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demonic saint
Tolgar deathlock




Player ID: 3860
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Regeneration : 266
Luck : 85
Energetic immunity : 307
Trade sense : 161
Initiative : 145
Defence : 1682
Briskness : 226
Attack : 2204
Power : 764
Volition : 135
Gardening : 1
Herbalism : 2
Cartography : 8
Waterhandling : 1
Finesse : 1
Woodcutting : 0
Mining : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 379
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
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Battle stats
Won: 2882 | Lost: 2915
Honor: 1929
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Bonding Souls

He is often detached and does not say too much unless it is very important. Being a pure demon he finds it difficult to fit in with the people of the upper realm. Being in hell all you are is soul but coming to the surface there are different rules. The physical limitations of the upper realm require a body a physical body in order to have any effect on the upper world. After wondering for a bit in the upper realm he found one to take control of. After forcing the other soul out he was free to walk the realm.

With his physical appearance he keeps his face clocked over in order to attempt to stop people from identifying the original owner of the body he has taken control of. After almost a year of control he was finally able to mold the face of the person into who he wanted to be. Though few people see his face as he keeps it cloaked as some of the aspects of the previous owner are still present his body has a fair face though has grown a beard only covering his chin. His hair is dark almost black with a touch of brown if the sun where to hit it correctly. His skin is very pale from his face being hidden so long. Finally his eyes still resemble the original owner by being a mixture of green and blue marbled throughout so you can see veins of green running through the blue seas.  After some time of connecting with the upper realm he became more talkative and more open to the realm. Though things are still tough for him he finds ways to make due.

Later in his life or his human life he found ways in order to leave his body behind for a little while and become a sprite if just for a little while. He finds it hard to hold thus only keeps it for a few minutes before losing it and being drawn back into the physical limitations of the realm. During these times he is nothing more than an apparition barely visible. He is currently finding a way in order to shape his non-physical form to take on the shape of others but is currently struggling with the finer concepts.

Often he is offered magical means of healing after a battle which he is wounded though will refuse all aid that can be received. He chooses to believe that scars are a mark of a true warrior and that pain is punishment for weakness. If hurt he will grant himself some rest before moving knowing that it is wiser to let his body live instead of force it beyond its boundaries though he often brings it just to its limit. He waits for the day when his strength is great enough to punish those he has shown weakness to in order to correct what he calls his mistake. It is only a mistake up to the point that he chooses to correct it and he knows he will not fail in finding the right moment to strike back.

Oct 23rd /2010 - Was given a braclet from home. It allows him to to stay on the middle earth for a longer time then usual without having to return to the under world to recover. Made of glass and contains a gold mirror in the center that mimics the fire in the underworld that keeps him alive above ground. Though it comes at the price of being burnt by the flames.

July. 28th /2014 - Learns of a possible herb that may sustain him for a longer period of time that does not require him to were his braclet. Stealing a Herb Basket from Lore Root he now searches for it not sure what he is looking for it will take some experementing. For the time being he is going to use some of his underworld exsperiance to produce medicines from the herbs that he cant find a better use for.

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Wishes: Change Darkness Principle to Elements Principle 
Some of my creatures
Ellen Luxuria Master Lorerootian Archer Martism Unholy Pope Blitzen Elizibith Lust Salvinia Minima Santa



Created and Managed: 2009-2010 by Ladytwin (Tara)
To be Revived: 2014 by Kamisha

The State Today

The Plains of Hell Faction has changed from its past. As the realm has evolved the Plains of Hell Faction has had to as well because an organism will not survive a changing unless it finds a new way to survive. So to must this Faction evolve to survive. There are new requirements for recruitment new rituals rules and initiations that members must endure to show devotion, will and, strength. Previous members may reapply and skip these steps. Your devotion to the faction prior to today is not unrewarded. I trust you enough to come without penalty. New initiates will have it much more difficult. The question you may ask is it worth it and if you do than you are not one of us and you need not apply.

The Big Difference

In the past the Plains of Hell Faction was a Faction but the Plains of Hell is more of a religion than before. The main difference between factions and religion are variable but it is important to understand how this is different. First of all when you adopt a religion you can only adopt one religion and renounce the other. This is sort of important because most people in MD are bound to the Church of Mur. The Church of Mur has less nefarious properties than here but they have there grey areas as well. It is also important to realize that where a faction is a group of people recruited people of a religion are converted. What that means is yes I can invite you to become a convert and yes you can join but there is more of a process. That will be covered later.

To Join the Plains of Hell

As with any religion there is a long list of rules but since we have only been around for less than a year they are a bit shorter. In order to join you must:
-Either be a demon or some variant of and/or have the intention to wreck Havoc.
-Contact the  Plains leader or Plains Walker and have them say its O.K. (it may take a few days before you are added to the list)
- Attend at least one of the weekly meeting once month unless you have other plans at that time.
-Attend a meeting after your first 30 days as an Initiate (we will deciding weather you can participate in the ceremony to become a full Convert.)
-Post this somewhere in your docs it does not really matter where.

Conversion Ceremony

O.K. please understand this stuff is sort of under the radar stuff and only Converts are allowed to know what really happens during this. In order for this to work though I do need to reveal some things though. O.K. first off and foremost. The ceremony will start on the last day of the month every month and you must be an initiate for at 30 days to preform it that means you could be waiting up to 59 days just to even be able to actually become a convert and the Plains Leader and the Plains Walkers have to O.K. you with a 75% confidence vote at least (I am saying is it could be a long time) but if you show up to meetings and express an interest in becoming a convert you will eventually be invited to go through your ceremony. Before your ceremony you can choose to do some prep work before you actually do.
The Ceremony involves two parts the first is the river and the second is the turn. The River part will be easier if you have sponsors. The sponsors can include members from the Plains of Hell including Converts, Plains Walkers, the Plains Leader and other Initiates who have been cleared for conversion at your ceremony time. The Turn however must include a Plains Leader and/or a Plains Walker in order to Complete.
Sponsors and everything else will become apparent later when you are cleared and you are briefed on the process.


Leaving may make you are target of other people in the Plains of Hell. If you leave as an initiate you will be left alone about as much as anybody else but as you get deeper in you may see some demons literally niping at your heels and watching closely. When you leave our ceremonies are still secret and we want it to remain that way if you spill any secrets even the small ones things can and will get very uncomfortable to you very quickly. If you are going to share any secrets while you where in the Plains of Hell you better hope we don't find out. I warn you that demons do have some special powers that can find out where ever you are at any time of day or night.

Plains Leader: Kamisha
Plains Walker: (empty)
Convert: (empty)
Initiate: (empty)



I am Tara the Demon-Princess and I was chosen to be the Heir to the Trone 
of Hell by my uncle.
Because of the fact that Hell creatures have no home place I made this Faction.
It is now still a small faction but in time it will grow.

Plains of Hell Members:



Two Sides
Robin Mea
Cloud Elite
Jack Begemot

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Page 152 - The Shade Ballance - Che.
Time seems to stop at the docks. For weeks chewett and his followers researched ways of attracting the Angiens attention. Some foolish people also jumped in the water trying to swimm to the island, but they never emerged back to the surface. A recent letter from the Archives calls the Seekers of Enlightment to secret gathering. There is still hope. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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