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Player ID: 102290
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Regeneration : 15
Energetic immunity : 29
Trade sense : 23
Briskness : 21
Initiative : 6
Defence : 58
Attack : 59
Power : 18
Luck : 11
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 93
Principle of Imagination = 137
Principle of Light = 127
Element Principle = 44
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Battle stats
Won: 226 | Lost: 495
Honor: 4990
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Description: I am a faun.  Standing about 4 feet 8 inches tall I have inky black hair, fur, and hooves. My horns (about 4 inches curved) are white. I have pale skin even though I'm outside a lot, no facial or body hair other than eyebrows an my furry bottom half. My eyes are green.

Its hard being shorter than everyone.

Miss Amoran Kalamanira Kol drew this just for me.  It'll be my avatar once it appears in the shop so nobody take it ok?

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
15/1/09 I was given a holy sword today by HOLYPALADIN DEBA.  It shrank down to the size of a knife... which is a good thing because the sword was as tall as me.  Its called Arjun.  I don't understand why it chose me... I just sang a song. Oh well a holy knife could come in handy.

19/1/09 Necromancer Mort removed the holy taint that was burning some of my friends from the blade. Instead he gave it a supremely sharp edge and the ability to shatter other blades.  He also made it a huge 2-handed sword but lightened it so I can swing it faster than expected. (if it were full weight I wouldn't be able to swing it at all) I named this new blade Singer's Edge.

A piece of my heart Has been locked away
 It was silvery bright And kept sadness at bay
Cool, comforting shadows Whispering soft light
 Part of me is wilting Like a flower from blight
 But as the moon shines bright And phases each day
 I know that door will open Welcoming me in to stay

The Wolf and the Moon
By: Kouros

Why does the wolf howl at the moon?
Such a long sad sound...
Filled with echoes of lonliness
But also joy and hope.

The wolf, a strong hunter
Powerful and fierce
Gleaming white teeth and blood-flecked muzzle
Yet warm and loving in its pack
A True Family

The wolf, I think, knows more than we
The moon, though alone in the sky
Is connected by its silvery light and shadow
To every person and plant and creature
Calling us all with its silent song
A family.. a pack.
Calling us home.
Some of my creatures
Elemental V BloodPact Dark Archer Rustgold Drachorn Pimped Grasan Majestic Winderwild Elite Lorerootian Archer Animated Tree III Elite Knator

One thing I cannot stand is people who regularly break the three rules of good RP:


Page 382 - The Inner Sun - Ren., Am.
With Amoran sitting once more on the rug in Marind's Room, Renavoid continues his tale as if nothing had happened. "The darkness, once it reaches me, continues to blind all of my senses, not just my sight. I can hear only my thoughts, though they are hushed. I feel only cold. It is most oppressing." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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