Regeneration : |
3 |
Energetic immunity : |
2 |
Trade sense : |
5 |
Briskness : |
3 |
Initiative : |
0 |
Defence : |
4 |
Attack : |
7 |
Power : |
1 |
Luck : |
0 |
Principle of Imagination |
= 13 |
Principle of Light |
= 13 |
Darkness Principle |
= 8 |
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Winged Wanderer, Raven Ranger |
I am a ranger. I am a wanderer. I am known as Jack. I know of the war going on, but I find that I do not wish to be a part of it. I am content with traveling the world on my own, going where my wanderlust leads me, and not bothering with the world as a whole, though it seems that that is all about to change.
It all started that one fateful day when I was walking through the woods. I stumbled upon a great stag that was caught by his enormous antlers in a tangle of vines and brush. It was a bounty that I may never come upon again. I raised my bow, meaning to kill the animal, but then something came over me, like one of the fits of wanderlust that I suffer so frequently, and I could not come to kill the noble beast. At great risk to my own life, I approached the desperately thrashing beast and with my dagger I cut the vegetation that bound him. Strangely the stag did not rush off as soon as he was freed but looked into my eyes for what seemed like a very long time, and then ran off. That night, when I was sitting at the campfire sometime after I had eaten some of the dried meat that I still had at the time, an owl suddenly flew into the clearing. I looked at it and I could see the same look in its eyes that had been in the stag’s. The owl flew away and then I excused myself to bed for it was very late. That night when I slept I had a very strange dream. In my dream my encounter with the stag was repeated, although instead of a stag it was a man with antlers who was trapped. He thanked me for rescuing him and he gave me a gift in thanks. It is a stone with a strange glyph upon it. When I looked up to tell the man that the gift is more than enough thanks, I see him change into an owl right before my eyes and then he flies away screeching with laughter. It was strange; I thought I could hear him saying something like ‘a ranger who doesn’t have the heart to kill a stag, ha.’ I then suddenly awoke to the sound of a screeching owl as it flies away into the distance. ‘It was only a dream’ I laughed, but in my hand I found the glyph stone from my dream. I set it aside, and soon fell back asleep. The rest of the night was dreamless. The next morning, I took the glyph in my hand and I felt a sudden surge. I still can’t quite explain it, but it gave me this urge that was greater than even all of my past feelings of wanderlust put together. Over time I was able to better understand this new energy that flowed from the glyph and I found out how to change into a raven. A form which I greatly enjoy because of the ability to fly and the feeling of freedom I get when I take to the air. I now seek to enter Loreroot, the land that is the home of this magic, so that I may learn more of this wild magic. But before I can enter Loreroot I need to gain a better understanding of one more thing: the guards that stand at the gates of Loreroot.
I am a ranger. I am a wanderer. I am a raven. I am the winged wanderer. I am the raven ranger. I know there is a war going on, and I find myself getting closer to joining it every day. I am no longer content with just going where my wanderlust takes me, for I have found something that is far stronger. I am now irrevocably connected to Loreroot by the wild magic that is now a part of me. |
Page 415 - The Inner Sun - Others |
The object continues its ascent, silent and grand while the celebration continues, the guests bursting with joy and enthusiasm. In the sky, another phenomenon begins, but which does not go unnoticed. The Eternal Sun begins to fade and is eclipsed by a dark body. There are gasps of alarm and surprise. “Look! The Sun!” ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |
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