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Player ID: 185059
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Regeneration : 22
Energetic immunity : 33
Trade sense : 16
Briskness : 29
Initiative : 8
Defence : 56
Attack : 78
Power : 33
Luck : 13
Volition : 2
Cartography : 1
Royal Guard
Principle of Enthropy = 175
Principle of Cyclicity = 263
Principle of Balance = 76
Darkness Principle = 101
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Battle stats
Won: 290 | Lost: 438
Honor: 2410
MindPower: 4
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Jaime the Wanderer
Young yet mature, Jaime the wanderer tries to find his way after the loss of his mentor.

He lost both his parents at a young age. The father died when he was eight, due to war; his mother at eleven, because of sickness. He became an urchin for two years, living off the crumbs of bread the more fortunate left behind; until a particularly windy day, an old, lonely blacksmith called Farkin took pity on him, and decided to take him under his wing.

No one is sure why he adopted him, but whenever he was asked he said: "I don't really know. The moment I saw him I felt something diferent. He is just not your usual kid, y' know.... he has potential." Though it was quite obvious he wasn't telling everything. Besides, the Jaime was always day-dreaming and interested in only doing his own thing, which at the moment contradicted "has potential". With age, however he has become much more disciplined.

He spent the next four years training and studing under Farkin's mentorship. There he learned the ways of the forge, and the basics of combat. Altough not the most skilled in the latter, (And has the tendency of dodging into obstacles.) he is not completely usless in the field of battle.

During his free time he used to go to the local library and read various books. (Mostly fantasy.) In fact, for a while he had the aspiration of becoming a writer, but that was later abandoned since he had little time to write because of his duties at the forge.

After three years of apprentinceship, Jaime had become really skilled in the forge, so Farkin thought it was time to teach him the secret of his trade. Enchanting.

For the next two years he learned the secret procesess of augmenting metal with various diferent effects and properties. Altough he sometimes screws up the processes he is quite adept.

This one time he tried to create a sword that could throw fire and shards of ice, with the added property of shrinkiing to a dagger or expanding to a longsword, depending on the wielder's will. The result is what he called "The Insane Daggersword". 

When swung it would become blunt and useless. Many times it would throw water instead of ice, or sparks instead of fire. (That was depending on it's mood, as Jaime says.) Sometimes it didn't change form as you might wanted to, or it could also become eerily unbalanced.

Shortly after forging and enchanting it, momentarily proud Jaime decided to test the balance and weight of the dagger form by placing a bottle above a small stone fence, and throwing the weapon at it. When he threw it, the thing suddenly curved to the left, and changed it's trajectory directly towards him. Jaime tried to dodge to the right, but he forgot he was standing next to a tree.

He returned home with a frown, a bloody dagger, a sightly scratched right cheek, and a cut left one. (He still has the scar)

H decided to get help from his mentor. After much testing and tinkering, Jaime and Farkin decided to lock the sword in a box specifically made to seal enchantments, and forget about it. They didn't expect to wake up to the smell of smoke.

(Will continue later.)
Some of my creatures
Elite Lorerootian Archer

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Page 68 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
After spending a lot of time searching the empty hall for other possible items or clues, she decides that there is nothing else left there and moves on to investigate the other piramids. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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