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Sir Cornelous
Lord Garnet
Logan Stormrider




Lady Amethyst
Player ID: 86235
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 17
Energetic immunity : 32
Trade sense : 17
Briskness : 19
Initiative : 6
Defence : 47
Attack : 114
Power : 20
Luck : 9
Volition : 4
Royal Guard
Principle of Enthropy = 119
Principle of Light = 184
Principle of Cyclicity = 188
Time Principle = 74
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 386 | Lost: 522
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
never play leapfrog with a unicorn
This realm has changed since I began existing here. Even more out of it. Life is always changing and I guess now is the time to change this.

There is much I haven't been apart of. People have come and gone from here. I've been one of those. Hopefully I can experience more and be a part of it since I have the time. Time is something I haven't had in well... a LONG time. I might be a bit rusty but I'm still here.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Demetri Damion Fred Diana Husk

I don\'t hate... i just really dislike some ....stuff...
I don\'t really hate anything or anyone. I get annoyed at some things (or people) but I generally put up with it. If I can\'t I leave the situation.

Page 61 - Golemus Wizard quest - Wod.
While waiting for the misterious light formation to take shape, the wizard thinks... "Good that i sent Akasha away to get that book...she could be more dangerous to my plan than a professional killer sent to kill me" ... he looks out at the window with his mind far away ..."She will never find the Book of Principles ..nobody can..there is none ....and even if there was....arghhh!!i am thinking again fulish things!" ..he turns away from the window and admires his work in progress. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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