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Player ID: 212449
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Regeneration : 6
Energetic immunity : 9
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 5
Initiative : 3
Defence : 6
Attack : 6
Power : 4
Luck : 0
Principle of Balance = 22
Principle of Syntropy = 13
Principle of Enthropy = 14
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Battle stats
Won: 94 | Lost: 49
Honor: 304
MindPower: 3
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Koolzo von Hoddypeaks

Koolzo von Hoddypeaks may have been a scholar before he came to these lands. He may have been a great leader. Or, perhaps, he may have been a fool with no family or friends. Whatever he was, he will not say. He does not speak of his time before coming to this place, whether it is where it was or who he was with.

 Here, Koolzo is a wanderer, like many. He searches the towns and paths for companionship, always trying to meet new people, and to keep on good terms with those he already knows. While he may not understand completely why he is here, he has accepted that here he is, and here he will stay.

 Koolzo is on a quest for knowledge and balance in his life. He longs for stories and lore, and will listen to any sort of tale. He is happy to lend an ear to the problems of others, and will try to assist anyone will asks for help.

 Balance is an important belief of Koolzo’s. He believes in moderation in all things, and that where there is one side of the spectrum, there must be the opposing end somewhere. Where there is good, there must be evil. Where there is happiness, there must be sadness. Where there are shadows, there must be light. Keeping in line with these beliefs, Koolzo tries to remain neutral in thoughts and actions. He disdains taking sides, and loathes arguments and fighting, although he realizes that sometimes they are inevitable.

Some of my creatures
Aramor Assassin Grasan II

I do not hate. Hate is destructive, and leads to nothing but pain and ruin.

Page 23 - Golemus Wizard quest - ST. Mo.
The winds blows removing the words from the sand. STF remains confused thinking of them ..."So close but yet so far, ones fear is the other ones war" ....what could it be...who are you? ...."I am .Morpheus." ... what? who said that? where am i? Confused and a bit frightend STF sits down thinking of those words. Only if thre was someone to help him solve this riddle. (players are welcome to pm STF with their sugestions) ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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