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Killer Louis
Player ID: 35966
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 11
Energetic immunity : 15
Trade sense : 9
Briskness : 18
Initiative : 14
Defence : 17
Attack : 29
Power : 17
Luck : 6
Element Principle = 27
Time Principle = 18
Transposition Principle = 33
Darkness Principle = 19
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 147 | Lost: 102
Honor: 3224
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Beserker's Puzzle- MP3, MP4

Entered Loreroot- MP4
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Dark Archer III Aramor Assassin Grasan II

I don't hate anything that insults me. I don't hate anything that attacks me or successfully defends against me. I just hate the Light. It burns every part of my soul to the core. I keep on retreating, but the Light is always there. I must find others that would help my fight against the Light, or it would be all over.

Page 497 - Seeds Of The East
Days pass and nothing unusual happens. Handy and Lib manage to improvise some useful tools out of the very scarce resources. "Lib look, we could use these nicely shaped triangular rocks!" Lib sighs "Woman, that is probably the Necrovion Landweapon, you don't want to risk messing with that do you.." after a few monents Handy comes happily "Look, I got one! Don't worry that strange thing you call weapon still has 3 more left!" She stands looking at Lib with a big grin on her face. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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