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Player ID: 207876
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Regeneration : 15
Energetic immunity : 36
Trade sense : 16
Briskness : 20
Initiative : 31
Defence : 75
Attack : 100
Power : 6
Luck : 29
Royal Guard
Principle of Balance = 21
Principle of Light = 13
Darkness Principle = 13
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Won: 26 | Lost: 52
Honor: 323
MindPower: 3
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Chapter one


“Gather round fair people” an old man calls from his seat in the middle of the market. The market is a crowded place, with shops selling different things all squashed together. The old man has a long beard and clutches a staff, he has a large hat that hangs over his eyes and makes him look wiser. People start crowding around the storyteller with the children sitting in front of him. The storyteller is well known to the crowd for he is the best there is, his stories ranging from the unreal to the down right impossible but everyone liked him for the adventure he took them on. Whenever he told a tale everyone seemed to see what he was saying, the blind wept with joy at being able to see even for a short time.

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“Today’s story is about Icefyre” the storyteller announced to the crowd. The crowd swelled at this for everyone had heard of the man but no one had ever heard a story about him. One person at the back of the crowd stared at the man with an intent that showed something other then curiosity, the look was one of recognition. The old man started the tale “the year is 201 my tale takes us back to a time before humans settled on this earth and started building places to live. On a world where magic made you a ruler of people that didn’t know magic, their year is the year 1, the year magicians rose up and started the tyrannical rule of there world, 2000 years before their world ended. There world was a beautiful place that many called home, it was forested and had large masses of water and land, forces that sought to destroy the world were kept at bay by the secret guardians. The magi were a secret until they rose up and took power, magic was only passed from one family member to the next by birth, none of the commoners had the magic in them. The gods sensing what was to happen sent one of their own to help stop the tyranny, and on the day the magicians took control a boy was born, his name was Icefyre. The only one who knew who the boy really was, was the woman who gave birth to him. She was young only about 22 when Icefyre was born, she had silky blonde hair and large blue eyes. Icefyre was different to normal so she created for him a disguise that would hide him from the world and himself.

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The woman was one of only a few who had wished to remain a secret and had been chosen by the gods for the task. The young Icefyre grew up while his mother taught him magic, manners and the ability to see the best in everyone.


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The best knight in the world taught him how to use a sword. He was tall ,handsome and was strong in the mind and body; whenever he was around he helped with things that needed doing like fixing stuff that was broken or cutting wood for the winter supply. When he turned ten Icefyre’s mother died, on her deathbed his mother gave him an amulet that housed a portion of his father’s soul and told him to flee to the frozen lands, the people there would welcome him with open arms. From what Icefyre had heard the people were a savage and barbaric people who refused the rule of the mages, they also guarded the temple of his father and the key to unlocking his true power. With that she passed on and joined his father. He wept for days then he gathered his belongings, strapped on a sword and the leather armour given to him by his only friend the knight. He set off on foot into the mountains at the back of his house which disappeared behind him never to be seen by anyone again. A fair way up the mountain he came across his friend the knight, the knight offered his services after Icefyre explained what happened, Icefyre accepted with relief. After many years by the time Icefyre turned fifteen they reached the border of the icebound land. They hadn’t gotten very far into the land when they were ambushed by the ice people, when they saw the amulet they fell down to their knees and bowed their heads to the ground. Icefyre was puzzled by this as the Ice people lead him to a grand temple in the middle of the snow desert. The temple was large and circular in design, icicles hang down to the floor in places and statues littered the ground around it.

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One of the Ice people stepped forwards and said in Icefyre’s language haltingly, “This is your fathers temple, inside you will be tested and then you may emerge. We will look after your guardian while you are away.” Icefyre nodded and walked into the temple leaving his bags and taking only his sword and armour he set his foot on the bottom step.


In the temple he faced statues of a man with a small child in his arms, he walked on past the statues through a door which was revealed after he walked past an altar. As he walked through the door the illusion that his mother had created fell away from him know he looked like the statue, he stopped to study himself in a mirror he was taller the armour actually growing to fit his lengthened form, he had a golden dragon curled on his shoulder dozing as if nothing was happening, a pair of the most beautiful, delicate white wings in the world and piercing blue eyes.


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He moved on as the dragon on his shoulder stirred and watched the way they were headed. He moved into a large chamber and in the middle was a long thin table, on the table was a staff it was long and was topped with a crystal clutched in a dragon’s claws. “Pick it up” said the dragon, “pardon me” Icefyre exclaimed in surprise. “Pick it up, it’s yours” the dragon repeated, “what is your name?” Icefyre asked the dragon. “I haven’t been given my name yet that is your job” the dragon replied. “What would you like to be called?”


“I would like to be called Eleria.”


“Then I will call you Eleria.” Icefyre picked up the staff and the walls sung their praise and a new door flew open. Icefyre and Eleria set off down the corridor with staff in hand, into another large chamber. The door slammed closed behind him and all the lights went out, Icefyre instinctively tapped the staff on the ground and light emanated brightly from the crystal lighting the entire room. In the middle of the room was a pedestal, on the pedestal was a large tome.

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Icefyre opened the tome and read everything on every page, they contained spells and potions and even the principal of shape shifting. Everything he read sank into his mind and he sighed as he turned the last page, he sorted threw the new information and selected a spell that would reveal the next path. He spoke the spell and the room lit up, a door opened and the man and the dragon proceeded.”




“I will stop my story here for today and will continue it tomorrow if you gather around at the same time” the old man said and there was general outcry at the abrupt halting of the story when it was getting better. The man hushed them and arose from his seat, walking away he noticed someone following him. He smiled and stopped waiting for the person to catch up, “you give yourself not enough space to get away do you?” asked the woman.


“And you always find me wherever I go don’t you?” asked the old man.


“Always” she smiled. The old man dropped his illusion and a young man stood in front of the regal lady. “I am bound to you so I don’t understand why you try to escape from me” said the lady.


“I try so hard, I almost had this time so how did you know I was here?”


“I have been with you on all your adventures did you not think I would know it was you retelling your adventures.”


“All I do is bring excitement to the sad people of this world.”


“You do much more then that and you know it” the man nodded and walked away “will I see you tomorrow” called the lady. He stopped and turned his head and said “only if you want to finish listening to the tale.” With that he walked on into the night.




The next day the old man was sitting in the same spot with all the same people gathered around him. “Know what was I up to?” he wondered aloud. The crowd laughed at his forgetfulness as one of them called out “Icefyre had just left the chamber with the Pedestal and the Tome.”


“Oh that’s right. Thank you kind sir. Now on with the tale”


Chapter two


Down the hall they walked passing statues, mirrors and other strange wonders. They walked for a fair while before the next chamber loomed in front of them. In the centre of this chamber was a stand, on the stand was a sword of the finest make Icefyre had ever seen. “This is yours also” stated Eleria. Icefyre picked up the sword and replaced it with his own, Icefyre was thinking that if the suns rays were to catch it, it would look as if it were on fire and it burst into flames. He dropped the sword in exclamation and the flames went out. The dragon sighed and shook her head as Icefyre bent down and picked it up, he thought of flame and the white fire danced along the silvery blade. The room shuddered and out of the wall came the biggest beast Icefyre had ever seen, the dragon flew off his shoulder and perched high above out of danger. The beast stood like a human and held a large two handed axe in one hand and a massive shield in the other. The beast roared and Icefyre stood his ground and dropped into a defensive stance. Another roar started the beast stomping towards Icefyre who held his ground. Sparks flew as axe met sword and Icefyre pressed back and the thing went flying back across the room. The beast now enraged started making mistakes like the mistake of taking a massive swing leaving its chest exposed. Icefyre blocked, spun and cut the chest of the beast drawing blood. This happened and soon the beast fell to its knees in a mass of blood and sweat, leaving Icefyre free of any damage and wasn’t sweating at all. It moaned piteously and Icefyre uttered a spell from the vast collection and he healed the creature, it groaned as the wounds closed and it turned back into the place where it had come from. The dragon flew off its perch and landed on his shoulder again “very impressive” she commented. And pointed her snout in the direction they should head in, they walked into a small chamber and Icefyre stood in front of the finest, thinnest, strongest and most beautifully detailed metal armour that existed in the world. He could see that it was made to fit his body so he shed his leather armour and quickly donned the armour forged for him in the heavens because of being in the presence of a lady. He placed the staff in the loops made for it nestled in between his wings and he placed the sword at his hip through the metal band. He stretched his wings for the first time and he saw that the next door was above him, he jumped into the air and flapped his wings propelling him into the large chamber. He studied the room before his eyes came to rest on the thrones at the end of the hall, on one throne was the man from the statue and in the other was his mother. He strode forwards and stood before the thrones, he bowed low to the ground and said nothing.


 “There is no need to bow to me my son” said the man “I hope you have liked my gifts for you.” Icefyre nodded as he rose “I find them to be great for one so low.” His father looked at him and said “you are not low, you are of high birth, my son you are a god.” Icefyre looked up at his mother and she smiled and both of them stood up. “The time has come for you to rise to your destiny to take your throne and restore peace to this world” Icefyre’s mother and father walked out a door into an intense light “but who will guide me?” Icefyre asked after his father. The answer came from all around him “Your mate, your guardian and your heart” the voice faded and Icefyre turned to see the dragon turn into a beautiful woman and the knight appear from nowhere with the Ice people. Icefyre took Eleria’s hand and walked to his throne, he sat down and she sat at his side. The knight approached and said “My lord my name is Tanis and I am your guardian.” Icefyre nodded and said “it is good to have you at my side.” The Ice people bowed and called “King Icefyre, King of the Ice-bound lands.” Icefyre rose and addressed the crowd “Today I set forwards to heal the world of the destruction that was caused by the Magi.” He walked out into the Ice people and was followed by Eleria and Tanis. At the door to the temple he unfurled his wings and took off in the direction of the Magi’s high tower where every mage resided never leaving for fear of attack. Alone he landed close to the tower and hid his wings from there he walked to the tower door. He felt two presences leave the world and he walked purposefully into the tower, he was set upon by many men and women who tried to overpower him but all stopped short when they met a barrier. Now he was an object of curiosity, no one had ever stopped so much magical energy at once, a thought passed through all of them and Icefyre declared “I am not something you can bend and break to your will.” They looked shocked and they all fell to the ground as the mind contact they all held to each other manifesting there power just disappeared. Icefyre continued on and was constantly set upon by more and more powerful magi breaking the bond between them all. When he got to the top of the tower the grand magi was a crumpled heap on the floor, “why did you feel the need to control the world?” Icefyre asked the Magi.


“Because we protect this world and got nothing for it” the woman replied


“You were getting the silent gratitude of the gods and the unknowing gratitude of the citizens of this world.” The Magi looked at him in confused silence. “You were given these powers to protect the world from the evil that tried to destroy it. You were always well supplied by the gods never hungry, never thirsty and never left wanting. Did you ever stop to consider that what you all wanted to do was going against the worldly order. Only those who didn’t wish to join you remain protecting this world.” Bombs rattled and shook the tower and Icefyre turned to the Magi “the world is ending and it has been decided that those who tried to protect the world will be saved along with the citizens, the magi who took power will remain and be tested by the evil with only your individual magic to protect you. Greed and power hunger destroy worlds and ours is the perfect example.” Icefyre turned and vanished into thin air back to the main land the tower having been replaced with a grand lake. He materialised between Eleria and Tanis, and they stared out across the lake. Icefyre held Eleria’s hand and they left the world, all three of them, to save other worlds worthy of saving.”




“Here my tale ends” the old man said. And the crowd snapped out of the vision that the old man spun, only one person in the crowd believed the old mans story but everyone was grateful that they could hear a tale of Icefyre. “Some say that he is in this world because the people lack excitement and wishes to bring joy and happiness to the world” the old man got up and the crowd parted. From somewhere in the crowd someone called “Are you Icefyre?” having reached the edge of the crowd he turned back and said with eyes to young for the old man “Whatever gave you that idea” he smiled to them all and walked to the edge of town. The woman from the night before caught up and the old man dropped his illusion, “I think you have accomplished your task” she said. He laughed and smiled “only in this world Eleria only in this world.” They walked together for a while before Icefyre turned to Eleria and said “You deserve a reward for finding me.”


“Mmmm and what might that be.” He laughed roguishly and said “I think we can sleep together tonight.” She smiled and lay her head on his shoulder “I would like that.” She shape shifted into a small golden dragon and rested of his shoulder before he changed into a large silver wolf. Icefyre howled into the sky and his powerful muscles flexed as he started a great run that carried them into the distance. On the horizon a lone knight stood watching the wolf with the dragon on its back disappear into the horizon, he turned and vanished into nothing following his charge like the silent guardian he was, Tanis would only be there when he was needed and right now he wasn’t.


In a cave Icefyre and Eleria in their human forms curled up together for the night “will you be here in the morning?” asked Eleria. Icefyre considered this and said “only if you want me to be, for I haven’t found a world that needs my help.” Eleria moved closer and said “I want you to be here when I wake up.” He smiled as he brushed her hair with his hand “Then I will be here for you.” Tanis stood guard that night at the mouth of the cave.


Chapter three


Far below them Eleria and Icefyre watched the sun lift its head from the horizon. They held hands and Eleria had her head resting on his shoulder, in the background Tanis stood also enjoying the rare moment of peace. When the sun had risen well above the horizon something got past Tanis, sneaking unobserved up to King Icefyre of the Ice-bound lands. It pulled a long dagger out of its sleeve and stabbed him in the back protruding out of his chest, Icefyre looked down at the dagger and swung around snatching the thing of its feet. With all his strength he threw it down the side of the cliff before collapsing, Tanis disappeared and Eleria dropped to the side of her lover. Looking at her through dimming eyes Icefyre said “look after our child, raise him like I was raised with a loving mother.” Eleria cried and whispered in reply “I will, I promise I will.” Icefyre smiled and died peacefully in the company of his love. Somewhere Tanis was being punished severely for betraying his charge letting the assassin sneak past, “it was his time to stand aside” Tanis spat.


Chaos surrounded Icefyre and he walked through the blackness. A light shined so he walked towards it, it seemed to take forever but finally he got there, he embraced the light and instantly he was everything in every world. He blew, he swayed, he splashed, he was man, he was woman, and he was every mammal. He was every emotion, yet he was nothing, nothing was lonely so he moved away from it but never quite escaping. One day an old man approached, the old man reminded the being of a distant memory. The old man looked at him and said “you have lived far too long like this, all the pain and suffering. Listen to my story and I will give you a new life.” The being nodded and sat close to the old man. The old man told the being a great story of trial and sacrifice, love and betrayal and the death of a great man who was a god. For the entire time the being had his eyes closed and when he opened them he was in a paper cabin. The old man’s voice whispered to him, “You are know in the care of Muratus Del Mur ruler of this world, memories will come back with time, once you have learnt the skills needed to survive you will regain your old strengths.” The being nodded and the old man’s voice left.


After he learnt his new skills, He listened to tales and decided that Loreroot would be his new home, when he finally got into Loreroot he remembered his name was Icefyre. He told his tale and taught those that he saw fit for the knowledge.


“Now my friends” Icefyre said to the people gathered at the Root of the Matter inn “This is my story and I hope you have enjoyed listening to it as much as I have retelling it.”


Some of my creatures
Ezio Auditore Dream Mutation

Page 311 - The Inner Sun - Iam.
At the light of the fire he can see the enormous ammount of books in that place. He takes one of them and after looking briefly over it he puts it on the fire to keep it burning. "A good time for a break .. lets see what we have here ...". Bored pulls out a big dusty book "Rare creatures ... hmm that sounds interesting". The pages are decorated with gold foil and beautiful artworks. "Rustgold Drachorn .... woaaa this one looks nice", he surfs the pages while the fire continues to burn and cast strange shades allover the place. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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