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Player ID: 186134
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Regeneration : 186
Energetic immunity : 249
Trade sense : 106
Briskness : 507
Initiative : 50
Defence : 375
Attack : 594
Power : 66
Luck : 46
Herbalism : 10
Filtering : 4
Waterhandling : 5
Finesse : 6
*excavation : 2
Volition : 366
Cartography : 23
Mining : 2
*taming : 2
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 2294
Principle of Cyclicity = 2866
Principle of Balance = 1224
Principle of Syntropy = 2268
Principle of Imagination = 1174
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1382 | Lost: 1385
Honor: 166
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A Wooden Box
You find a wooden box. The words "Personal Papers" are scrawled in black marker ink across the top. This must be what you are looking for, you think. You lift off the lid. The first object in the box is a scroll adorned with a black and silver ribbon with the label "wishlist". It is set next to a stopped clock, its face broken.
Removing the scroll from the box, you find an even smaller box sitting at the bottom. This box, however, is covered in velvet. A rather crumpled piece of paper lies in the corner of the wooden box. It looks as if it was torn off a book.
Some of my creatures
Amber Sparkles Jr Revolted Skill Vampire Dark Soulweaver Medi Imperial Aramor Assassin Majestic Winderwild Angien Sentinel II Chaos Archer Angien Knator War Master

JadenDew's Notebook

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Medication included if necessary.






Page 587 - The Hunt for Red Presents
One of our trio, Aamon, finding his path lay in another direction handed the precious snokeflakes to Aia. Maybe she will have better luck uniting a mass of Christmas Spirit to help the elves. Upon returning to Loreroot she found a letter imploring a visit about that very matter. News travels fast... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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