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Kriskah Arcanu
Player ID: 102498
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Regeneration : 42
Energetic immunity : 69
Trade sense : 37
Briskness : 32
Initiative : 28
Defence : 84
Attack : 150
Power : 44
Luck : 17
Volition : 4
Cartography : 4
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 209
Principle of Balance = 52
Principle of Cyclicity = 447
Darkness Principle = 38
Principle of Enthropy = 52
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Battle stats
Won: 457 | Lost: 583
Honor: 2891
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Kriskah Arcanu, Traveling Merchant

 Kriska's Portrait by Thomas Riddle

Kriskah is a traveling merchant, you will often see her travelling around MD on a small wagon pulled by a black Percheron named Rustichello.


A merchant’s journey

A big wolf bows welcoming her… a dying tree witch all of the sudden begins to blossom… a black horse following her fascinated with the herbs scent on her cloths. All of these living images in her mind are only fractions of her restless journeys on the MD world...


(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).


When Kriskah arrives to No Mans Lands she felt completely lost. But soon - due mostly to the curiosity of its inhabitants about the eccentricity of her goods - she begins to make good friends.


Attracted by the smell of the herbs she carries, a Percheron horse followed her and became to be her most loyal companion. Now she feels completely safe when she travels around MD. She likes speed so... beware pedestrians!


She knows these are ancient and mysterious lands, witch haven’t completely opened their puzzling ways to her. But this is something she finds intriguing and encouraging.

Some of my creatures
Efecto Tequila Chaos Archer Majestic Winderwild Marea Roja Grasan Huvourer Lobby Empresarial Tramite Burocratico El Dictador Lachesis

The Marketplace






Page 73 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.
Necovion lands remain behind him like a bad memory that is watching for an oportunity to emerge at any time. His rage its now smaller but his determination to finish what he started is bigger. A familiar place sparks a bit of life in him as he passes close to the the Aramory. The bridge at the Gates of Ages is closed as allways for him. .. one more reason to fuel his revenge wish. He turns back to find an other way to enter Golemus.. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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