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Player ID: 175399
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 10
Energetic immunity : 12
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 13
Initiative : 2
Defence : 9
Attack : 16
Power : 4
Luck : 1
Principle of Syntropy = 15
Principle of Enthropy = 14
Time Principle = 74
Principle of Light = 1
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Battle stats
Won: 114 | Lost: 104
Honor: 4846
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Me now as MP4 >^-^<

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

I am male.  I like you right away unless you hurt me.  Do not ask about me, do not assume.

Peace was the first one that ever saw me and I am forever hers.  Not that I belong to anyone but if she ever appears, I will be with her rather than anyone else. 

After asking me a question I will respond with:
Puurrrr = Yes
Meowww/Mew/Miow = No
Hissss = If you like your eyes you will never ask me that again

A Black Collar (YAYZ!!!  I has one now >^-^<)
A Bird Creature (Kyphis gave me one as a Mur-mas present :D)
A Cheezeburger

Terms I use:
Bunts: Rubbing my head against you.  I likes you a lot when I do this.
Snuggles: Usually when I am in someone's lap or arms and I trust them.
Pounces: When I am in a playful mood.  Killer instinct... rawr!
Pawing: When I am in a playful mood.  Curious about something.

Kitteh is back after a couple months of exploring the East Lands.  Kitteh found a path behind the temple there and had many adventures ranging from meeting new people... to getting lost...

(Translation done by me but I wish to remain anonymous)
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Grasan II Elite Knator Water Daimon I

Metal Bunny: Wants me for soup... but he's clumsy and can't catch me *beams*
Cancer: Clearly jealous of me.
Fenrir Grecloth: Kicked me and thinks I'm a rat.
Ledah: Flicked my ear.
werewolfer: Put me in his mouth and tried to chew me.  He godmodded because I was clawing the inside of his                          mouth furiously and he acted as if he didn't feel it...
Granos: Told werewolfer to eat me... then healed me cuz he didn't want me to bleed on the fountain... I am still                      unsure about this one.

When someone attacks me I will say either:
If they lost: Kitteh hisses and scratches (insert name here) as they come near.
If they happened to win: Kitteh limps from being kicked by (insert name here).

Page 101 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
After writing two more principles Akasha decides to take a break and look around to see what she can find more about this place. She notices one book open and reads a bit as she passes by, "mighty ruler SmartAlekRJ decided today to teach us the right way of taming Drachorns...". Apparently for no reason, Akasha thinks of the Cyclicity Principle. The forging of the fake Principle Book seemed to turned into a personal passion for her. With every principle she writes more and more things become clear in her mind. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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