I have Joined the Loreroot alliance and become an LHO and  dojo chief of staff. ( next goal RPC!!?? ) I am on staff at the "ROOT OF THE MATTER INN"  I am a Hunter and combat trainer and spend my days traveling and offering guidance. I try to do these thing as a pennance for the things I have done in the past. I have no memory of them but I have a feeling I have done things I should to atone for.

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When someone dies in the grasp of an extreme fury... a curse is born. Those who encounter that curse shall feel its wrath!                                         

     I awoke from what I thought was a nightmare. My head was throbbing and I was covered in bloody wounds. As i first attempted moving, pain shot through my body.  I slowly worked my way into a seated position and took in my surroundings. I was in the middle of a large field strewn with the broken remnants of battle. Broken wagons and dead horses were scattered everywhere.  Arrows and broken, bloody swords covered the ground as far as the eye could see. A severed hand lay at my feet. The smell of death hung in the air mixing with the smoldering of many fires on their last embers. A light rain began to fall and helped to clear my mind from the fog of war. Only... I remembered nothing.

     Where am I? Who am I?  Is the hand at my feet that of a fallen friend or of an enemy? I could not remember having any enemies... I could not remember having any friends either. I slowly and painfuly stood and began examining myself for wounds. Although there were many I was relieved to find that most of the blood was not my own. I was troubled to imagine the unspeakable things I must have done to be bathed in so much blood.....
     I began to wander the roads and try to find some sign of civilization. I came across a small village of about 20 familes. I stood on the perimeter and watched these people going about their daily life. Happy and carefree in their social groups. Are these my friends and neighbors? Do I have a family somewhere in that village?? My growing desperation for hints of my past made me move towards the village.

 At first sight of me children screamed and dropped their toys and ran crying for their mothers. Men grabbed pitchforks and shovels and prepaired to defend homes and family. I was struck from behind. I went to my knees.....

 When my vision cleared 3 Men lay dead at my feet. My hands were covered with fresh blood on top of the dried, crusty remains of my past. I was shocked at what I was so easily capable of and terrified that I did it without thinking of it. I began to apologize at the top of my lungs. Screaming my regrets to anyone who could hear me. I did not come here for conflict, just information.
     I left the village as fast as I could. My soul in turmoil for the deeds I had done. I had taken the life of men who had children,wives. And in the back of my empty mind I knew it was not the first time.

 Days passed, then months and then years. I stayed on the outside of the world, afraid of the confrontation that settlements bring. Living off the land and being one with the world around me.My memory never returned to me.But I had knowledge. I was a good hunter and craftsman. I knew what I could eat and what I shouldn't. I easily lived on what I found as I moved on the paths of the world.

 I watched.... I couldn't take my eyes away... They kept prodding the man. trying to get him to strike out at them. The man was no fool. It was 5 against one and he knew he didn't stand a chance and there was no fair fight in his future. They beat him and stole his goods. I watched. The rage building inside of me.... but I watched, afraid of what I might do if I reacted.
 They killed the man. They didn't have too. His life was just the last thing they could take from him and they took it.
 After I had avenged the man I stared at the blood on my hands and remembered waking in the field years ago. Covered in blood and confused. Then, I had no memory... From this point on I would remember that I could have saved the mans life if I had only spoken up and intervined.

  I vowed it would never happen again. I have since dedicated myself to helping those in need. To protecting ones too weak to protect themselves and guiding those who require my knowledge or have lost their way. I am not a good man! The things I have done in the past That I can remember haunt me. The part of me that has been lost to me is probably gone forever and better fogotten. I  swear I will from now on I will be a better person and try to help those in the world that I can. I am a protector and guardian and guide. I hope to never have to kill again. I will try just to bruise my foes. I will bruise you, I bruise you, Ibruzu. good a name as any...!

As I have traveled this land I have encountered many people, Some have been very kind to me. These people have opened my eyes to what is good and pure about this realm. I soon realized that there was a common thread that bound many of these people. They are members of Loreroot. I have pledged my sword to these people as individuals and I humbly offered my sword to the Alliance.And they found me honorable enough to include me in their ranks.

I am now a hunter, enforcer and protector of " THE ROOT OF THE MATTER INN"


I am new to this world and I am still trying to figure out my exact path through it. In my limited time here I have met an incredible cast of characters and made some very good friends. I am here to make this land and this world a better place if possible. My soul goal for that is I plan on spending alot of time here and want to feel comfortable in the beauty of my surroundings. I have made myself available as An advisor to those in need and as a resource for those in want.  Come as a Friend. I accept them though I do not tend to seek them out. It is not my way. I have been a loner in the past but Here I am slowly learning that I can be part of a group, and finding comfort in the relization. My friends have my sword and my loyalty and respect..... All powerful things.               

“I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.”  - J. Oppenheimer   

“I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.”                 

"I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work! -Thomas Edison                 

Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do on a rainy afternoon. -Susan Ertz

Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups

Please, Lord, let me prove that winning the lottery won't spoil me!

When you are arguing with an idiot, make sure he isn't doing the same thing               

It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy                                         

*Artificial Intelligence is no match to Natural Stupidity

*I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

*I don't break the rules. I merely test their elasticity            

*We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like?

*In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular                 

*Wisdom eventually comes to all of us. Someday it might even be your turn.

*You are proof that God has a sense of humour






Some of my creatures
Elemental IV Water Daimon III Water Daimon I Hazeroth Angien Master of Puppets Tubby Gold Aramor

No Hate —and— Dojo Rules and Information

There is no time for hate in my life... Just swift revenge and then i forget and move on my path.


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Winning is glory... Losing is knowledge

Page 436 - The Traveler
The old man starts to walk straight and faster. Junior almost loses his track. "What business do you have in this remote place...maybe with the guards...nah..cant be, they never talk or do anything except staring at that damn tunnel.." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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