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Lady Tygara
Player ID: 137248
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Regeneration : 15
Energetic immunity : 18
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 12
Initiative : 6
Defence : 34
Attack : 37
Power : 17
Luck : 6
Principle of Imagination = 553
Darkness Principle = 110
Principle of Light = 227
Principle of Balance = 162
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Battle stats
Won: 180 | Lost: 226
Honor: 4987
MindPower: 4
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Story of a Lady

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Hi! *waves* I am Lady Tygara.  Though I have no idea where I come from or how I came to be here, it does not bring me down.  Life is not to be wept over.  It is to be enjoyed and to share that joy with others.  I smile and wave almost everywhere I go, and will talk to anyone.  My hope is to brighten everyone's day.  Even if only for a moment.


I have completed the Berserker's quest and entered Loreroot at MP3 and MP4!


I have had an assortment of crazy things happen lately.  Mcvitie gave me her elemental powers, which I later found out I could not control.  Assira the Black removed them for me before I hurt someone.  Later I went to Golemus with Pipstickz and found a small golden orb.  It stripped me of any control I had over my principles.  Now I am a student/servant of Stormrunner trying to regain control.


     She stepped out from the shadows into the warm sunlight.  As the beams washed over her, Lady Tygara marveled at her surroundings.  Never had she seen a land like this.  A warm breeze caressed her creamy skin, and played within her chestnut tresses.  It also carried a strange sound.  Unfamiliar with this sound she ventured closer.  The cacophony grew with each step.  As she stepped through the trees into a clearing, she stopped in wonder.  Two warriors we locked in battle.  Each commanded strange creatures, cast powerful spells, and wielded great swords.

     Lady Tygara watched in awe.  She had witnessed many battles in the past, but never one such as this.  In a matter of minutes, it was over.  Sadness crept up within her as she watched the loser mourn over his lost creatures.

     “Where did you come from?”

     Lady Tygara looked up at the warrior that stood before her.  Sweat glistened on his ruddy complexion.  His eyes demanded an answer.

     “I do not know,” she replied.  “I was not.  Then I was here.”

     The warrior wiped his face with his hand in frustration.  "What you say makes no sense,” he growled.  “Where are your creatures?  Do you want to fight?”

     She looked at him in confusion.  “I have no creatures.  I do not wish to fight.”

     "Then you will not survive in this world," he replied.  "This is a world of might and monsters.  Those who want to survive bond with the creatures and teach them to fight either for sport, conquest, or protection.”

     Lady Tygara looked at the strange creatures that stood behind the warrior.  Some looked like nothing she had ever seen before, while others looked almost human.  They were wet with sweat and blood.  Yet each one of them had a look of pride and loyalty to their master.

     “Where do I find a creature to bond with?” she asked.

     "I will be passing near one on my journey to my next battle," he replied.  "I will escort you that far.”

     Lady Tygara struggled to keep up with the warrior’s long determined strides.  “What is that?” she gasped pointing toward three structures that soared high into the sky.

     “It is the region’s capitol, Wind’s Sanctuary,” the warrior replied.  He stopped at a fork in the road.  “Follow this road and you will come to a bridge. Cross the bridge and look for several floating orbs.  There you may find a creature or two that will help you.”

     “Thank you for your assistance,” she said as he walked away.  He did not respond or look back.  Taking a deep breath she continued down the path until she crossed the bridge.  Several orbs floated above a low pedestal.  A mist encircled each orb as though it were a shield.  Scared yet determined, Lady Tygara touched one of the orbs.

     “What do you seek?” growled the orb.

     Lady Tygara quickly pulled her hand from the orb.  “I seek a creature,” she stammered.  “One to defend me.”

     A creature started to form in the mist.  Hatred-filled eyes stared out through long matted hair.  It held a gnarled bow.  “Will I get to fight?” it growled.

     “Probably,” she replied.

     “Then we shall come with you,” said the archer in a gruff voice.  Then it held out a strangely marked ball.  “This is an elemental egg.  Take care of it and it will be loyal to you.”  Lady Tygara took the egg from the archer and wrapped it in her scarf. 

     Together the two of them returned to Wind’s Sanctuary.  She looked down the path the warrior followed earlier.  “Do you know where this path goes?” she asked the archer.

     I have never been anywhere except the orb,” the archer replied.

     Lady Tygara followed the new path past a small fancy building and along a small lake. Sounds of voices and laughing made her heart beat faster.  The archer tightened his grip on his bow and prepared for battle.  As she crept closer, she realized that the voices were coming from a pub at the edge of the path. People and creatures of all kinds ate, drank, and talked with each other.

     A solitary figure stood alone at the far side of the pub.  His intense gaze reached into her very soul.  In a heartbeat he was standing before her.  “I’ve never seen one such as you before,” he said with a calmness she didn’t expect.

     “I am new to this realm,” she replied.  “I am Lady Tygara.”

     He studied her intently for a moment.  “This is no place for a lady,” he began.  “One archer is not enough to stay here.  Allow me to lead you to a safer place.”

     Lady Tygara looked around at the rest of the pub patrons.  Many of them stared at her.  Malicious intent was obvious in their expressions.  “Perhaps you are right,” she replied. 

     Without another word he led her out of the pub.  They walked through a small grove of trees in silence.  Lady Tygara took in the beauty of the world around her. Sunlight dappled the path as a gentle breeze made the leaves dance on their limbs.

     They stopped near an ancient-looking iron gate.  “You will be safe here until you learn more about our realm,” he said turning back to her.  “This is a place of learning.  It’s called Marble Dale Park.”  He looked at her again with the same intense gaze as before, “I will return and check on your progress.” He went out through the gate.

    As time progressed, Lady Tygara met many interesting warriors within the park.  Most were willing to pass along their knowledge and relate stories of the realm. Siala Lone Wolf and Calyx of Isis took a particular interest and aided in her training.  Other warriors told of different areas of the realm and the dangers that lie beyond the gates of the park.  Their stories scared and excited Lady Tygara.  She decided that she needed to leave the park to grow stronger and gain more creatures.

     Once she left the park, Lady Tygara ventured through the southern region.  Though not strong enough to enter Necrovion or Golemus Golemicarum, she did find an aramory and gather several more creatures.  She then returned to the floating orbs by the bridge and retrieved another archer and elemental.

     Lady Tygara began to accept challenges from other warriors, but found no thrill in the fight.  It was then that she ventured west of the park.  Before long she found herself standing before two strange trees. Suddenly a voice echoed in her head. See us for what we are.  Pain and dizziness swept over her making her drop to her knees.

     “Those are the Loreroot guards.”

     Through blurred vision Lady Tygara looked up.  The warrior from the pub was looking down at her. For the first time he was smiling. His eyes were warm and caring. Gently he helped her to her feet.

     “I’ve been keeping an eye on you.”

     “You have?” she asked.

     “I told you I’d check up on you,” he replied.

     “What lies beyond these…guards?” Lady Tygara asked.

     He studied her carefully.  “It’s a secret,” he finally replied.  “Those who wish to enter Loreroot must figure out how to do so one their own; otherwise, you can become lost within.”

     Lady Tygara thought about the different stories other warriors had told her about Loreroot.  She longed to enter in hopes of finding a place within this realm to truly call home. Though she hadn’t entered the other lands to the south none of them called out to her like this one.  She could feel the warmth and peace radiate from beyond the guards and she longed for it.  But first she would have to figure out how to get past them.



Some of my creatures
GrasanHuvourer Tubby Dark Archer III Angien Egg


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THE SISTERHOOD CREST!!!  Founded by Sister Kriskah Arcanu.


The following are not to be taken seriously.  We are not an alliance nor do we seek to become one...unless asked by HIM.

1. Ye must be able to wear a dress without tripping.

 2. Thy hair must touch thy waist or lower. (Does that make sense, Lucius?)

 3. Ye must be able to sword fight with one hand and hold your dress up with the other.

4. Ye must be able to tell when a man is lying.

5. Ye must be able to smell a bargain a mile away.

6. Ye must conduct yourself in a courtly manner...when needed.

7. Ye must be able to fight 10 times in a row...and still smell like a rose.

8. Ye must be able to fight and not smudge thy lipstick.

 9. Ye must be a hellion behind closed doors and a conduct thyself as a Lady in public.

 10. Must be able to drink thy tea...without slurping. (Whenever we are together, someone slurp (loudly) so the others can follow suit. XD)


1. Sister Calyx of Isis

2. Sister Lady Isolda

3. Sister Ailith

4. Sister LunarGoddess

5. Sister Amoran

6. Sister SageWoman

7. Sister Peace

8. Sister Nelya Setesh

9. Sister Kittiness

10. Sister Kalaminira Kol

11. Sister Siala Lone Wolf

12. Sister Dark Mystic

13. Sister Falen Angel

14. Sister Aia, Priestess of Mana

15. Sister Keida

16. Sister StrongWilled Legna

17. Sister Lunar Priestess

18. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke

19. Sister Arianna de Montreve

20. Sister Esmerelda

21. Sister SunPriestess

22. Sister Lady Renata

23. Sister Merewen

24. Sister LilMsPiggy

25. Sister Rubyribeena

26. Sister Lady Amethyst 

27. Sister Jazira

28. Sister Dark Trial

29. Sister Kriskah Arcanu

30. Sister Mya Celestia

31. Sister Adiallinda

32. Sister XinHun

33. Sister Dream Elf

34. Sister Keida

35. Sister Black Rose

36. Sister Makichama

37. Sister Phantom Orchid

38. Sister Grid Althea

39. Sister Lady Tygara

40. Sister Handy Pockets


Page 249 - The Shade Ballance
Over by the House of Liquid Dust, armies begin to collide in a single battle to determine what shall come next in the world. Fierce swords swing at each other as creatures fight desperately to keep their masters alive. Many fall quiet in the process. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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