I have travled from world to world,seeing many things.But being a....monster isnt easy when people consider you that.Its said to think at 9 the humans and creatures that raised me disnt want to be near me.Because of what i was.So now i shift and go as I please hopeing beyound hope that there is a place that i can rest in peace.I cant say home since I already have one.
Jose is a young boy.About the age of 15.He tends to be stubborn but has a genraly lay back nature.If you try to talk to him,he probly wont answer back till you yell.He isnt deaf but tends to listen.To what you'll have to ask him.Jose also dosent talk much and will probly listen more then talk.The other things his sight.He tends to see past people or in them rather.Unfortyanly alot of people dont act like the way he sees them,so often he gets into trouble (exp;told a kid he was nice(this kid happen to act the other way)he gets punched in the face).At other times he may ignore you completly without meaning too.But dispite this he easy to tallk to if you can get to him.Most of all though he like to explore and see what sounds and monsters he can find.Has rare moments of talkativity
Hieght: 5;6 Weight; 145
Color; brown
Eye color; dark brown/black
Hair; short and black
Other: Despite usally being in human form he ALWAYS has his tail weaher showing or not
super regenrative(like regrowing arms)
enhanced senses
can be smart
Jose also has a monster form. He is equiped with 6 long spines.A long tail and sharp teeth.Along with that he has tentacle like wiskers.In this form he seems to have a diffrent mind setting.He usally thinking about girls and how to get with them often.He also tends to be more outgoing and more talkative,and down to planet.But a bad thing is he seems to be trying to take over his other side as well.
Height: 8.6 Wieght: 900
Fur/Scale color: black and brown
Other:a wicked tough hide that even bullets cant penetrate
super rengenative(like regrowing arms)
extreamly strong
can be dim witted(is that even good?)
wicked tough hide(bring it on bullets and swords)
enhanced senses(dosent seem to use them well 8D)
camaflage/shapeshifting (shape shifting limited)
My monster form
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